How To: Load a Custom ROM on the Motorola CLIQ
I. Before You Begin
1. You MUST have done the rooting procedure successfully. Visit our How To Root the Motorola CLIQ Procedure and follow it entirely, then come back to this procedure.
II. Flash a Custom Recovery Image
1. Download the CLIQ custom recovery image and then save it to the SD card of your CLIQ (NOT in any folders just on the card).
2. Plug in your phone via USB and make sure USB Debugging is checked on (Settings>Applications>Development>)
3. Open your command prompt on your computer and type the following with hitting enter at the end of each line:
cd c:\AndroidSDK\tools\
adb shell flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img
4. Once it finishes, close the command prompt.
III. Flashing the Custom ROM
1. Download the ROM you want from our ROMs Section, and save it to the SD card in the CLIQ (NOT in any folders, just on the card itself) just as it is downloaded, do NOT extract it, leave it as a .zip file.
2. Boot into recovery mode by holding down Power and the Camera button until the phone tells you to let go. Then push Volume Down to get to recovery.
3. In recovery mode you should see a list of options. Select Wipe Data, then select Apply and choose the ROM file you just placed on the SD card.
4. The phone should flash the ROM and then you can select Reboot and you are all set!
I was also able to do this using the terminal emulator application from the phone. I put the recovery image on the sd card. Then I typed “su” to allow the application permissions. Then I typed flash_image recovery /sdcard/(name of the image). To type an underscore you press Alt+Shift+Z and it will work. Also there is a new recovery image that is compatible with Motorola’s latest update due to the new radio image.
hi how do i bypass “Press on Android to start” screen after successful rooting.
Touch Screen is not working at all
when i type in adb shell from cmd screen it says adb is not recognized…
You need to do the How To Setup ADB procedure linked in the How To Root the CLIQ procedure first…
ok my problem is that i flashed the custom rom i checked by pushing adb in the command prompt…. but when i go to recovery mode mine looks differen from the one in the video it looks more like the one in the video before this one… plz help
i am at the point where i and performing backup and the back up is taking forever…did i do something wrong?
kyle ….. yeup theback up takes forever so. just wait or just flash the rom with out back up thats wath i did…
what does rooting and loading a new costum rom anable you to do….why would you want to do so….just wondering i have never done this before lol jsut a question…
Lets you control your phone without limitations basically. Things like Wifi tethering, loading themes, overclocking, gain RAM by swap, and even loading new UIs (liek HTC Sense from the Hero) onto your phone.
If I update to 1.3.18 will I have any problems rooting?
OK. So I have followed every video posted here to the T… even dotted the supplemental ‘I’s I get to this the most exciting part of having a rooted phone in the first place only to get bogged down by the following error.
I enter: adb shell
then i get a line that looks like this : $
I type su
“permision denied
wtf do I do now?????????????
is there any possible way to root the new motorola cliq xt that just came out
What is it supposed to say/look like when you finish flashing the recovery image? When I do it, I get a message that says
# flash_image recovery/sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img
flash_image recovery/sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img
usage: flash_image partition file.img
Is it supposed to say that?
Please help!
did u ever get a answer cause im having same problem!
if u have adb set up correctly, type adb and it will give you all kinds of commands
You need a space between recovery and /sdcard
i tried and i keep getting permission denied I also tried the first post above from Chris’ method and when I type su I also get Permission Denied.
You need to do the How To Root the CLIQ procedure first, then come to this one.
i did that step got the serial number and still get adb not reconized ?
Hey unlocker,
Getting the same message as Jason. Dont know what im doing wrong. seemed like the root went as it should flashing. Says orange now when booting up and a few things have changed on it. Terminal says su denied though as if im not rooted and the recovery image isnt flashed after getting the message jason posted. Please help. Thanks for all your hard work
Flash the handler rom in our roms section instead of the one you flashed.
Which one did you flash so I can take it down.
I figured it out. I had to go into adb shell then type in flash command and at the end when it brought up new shell line # i typed in reboot recovery and it brought me to the recovery screen i just flashed. backup worked. about to put rom on sd card with ubs toggle and flash it before i get out of recovery. Thank u guys so much. Your awesome. Hope this helps someone hitting the same brick wall.
Thanks John for the tip I was having same issues as most here.. I then tried Johns suggestion. Upon doing so the phone booted to the standard triangle boot screen. I then did a reboot leaving the cmd prompt open. I then brought up a new shell line # and did the flash recovery. It will show flash line then go back to shell line #. The phone is then flashed with the recovery. I closed cmd prompt and unplugged phone turned it off and with camera/ power key finally made it to the root screen then I just load the custom rom as stated here. Everything working great now
Scratch that. Did backup. Wiped. Flashed rom. Screen came up for rom in bootup. Came to log in screen. Back at clock error. Love this phone.
when I try to flash the image i get a error opening /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img: no such file or directory. I have already tried unploging the phone after loading the image onto the sd card.
Any suggestions??
same problem im haveing now
Make sure the SD card is UNmounted.
I went to the image step and i get : partition for parameters:dev/mtd/mtd3….when i go to recovery i dont see the image…goes back to the old one…any ideas wht to do please?
Thank u unlockr. I will try it tomorrow when I get back home. Hopefully I can just get back to recovery and do a restore. I flashed the demo shadow. Thank u very much for the reply. U are a great help. Love your site. Ill post back results tomorrow
Thanks for the advice. Just got home rooted and running handler rom with no prob. You’re the man.
I got that message once too. I assume u have adb set up. Do the commands to make sure adb recognizes your phone. i had to reinstall the motorols drivers and got it to work that way. All the info u need to set up adb and check if your device is recognized is in the how to set up adb section. Hope that helps. Good luck.
