
What is AR Actually Good For?

We’ve seen a lot of augmented reality being shown off lately but it begs the question what is AR actually useful for and what use cases are there for AR? So in this Decodr episode, let’s walk through some of the ways that AR could actually be useful (and why I like it better than VR right now). CHECK OUT THE NREAL AIR AR GLASSES HERE:

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ARCore vs Tango

Tango vs ARCore: What is the Future of AR on Android?

Difference Between Tango and ARCore Google originally dropped the Project moniker in front of Project Tango just last June to signal it was out of beta and the new hardware focused AR program was ready for the mainstream. Two consumer devices were launched including the Lenovo Phab 2 Pro and the newer Asus Zenfone AR. These devices have some extra hardware to help them sense where you are in the world as well as where other items are (super important in AR applications, of course). These include a barometer for elevation, dedicated motion tracking camera, dedicated infrared depth-sensing camera, a

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Recoil Airstrike

First Ever Multiplayer Outdoor AR Shooter Game

Crate drops, different guns, ammo, health, armor, airstrikes. Freakin’ airstrikes. The new AR game from SkyRocket toys called Recoil has all the makings of a real-life “Call of Duty”. The company sent me the starter set and I did what anyone on the internet would do–I unboxed it, grabbed a friend and tried it out. Check out the video below. Allied Content: This Video was Sponsored by Recoil (but it is something I thought was interesting to talk about or I wouldn’t have done the video 🙂 Hope you enjoy it!) Let me know what you think in the comments below

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