T-Mobile Repents for Sidekick Outage (Even Though It’s Danger’s Fault)
So if you haven’t heard there was a huge disaster in the Sidekick world this last week. Danger/Microsoft’s Sidekick servers went down. These servers hold all Sidekick users information, email, contacts, etc. so if they go down, those things disappear off of your phone. Well, the real issue is that Microsoft reported that they might be able to get information back but “it’s not looking good” and some users may not get their info back at all. Needless to say, Sidekick users everywhere got really pissed and I’m sure T-Mobile got flooded with “I’m going to switch to AT&T etc.” […]
T-Mobile Repents for Sidekick Outage (Even Though It’s Danger’s Fault) Read More »