Btw… It was the devteam rom by demo shadow that gave me the clock error. Thanks again
i think i successfully rooted the dexter; it not shows the orange label when booted with the minor changes. I think i correctly loaded the recovery image but i just can’t boot it. within the command prompt i receved no errors, when image was loaded under adb shell it showed usage: flash_image partition file.img… then i loaded the rom of my choice did the wipe clean portion then proceeded to flashing the rom but the only thing available was the original rooting update…. pleeease help..
If you think your rooted, then goto our CLIQ Roms page (link at the bottom of the post above). And select the Handler ROM (first ROM on that page), and flash that.
I do not understand how to actually do this.
When I got part 3.
And pulled the bootloader for my moto clic it tells me the package has no signature and cannot be verified.
I loaded the now how do I load the custom rom
guys I did everything perfectly and use the devteam rom but now that i restarted my phone, i cannot load the system because i have this error about the device has the clock not working correctly and so Motoblur doesnt sign on
what can i do? please pm me if you know the fix
Hey Unlockr when i feelthat ive set up the recovery image is it possible to do it again when i check the command prompt it gives me the following error image name followed byv no such file or directory. when i attempt it on the phone emulator it tells me permission denied with the su command. whats next..
I Rooted using the procedure in this video, however i got an error when trying to execute this command “adb uninstall koushikdutta.superuser” however i seem to still have root access, should i follow your rooting instructions or am a fine delving right into these?
error opening /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img : No such file or directory (HELP!!!)
The letter n,
Means you either put the recovery in the wrong place or named it wrong.
then how do we fix it cause im getting same thing
How will I get back to the phone default firmware after rooting and loading custom rom?
Search for our how to unroot the cliq procedure… 🙂
Still not working… I checked it like… 10^5 times. HELP!!! My hair is falling!!!
The letter N,
May be a stupid question but have you made sure that adb is recognizing your phone? I think that was my prob. when i was getting that message. To check=
adb devices
should get a serial number. Hope that helps.
Hi, I am having serious trouble flashing the recovery image and getting cmd prompt to recognize the directory. Anyone willing to help me? I’ve hit a giant brick wall, AIM Name Godmill19 or
If you know what you are doing, I will let you team view into my machine and let you do the steps or just help me please! I need my phone back!!!!!!!!
Also I have set up ADB correctly, when I type in the androidsdk cmd it recognizes my device. So where and I going wrong!
when it says select wipe the phone then apply update.
that is easy.
but how do i select the rom i want to install on the sd card?
Same problem as The Letter N..
“flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img” gives me “error opening /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img : No such file or directory”
adb device is recognized since I got a serial number.. and the file is definitely the correct name. I have no idea why this isn’t working.. any ideas?
If it says no such file, means it can’t find it on the sd card.
Either it is named wrong, it isn’t save on the root of the sd card, or you are typing a typo when typing it in.
Good luck
done redid this step 3 times n says same crap everytime fix the details please!its on my sdcard and says cant be found
Wait, I believe I may have figured it out – do you need to disconnect the phone from the USB before flashing? It didn’t give me an error after I disconnected it (cable was still in but software-wise it said it wasn’t).
I just want to make sure before I go further since I want to make sure this was right.
From a logical standpoint, I agree with you, Unlockr, but I’m having the same problem as Jimmy, and I’m sure the name and path are correct.
Sorry but that is what that error means, there is no other solution.
Try to rename the file to recovery then flash it by writing:
adb shell flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
See if that works.
I have a problem after my root – I’m fairly sure I did everything correctly since I followed all these steps. After root however (I used the DemoShadow rom) I’ve been having some issues with my Cliq. First off, my time is stuck at 7:00PM with a date of 1-1-1970. I try to “set time” but it just will not change to whatever I set. Is this a common issue after rooting?
Also, when I try to get on the marketplace after rooting to download the wifihelper to enable my WPA2 enterprise, I get an error trying to setup my gmail account saying my connection is not reliable or there’s an issue with my sim. I used a couple of different sim cards, ranging from no data, no text to full data, unlimited text, but I always get this error. I had a mytouch before, and having just a unlimited text w/ no data, I was still able to pass this part. I have no idea if this is the root causing this issue or not.
I would appreciate it if anyone could shed some light into this grim situation. Thank you!
i tried to download the motorola cliq recovery link at the top of this page and megaupload says its unavailable. what can i do?
nevermind its working now. lolz
Thanks for your help, but that didn’t work either. No matter what it’s named, the file isn’t found by adb. Could it be something wrong with the directory?
Oh, there. Found the problem… I had it set up to use the phone as a usb drive. Thus, ADB couldn’t access the sdcard directory. It was listed as empty. To anyone else having this problem, just disable the usb drive option, and it’ll work.
Ok so I’ve done everything up to this step. But when I type the adb line in the command prompt it says:
‘Adb’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
And on top of that my ‘z’ button types a ‘w’ and my ‘a’ types a ‘q’ and vice versa. Any idea why?
If you could help in any way I would appreciate it.
like is there any way u can show u what u type on the command window.
I type exactly what’s in the typed procedure.
cause when i input adb shell it says is not recognized as an internal or external command . but the thing is that i already set up the adb and i already root it, so yea please help thanks
Make sure you are in the right directory…
having same problem as all this other ppl .. got adb workin but wen i try to flash the new recovery it says adb not recognized
so far wat i had to do was cmd
cd androidsdk\tools\
adb remount
then da whole flash stuff
ivan put the recovery on the root of your sd card rename it to recovery
then unmount the phone from your computer and open cmd and…
cd c:\androidsdk\tools
adb devices
adb shell flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
and you will be fine i was having the same problem and this worked for me.
