How To Preview Content On Your Galaxy Device Without Touching the Screen (Airview)
Ever had a list of emails or photos you wanted to quickly check out without necessarily opening each one? Air view lets you preview content by hovering your S Pen or finger above it. For example, if you finally want to go through those 200 new emails you put off for later, Air view allows you to preview them quickly without having to open each one, which can be pretty tedious.
Follow Section I below to turn Air view on and check it out. Along with Samsung’s Email app, it works with Calendar, Photo Gallery, Video, Contacts, and some third-party apps. Air view can also zoom in on whatever you’re pointing at on Internet. The basics of using Air View are located in Section II and, finally, how to turn Air view off is in Section III.
I. Turn On Air View
1. Swipe down from the the top of the screen to pull down the notifications menu.
2. Tap the Setting icon on the top right (it looks like a gear).
3. Tap Controls towards the top right.
4. Scroll down to Air view and tap it. If it isn’t already on, slide the slider button right to switch Air view on.
5. Tap Air view mode. (It will be set on Pen by default on devices that use the S Pen, such as the Note II and Note III phones, and Samsung tablets such as the Note 10.1 and 8.0).
6. Tap Auto to enable both S Pen and fingers to work with Air view. Or if you don’t want the S Pen to work with Air view, tap Finger.
II. How to Use Air view to Preview Content
Air view works with:
- Calendar
- Photo Gallery
- Videos
- Contacts
- Internet
- Email App
- Messaging App
Samsung has listed top 10 third-party apps and how you can use Air view with them here.
1. Open any app listed above.
2. Hover your finger or S Pen above a content item, such as an email in your inbox, a day in Calendar, photo tile within Gallery, or a contact to get a preview.
Notice the preview of that day in Calendar towards the bottom right. Instead of tapping and going into that particular day in Calendar, I can quickly get useful details, such as appointment times. This might not seem life-changing, but give it a shot and you’ll see how useful this feature really is.
III. Turn off Air view
1. Follow steps 1-3 in Section I.
2. Scroll down to Air view and switch it off.
A great thing about Air view is that you don’t even need to remember to use it. If you’re not used to it, you’ll be pleasantly surprised as you naturally hover your thumb over the screen and a preview of an email or photo pops up.
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