Hi, how do you unmount the phone from the computer ??
sorry do this \ on tools\
i flash the recovery image and that went just like yours did in the video. Then I downloaded the devteam rom, copied to the sd card and when i rebooted and pressed down, i just get a black screen. what do you think i did wrong?
In the command prompt where I have to type in the adb shell…. i got “error opening file……. no such file or directory” what did i miss???? =/
i was on 1.3.8 when i rooted my cliq. not im getting 1.4.2 uptade and i want to update i dont care if i have to lose my root access. how can i unroot so i can update. everywhere i check it says NOT FOR 1.3.8 or 1.4.2. Can someone help me? email me a link or what i got to do. Thanks
I rooted my cliq and am running the Handler ROM, just wondering if I can update my motoblur software to 1.4.2? I am getting the prompt to update it but I don’t know if it’s compatible with the Handler ROM…Does anyone know?
Do i have to use the cliq roms or can i use another one?
Hi The Unlockr,
I’m stuck on the recovery flash step. I get as far as John (reboot recovery) phone reboots and nothing happens. What’s supposed to happen when after I flash the recovery?
I went ahead, thinking maybe everything was fine. I tried to flash the Handler ROM, wipe data, apply updates but never had a chance to choose the ROM from the sdcard. As it is now, it seems like I’m in a never ending loop of copying files and formatting boot etc.
Please help!
step #3 says to hit enter at the end of each line..but after which parts do i hit enter? =/
Were you successful in flashing the recovery image? If you were then when you type reboot recovery and it reboots it should go to the recovery screen with options. You have to have gotten there to be able to try to flash handler.
Hi there been trying to root/mod my phone and so far everything is well until i reach the back-up part there it says:back-up via adb! I’m a little sceptic in flashing a new rom without a back-up… any ideas, anyone? Unlockr? help…
while trying to load a rom, at the step where i press down on the volume a triangle with the an explanation point pops up did i do something wrong
i did that root update is already on my phone
after i flash the recovery image and turn off then back on and hold the power and camera button then press down on the volume button, should i press alt+L again when the triangle comes back up?
its not working i pressed down on the volume like i should and its not going to the recovery mode
i had the same problem go here folow those steps then Open your command prompt on your computer and type the following with hitting enter at the end of each line:
adb shell (hit enter, wait a sec for # to appear then)
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img
watch the youtube clips that helped me a lot
btw TheUnlockr do you know what is going on with modmymoto? (i hope this isn’t an inappropriate question to ask here)
after doing all the instructions and i think i followed it right and now my phone has no service. what do i need to do?
adb shell not recognized i have rooted the phone correctly. I tried everything. Please help cant flash the phone
Never mind. I figure it out. Part of the video were you run the prompt i wasn’t typing the command correctly. If the video was clear at that part it would avoid a bunch of confusion. I guess I rush through it.
Thank you Unlockr
@Scart when i keep my cliq on the battery save mode when i get a call it acts funny ( it doesn’t respond to commands and after that the service drops i am using handlerexploited 1.5 but after that it goes back to normal)
@omar yeah it could be a lot better if the videos would be clearer but if you look at the videos and read the instructions you manage to do it.
Now i have a question and if anyone could help me would be great: After i rooted, flashed handlerexploit and the rest it says “new update released install now? ” what should i do ? hit the install button or how can i make it stop showing that message ? Help please.
CAN ANYONE let me know wtf am i supposed to do?
Ok, whats up with this? 4 of my buttons has been changed from doing this. Why is that?
READ lol You MUST goto the next procedure and load a custom ROM and that won’t be an issue. Good luck!
HAHAHAHA I finally got it to work. Thanks unlockr 😀
will the having the back up aloow me to keep the warranty
@ Jimmy, No, having a backup is so u won’t brick ur Cliq! If, for any reason, you need to turn your phone in for warranty issues you should “un-root” first. Then turn it in.
I’m having the same issue as RD, where the Q and the A keys are switched and the W and Z keys are switched. What would be the explanation for this? About to finish rooting the phone in just a minute. Hope this works…
You must flash a custom ROM now to get rid of that (it happens because the initial ROM is made in another country where their keyboards are switched).
A good ROM to load is either one in the download section that is made by HandlerExploit.
Unlockr, this may be a stupid q but i was wondering could you help me with the command prompt…it is very hard to see on the screen and imma noob at command prompts too…..thanyou
the download for the cliq recovery is showing as “find or save” versus “open or save”. is ther another way to recieve that file? or is that what im suppose to save?
y is my screen turning black i cant even see what im doing when i try to flash a rom please help
i cant see my boot loader screen everything is black even mi recovery image so i cant see what im doing can u please help
I successfully completed all of the steps and have rooted my cliq. I am having just one problem. I flashed the handler rom (Eclair2click) from ur link and it works great except that the ringer volume when turned to max is barely audible and when I make or receive a call, I cant hear anything…they can hear me however. Suggestions???
Ok i rooted my phone and i get the orange thing that comes up, now im trying to get the flash recovery img. to work. every time i go to flash the image i get usage:flash_image partition file.img and im still not getting the flash recovery thing to come up. can anyone help me? i get the # symbol after i type in adb shell. PLEASE HELP contact me at
hello..i posted a question but it must not have am having trouble with my phone..i did the procedures but for some reason when i turn on my phone it shows the Motorola symbol and then shuts off and i have to keep playing with it for it to work again..i am new to all of this but i dont think i brick my phone cuz it works just fine when it is on and i think i rooted it but i am having issues..thank u for your help
@ Santana – Your black screen issue is because you are probably not using a recovery.img that is up to date with the new 1.4.8 radio. You will need to find a recovery.img that supports it.
@ Dustin – The reason the Eclair2Cliq audio does not work is becasue it is an ALPHA build (meaning it is still a work in progress) there are too many bugs to use this ROM daily…revert back to a stable ROM to fix your problem.
@ Anthony – when u download the recovery.img be sure its named recovery.img and place it on ur sdcard..use the command prompt on ur pc and type the following
cd androidsdk\tools\
adb shell
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
—if u get no errors then ur golden.
@ John – did u already load a ROM? the reason is the very FIRST time you laod the ROM of your choice it will take the longest… you have to also make sure that the ROM u are using is compatable with the current radio that your phone has…otherwise you will get a boot cycle…if anyone has any questions regarding their Cliqs please feel free to pm me i am glad to help anyone with any issues and will try to respond as fast as possibly can.
Thanks Reggie…Any suggestions on a stable ROM? I have seen a lot of good comments on the handler ROM’s but when the links all lead to dead sites. Really appreciate the input.
what to type in to load the custom rom for cliq
I rooted my phone and loaded a rom. I didn’t create a back-up before rooting. Now, I can’t log into motoblur nor use my phone because the date is 1969.
Please help!!!
When I tried unrooting my phone but it didn’t work.
Flash the first ROM on that page, Handler’s ROM and that’ll fix it.
Thank you very much for helping me, but the link for handler’s rom doesn’t work. When I click handler’s rom, it brings me to a page saying the versions, but when I click on those versions, it doesn’t do anything.
Please help!!!
Fixed it. Try now!
To the Unlockr team you guys are great with your videos I rooted a G1 and install a custom rom. I am working now on my Motorola cliq. I rooted my phone but when I try to flash the new rom (DevTeam) i get a message when i am trying to log-in to motoblur it tells me that ther is a problem with the clock on the phone can you help me please. Thank you.
Pablo and everyone with clock errors on the cliq,
People who updated their cliqs are getting this error, until we can find a better way around it, just flash the handler rom (or search for other roms) as it doesn’t have that issue.
i have been trying for hours to flash this recovery image. I have gotten the serial number once but when i went back coulndnt find it and i follow the directions on the flashing the rom but when i type in the command promt it says cant find path. I am so fustrated with this right now, i literally feel sick.
Please Help
i did every thing and my phone date and time is all mes up
ugh im with everyone else on here with the flash image part. i know im putting the file on the sdcard right i can see it there on my computer. ive typed it a 100 times in case of typos ive even cut and paste it. ive tried changing the file name to just recovery. i still keep getting file not found, whats wrong???
@ Everyone – when trying to perform ADB commands please be sure that the USB is not mounted to read the sdcard. The best way to make sure is to simply unplug the USB then plug back in…When the phone ask you to choose USB Drive OR Charge Only just simply click the back button. THen try the commands again…I used TheUnlockr’s method to install SDK and it works llike a charm…
here are the commands JUST IN CASE
cd AndroidSDK\tools\
adb devices (i like to use this just to make sure it can see the phone)
adb shell
flash_image recovery /sdcard/YOURRECOVERY.img
if you get no errors then your all set to FLASH that ROM! and enjoy getting FULL ROOT ACCESS!!
(to make it easier i usually rename the recovery image to recovery.img just becasue its easier to remember.)
If it wasnt for TheUnlockr and their great videos I would still be stock..Thanks a bunch!
I did exactly that and i got zero errors it just said flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.3.img and it still doesnt show up when i boot into recovery it still only has the triangle with the ! inside. what did i do wrong?
i meant /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.3.2.img but yeah i did it correctly and it still wont show up. any help??
3. In recovery mode you should see a list of options. Select Wipe Data, then select Apply and choose the ROM file you just placed on the SD card.
I don’t see the ROM file that I copied onto my sd card.
One adb change I made was that instead of “sdcard”, I wrote removeable disk and I got no error.
Still after wiping data, and apply update, I wait a while for the update to go through but no option to choose the new ROM.
@ Joe Park I didnt see that option that says new ROM either. But if you select Choose zip to install you should find the ROM inside.
@ aj9,
What do you mean by Choose zip? when I am in the Motorola system recovery screen, I have three choices,
1) reboot system now
2) apply sdcard:
3) wipe data/factory reset
when i select apply sdcard:, it goes through the same “rooting” process but I get no choice for the handler ROM. I check my SD card and the Handler 1.5 is in the correct directory, and not unzipped.
OK, I know my error, I think. I did not flash the recovery image correctly. Like all those up top, I tried adb shell flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img and it gives me error opening…
However, instead of “sdcard”, I used removable disk and got this message:
usage: flash_image partition file.img
But my recovery image when I boot up in recovery isn’t the same as the one in the video. Am I doing it right? I must not be because I still get the Orange logo when I boot up and keys are wrong etc…
One other change. In my C drive, I have to go into the following directory:
There is I can run my adb commands.
joe park,
i was having the same problem but if you make sure when your phone is plugged in you hit the charge only button. then type in and hit enter after every line:
cd AndroidSDK\tools\
adb devices
and once you see your serial number make sure and hit the button on your phone that says usb drive and then type in:
adb shell {enter}
and then in one line type:
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img
then hit enter again
you should then see a # symbol then you are ready to put your rom on your phone and unplug your phone then reboot in recovery mode and then it will give you the option to load your rom. if you have any questions you can email me and ill try to answer them.
Thanks RD!
can’t pass the recovery step Im following every single step, plase help!!!
i recently got an over the air update and i was wondering if i needed to do this or wait till one was posted on here?
Can anyone help me…im am a nube at this and i have a blank bluescreen when i try and turn on my motorola cliq…i installed a custom theme and after that my phone wasnt the same…can someone help me please???????THANKS IN ADVANCE
Hi, I have the same problem that Joe Park has.
cd androidSDK\tools\
adb devices
he list de device numeber, ok!!
adb shell
# flash_recovery/sdcard/recovery-RS-cliq-v1.5.2.img
and it says..
usage:flash_image partition file.img
then I put the new room in the SDcard. And reboot. but still have the same old recovery screen.
Please help me!!
1) Follow the Get Connected Guide.
2) Follow the guide for Setting up the SDK.
3) On your phone, enable USB Debugging (Settings-Applications-Development-USB Debugging)
4) Set up the path to the SDK tools. (this is where you saved the SDK program on your computer) If you right click and press copy it will copy the location
On your computer, right click on “My Computer” and go to “Properties.” Next we want the advanced settings (On Windows XP, go to the “Advanced” tab. On Vista/7, click “Advanced System Settings.”) Click “Environment Variables.”
Under the “System Variables” there is one called “Path.” Click on it and click “edit.” You will see a path in there (something like “%SystemRoot%\system32;c:\DanationIsTheGreates t\”) At the end, add “;” then add the path to the Android SDK tools folder (e.g. c:\Android\android-sdk_r3-windows\android-sdk-windows\tools\)
Click Ok, Ok, and Ok.
5) Use adb/test to make sure it’s working.
Make sure RSD Lite is closed and plug in your phone. Open the command prompt in admin mode (Start-Programs-Accessories-cmd.exe or “command prompt.” Right click and Run as Administrator on Vista/7.)
Now type in “adb devices.” If you get something like this, then you’re good to go:
List of devices attached
TA55555U55 device
If you get something like this, it means your device is not plugged in or the drivers are not properly installed
im so sorry to bother. hopefully you guys can help me. i have downloaded the recovery-ra-cliq-v1.5.2.img and have dragged it over to my sd card.
im still cant figured out the command prompt part.
what exactly do i enter? i’ve tried everything…
adb devices
adb shell(error device not found)
flash_image rocovery /sdcard/recovery-ra-cliq-v1.5.2.img
help please thanks you so so much!
When I type adb devices i get:
*daemon not running. starting it now*
*daemon started sucessfully*
List of devices attached
0390090271 device
is it right??
Thanks a Lot!!!
Whem I istaled the “”
My keybord is not working right. it changed the “q for z, and the w for x”
Thanks and help again…
When I try to flash the recovery i get a erro.
#flash_recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img
flash_recovery: not found
Please help me!!!
Im having the same problem, is there somebody who can help me out????
Im also getting the message that says the flash image is not found. I have checked and it is on the root of my sd . I also put the command in and the recovery image is exactly what it says it should be. Any suggestions?
I had the same problem. The mistake was clicking on the USB file button after plugging the phone into the computer. Don’t do it. Just plugin the phone and don’t press anything. The cmd prompts shall now work.
here are the proper commands
Adb shell
Flash_image recovery /sdcard/YOURRECOVERYFILENAME.img
It should read the command back to you then drop a # sign.
If adb shell is not permitted then you must do the again successfully.
Yes it will give you azerty keyboard but once you flash a ROM it should be fixed.
wat is the
If any one is getting ota updates while using HandlerExploit 1.5 DO NOT I repeat DO NOT perform the update! It will put u in a boot cycle. It can be easily be fixed by a wipe and reflash or a nand back up but why take the risk…
Any themes that u are trying to install should be insatlled by metamorph…
ALSO the theme that you want to use has to be specifically made for the ROM u are using. Not unless you want to get stuck in a boot cycle its up to u.
Anyone having issues please feel free to email me
I’m so confused!
I’ve done everything I was supposed to. I read through EVERY SINGLE post on here. I get the serial number & everything like I’m supposed to. But i NEVER once get the # symbol. I only ever get the $ symbol. And don’t tell me that I need to go to the other tutorial because I’ve already gone step by step through it. I need help figuring out what is going wrong. PLEASE HELP!!! asap
i THINK i got it =D
Now my device isn’t being recognized. I was able to see the serial number before but now, nothing. I have the Motorola icon on my system tray and whenever I plug in my phone, I get the MotoConnect bubble come up (really annoying) but when I go in to cmd then cd \ then cd\androidsdk\cd android-sdk-windows\cd tools\adb devices: I get nothing under the list of devices attached. How do I attach my phone again?
I get the same message when I type:
flash_recovery/removable disk/recovery-RS-cliq-v1.5.2.img
usage:flash_image partition file.img
I still get the old recovery window. No options to pick a ROM.
Help please.
Joe park,
Have you watched the video? It helped me out. Cause I was having the same problem. I actually had to do it a couple of times before the flash recovery worked. Did you rename you flash recovery file. Cause that might cause it to act up. Or if you extracted the files instead of leaving them in zip form. But if you have anymore questions email me. I don’t get on here alot
I have a question, I figured out how to load a cusomt rom on my phone, and it works great ecept for one problem, I have no internet access without wifi, I cannot use my carriers internet on the phone, any suggestions?
so i rooted right…. when i flashed the rom i wanted it looked like it worked but i dont know how to select the rom when i reboot
why does it take forever to get into recovery mode… phone just shows recovery image past 15 min
is there a possible way to root the Cliq XT? i have the phone and traded it for the cliq, should i do the process of what you showed us on the cliq xt
Hey Unlockr I followed everything and it worked fine as always. I’ve rooted almost all devices that you have videos on and I’ve turned my hobby of rooting and unlocking phones into a profitable business because of your help. If your taking donations let me know thanks
Thanks, really appreciate it!
No need to donate. Glad to help 🙂
If you still want to help support the site, just tell people about it, deal?
Do this process work the for Motorola cliq XT?
Nothing seems to be working, would you please help me out with this, I’m stuck in the part of flashing the recovery image, adb devices is recognized by the pc but does not letting me to flash the phone
when he downloaded the recovery img…his comp showed alot of images, but when i do it, it shows one…what am i doing wrong??
I installed the ROM and it’s not allowing me to boot to that…am i doing something wrong? i’ve followed the instructions exactly!
This message is for RD.
I am also receiving the same message:
“Joe Park says:
June 17, 2010 at 10:06 am
I get the same message when I type:
flash_recovery/removable disk/recovery-RS-cliq-v1.5.2.img
usage:flash_image partition file.img
I still get the old recovery window. No options to pick a ROM.”
I am stuck on this step please can you offer any suggestions??
I get the same thing.
usage:flash_image partition file.img
adb command doesnt work
this what i get
# flash_recovery/removable disk/recovery-RS-cliq-v1.5.2.img
flash_recovery/removable disk/recovery-RS-cliq-v1.5.2.img
# and it stays like that
Where do you see to type that in?
The command is:
and make sure you have spaces in the right spot.
I have started to work on rooting this device, i am at the part to flash image recovery. When i type the command in i get ” adb is not recognized” what have i missed? I get my serial number when i do the SDK command but i cant g et the recovery image to go through.
Ive rooted many android phones,
Followed everything to a “T” everything goes well, I flash the recovery it accepts and there is a #, exactly like the video. my problem is when i turn off the device to reboot into recovery, it is still the stock recovery, so the image is not flashing what so ever. As stated everything was identical to the video!
any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the video of what is FOLLOWED
July 1, 2010 at 3:20 pm
Where do you see to type that in?
The command is:
adb shell flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img
and make sure you have spaces in the right spot.
I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU MEAN? I also tried that “”adb shell flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img”” as one command does not work, that is different from the video?
I have been hung up on the “adb shell” command for a couple of days. I am a beginner, but this is awful. What should the entire command line look like? In the video you are typing something before the command of
adb shell flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img
I keep getting:
‘adb’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.
C:\>adb shell flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img <—not working, what should the PATH be?
The rooting procedure worked perfectly. Now all I have is a v1.5 with a squirrelly keyboard.
What am I doing wrong?
you can’t have your sd card mounted while flashing.
is there a way to get like a custom theme that looks like the evo? or something like that? and if there is please tell the website (a direct like would be great!) or a video on like youtube or some other website, thanks!
Search our site for How To Load a Theme on an Android Phone procedure…
ok…. i made it all the way to where you go into recovery mode and when i pushed volume down it came up with that exclamation mark like im trying to root it again. what am i doing wrong??????
hi like others here, I can’t seem to flash the recovery image to load custom rom!! please help. RSD lite and SDK commants doesn’t help with the flashing. I run windows 7. thanks!!!
if the command isnt working and says “adb not recognized”
make sure the recovery image is located in your c:\ drive since you are using the command prompt
Actually, If you are flashing with the SD card in your phone you need to go to the cd AndroidSDK\tools\ like in the ADB setup and type in: adb shell
Then, flash_image F:\recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img instead of what it says above. (Substitute F:\ with whatever your cliq’s drive is under Computer.
Nevermind. See later post for how to finally make it work.
everything went great!!! thanks a lot!! flashing the new 2.5 rom now..
Figured it out!!!
You cannot have your sd card mounted when doing the command prompt. Plug in the phone but do not mount usb.
can you please explain? i unmounted the sd card and plugged in the phone but the ” ‘adb’ is not recognized” is still shown.
I’ve stumbled this far and have gotten here.
When I press enter of the command prompt, nothing happens.
any and all help is accepted!
after the # , when i type in flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img, it just rewrites what i wrote and gives me a # again. Is this supposed to happen?
using the devteam 10 final release this made my phone have date and time issues once completed. stuck at dec 31 1969..can’t get through motoblur…no skip option either use..extising moto account or create new. did i just brick my phone…
Boot into recovery and flash the Handler ROM.
hey i got to root my cliq but i cant upload a rom i followed your every step. and i couldnt use the cmd to work is there another way you can show me how to upload a rom ? my email address is thaanks
when you flash the recovery image 1.5.2.img…what should the command prompt say? Mine says usage: flash image.1.5.img. however, i dont get the screen for the recovery image. I still get the motorola system recovery blueish letters with a black screen. Help please. Being typing the a/q w/z backwards for over two months now.
ok i rooted my phone correctly. i got as far as adb shell and i get the $. i press su and it says permission denied? what do i do??
I rooted and set up the ADB and couldnt get it to flash the new recovery image. I re installed motorolas drivers, re did ADB setup and it all worked fine, i go to flash the recovery and it says adb is not recognized as an internal or external command. What do I do from here?
I’m stuck on the step 3 of part II
I already set up the ADB, got my phone’s serial number and everything, rooted it, applied the and when I go back to the command prompt… it doesn’t recognize the “adb”!!
When I go to Setting>About Phone the system version I got is Blur_vVersion.1.3.20.MB200.Orange.en.FR, can I go and flash the ROM if I got this? Because my command prompt is recognizing the “adb” library.
I rooted via the Unlockr method and Handler’s 1.5.
Can I again use this method with the leaked 2.1 upgrade?
During recovery image step i get the response usage: flash_image partition file.img followed on the next line by the #. can’t figure out what else to try i’ve watched the video, read everyones posts but still can’t find to get it to get to the new recovery screen so i can flash the handler rom. Please give me some insight. Thanks!
omgsh this is frustrating..i was up till 4am last night trying to do this…the video is blurry so that just makes it worst…can you just explain exactly what you wrote step by step in the command promt?? and no dont tell me to go back and do the adb/usb steps bcuz i tried it already and its not working…just cut the runaround and please explain step by step what you wrote in the cmd… example
step 1= write cd
step 2= write cd android-sdk-windows/tools/
oh and after you get the # sign…what exactly on earth are you suppoesed to wait for? is it supposed to say finished or sumthin in the cmd??
Fixed the procedure for you. Good luck!
hey now i followed the procedure..and now it just says
usage: flash_image partition file.img …it doesnt show the # sign anymore…and under what it says it shows up agn
c:\android-sdk-windows\tools\ …the # sign doesnt show up again why is that?
Eli how did you get passed the usage part mine won’t flash correctly to save my life
hey nevermind it finally worked now 😀 it ddnt need the # sign or non of that jaja cool thanks man
Mine says no such file or directory… What now???
i am done flashing.. ive turned on my phone and then it tells me to log in to motoblur… i then log in and it says their is a problem with the clock on the device… now i am REALLY stuck on this one… PLZ HELP
yea mine happnd before like that too, just look for another rom that doesnt have a clock problem and redo the steps above, that should fix ur problem 😉
I tried flashing the recovery image on the sd card everything seemed to go smoothly it just showed in my cmd usage: flash_image partition file.img then i go to reboot the phone and it gives me the original reboot with the symbols not the menu where you can save your recovery like the video shows on the last reboot i don’t know where to go i have followed every step probably 5 times and have over 15 hours invested i feel really dumb any help here
HELP!!!!!!! i get the same after i type in the flash_image and all that it gives me a # on the next line
IS That correct because when i reboot the phone it’s the stock recovery so i don’t know how to get to anything else if anyone can help i would appreciate it alot please phone is really crappy with a mixed keyboard haha
Hi, Everythjng works good expect the wifi tethering. keep getting “the application has stop enexpectedly”
anything i can do to fix this.Also, the clock is wrong, help.
Hey so i thought i did everything right but after i installed the ROM (eclair) when i turn on my phone it just says ANDROID and doesn’t do anything else….help please
Boot into recovery, Wipe Data, Reflash the ROM. If that doesn’t work flash a different rom.
Hey, I tried asking earlier but can anyone help me everytime i attempt to flash the recovery to the sd card when i do the recovery it still has the stock recovery mode no android on the screen…. I’m booting up and it shows orange , now and i have orange maps on my phone but the keyboard is obviously messed up but thats cuz i cant get on to load a custom rom, I’ve lived with the phone for 4 days now just remembering q’s are a’s and z’s are w’s but its getting rough more detailed help would be nice. everytime i try to flash the recovery image it just shows usage:flash_image then it shows the# underneath it. am i supposeed to remover the off the sd card and all that as i go along or keep it on there? i know i put my email in the comment can you email me or something would really appreciate the help
The same thing is happening to me, has anyone helped you or did you figure it out? It’s driving me nuts.
Another problem.. PLZ HELP… Ive been successful with flashing… everythings great… BUT I LOST MY 3G… Can anyone explain or help on this one… I always had 3G before This whole Flashing process… Then as soon as i boot my FIRST ROM i dont have 3G… PLZ HELP. Thanks…
Anyone ???
I believe my phone is rooted since I followed every step and now my keys are mapped wrong. Now when I flashed the recovery image, it worked perfectly on the cmd and the # came on. However, when trying to enter recovery mode to install the Rom on the Cliq, as soon as I press button down, it waits a few seconds then it turns off. What am I doing wrong, what can I do to access recovery mode?
Did you ever figure out how to fix your problem? Mine is doing the same thing. I rooted it, then put the ROM on my SD card, but now when i try to get into recovery mode it just shuts off… just like yours did. So I haven’t been able to flash the ROM. So it is stuck in the Orange French version with screwed up keys.
Hi… Like lots of people on here I’m hitting a “usage flash_image partition file.img” message after trying to flash the recovery image. I think I’ve read every single post on this issue and tried all the solutions mentioned, but I’m still nowhere near flashing this recovery image!!!
I have adb installed as it correctly detects my device
The recovery image is in my sd card root
I’ve tried using the original filename & renaming it to recovery.img
I’ve tried flashing with USB on & USB off
I’ve tried cd c:\androidSDK\tools\ ENTER
adb shell ENTER
flash_image recovery\sdcard\recovery.img
And many other combinations… Every time I get “usage flash_image partition file.img”
Driving me insane
Please help… I promise to go away then 🙂
Hi… Just wanted to say, for all those people having “usage flash_image partition file.img” problems
Instal Droid Explorer
Connect your phone to PC
Turn off USB
Get Droid Explorer to detect your phone
Click on the ‘Flash custom recovery’ button
Find your recovery.img file
And you should be all set to go 🙂
THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!! I had every error posted on here with the recovery.img. But for some reason (following the tutorial) when I renamed the recovery as recovery.img, I found the recovery.img file using droid explorer it shows recovery.img.img so I named it back to recovery and then it shows recovery.img. o.o Maybe instead of renaming it, keep it as recovery then try doing the commands.
the prob was in the cmd line dont put a space between “recover” and “sdcard”
Btw your awesome =)
C:\android-sdk-windows\tools>adb shell
# flash_image recovery/sdcard/recovery.img
flash_image recovery/sdcard/recovery.img
usage: flash_image partition file.img
I am gettting that 🙁 help please my email is
Make sure your typing it in correctly i had the some problem and was getting really mad lol, AND while i was in the CMD i had to toggle Debug mode a couple of times so itt would actually recognize the phone in the cmd prompt… silly ms.dos…
Please help { error opening /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img: No such file or directory } Have tried it several times with no luck. adb part worked. What am I doing wrong? thx
you can unplug phone and ignore anything that pops up and try it. thats what i did
Anyone have a fix for the “There is a problem with the clock on the device. Please contact customer service.” problem cant do anything with the phone till i get that fixed it looks like
Same here… I’m gonna try putting another ROM in the microSD and try flashing it in and see if it fixes the problem.
Worked like a charm… Thank “theunlockr”
now my wife has wi-fi tethering.
I am in the process of rooting and flashing a custom ROM on my Cliq MB200, and I was able to get up to the point where I’ve flashed the custom recovery– BUT I’ve run into a problem
-The volume down button (used to access the recovery menu) is malfunctioning (pressing it types out ‘kkjl’ instead)
-I was lucky and was able to flash the at one time
-But after flashing the custom recovery, I cant access the new recovery menu.
I tried accessing it via adb through the [adb shell reboot recovery] command but it would reboot to the stock Motorola Recovery Console. I’m so close to rooting the Cliq BUT im stuck at this point.
Any and all help is appreciated!
I have rooted my Cliq, and downloaded the Handlers 1.5 ROM and put it on my SD card. when I hold down the camera button and power button, then push the volume down to get it into recovery mode, my phone just shuts off. How do I fix this?
im at the end of the root process when i put the commands the dollar sign comes up so i continue with the flash ect. when i hit enter it says permission denied is there a way around that please help me! lol!
dollar sign comes up i put su and then proceed after that states permission denied
a any of you guys know how to get ps2 and game cube and nintendo 64 as a rom email me i want ti know how to do it.I love the nintendo 64 it has alot of official games like killer instinct gold i have a computer controller wireless 50 bucks i can play any ap with it amen gaming is now easy.when i play samus metriod
Ok I have the 2.1 firmware on my cliq using rsd lite…. The phone is rooted with superoneclick…. I’m having so much trouble loading a custom rom is there any way I can load a custom rom from 2.1? would it be easier to flash back to 1.5?
I’ve been trying to root for 2 weeks and no success please help me!
To load a custom rom after using the superoneclick procedure, you need to do the load a custom rom procedure linked at the bottom of that procedure (not this one). Good luck!
Otherwise if you are still having issues, just root the phone with the how to root the motorola cliq procedure then come back to this one to load a rom.
i push de new recovery image en my cliq firmware 2.1.1 but don’t waorking…
only go to black screen and reboot….plz helpppp…..meeee
after pushing the volume down button a screen pops up with a triangle with an ! in it and a picture of a phone next to it and it just stays there what do i do????????
This means you didn’t flash the custom recovery correctly. This is motorola’s recovery not the custom one.
This means you didn’t flash the custom recovery correctly. This is motorola’s recovery not the custom one.
HELP ME!!!!!! it says (error opening /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img: No such file or directory)
go to C:AndroidSDK and make sure the files that you need are in this directory and not in another sub folder deeper inside this same file. if so then go into this file and cut these files and paste into the above file directly
go to C:AndroidSDK and make sure the files that you need are in this directory and not in another sub folder deeper inside this same file. if so then go into this file and cut these files and paste into the above file directly
Unlocker: Is do yall really have 1 ROM for the cliq??? Or can i use ANY other that yall have in the list???
UNLOCKER PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the CMD screen i type this :adb shell flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img
It says: error device not found!
Any ideas???!
Did you do the previous tutorials about how to make sure your device is connected? “adb devices” should pull up your device.
i’ve tried not putting the space between recovery and /sdcard and im still get that error message
at the cmd scrren i tipe adb shell
then flash_image recovery/sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img
it says :usage: flash_image partition file.img
what i need to do ????
any ideas???????
I have the same issue, and I still get the moto recovery screen, so that means the recovery image isn’t taking. but I don’t know why not…. ?
any help?
my adb sdk setup showed me my serial number fine, I could shell in fine, etc. but it doesn’t seem to be flashing anything?
When you are in the cmd prompt type that whole line in at once
(adb shell flash_image recovery/sdcard/recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img)
if it gives you an error toggle your Debugging mode on your phone OFF/ON
some reason cmd prompt needs a refreash… lemme know!!
Make sure your typing it in correctly i had the some problem and was getting really mad lol, AND while i was in the CMD i had to toggle Debug mode a couple of times so itt would actually recognize the phone in the cmd prompt… silly ms.dos…
Need help!!!
When I type in the second line on the command prompt, i get a message saying that the system cant find specific path. And on the third line it says ‘adb’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
i have the same problems help please!!! urgent
i have the same problems help please!!! urgent
after i type cd c:AndroidSDKtools
it says the system cannot find the path specified..what did i do wrong or what do i do ?
Means you guys didn’t set up the sdk correctly. Check to make sure there isn’t a folder inside the AndroidSDK folder. Also if it is the r08 version of the sdk you need to put adb back in (Google took it out), the How To Setup ADB procedure has how to do that in the written section.
You didn’t follow the How To Setup ADB procedure correctly. You needed to rename the android sdk folder to AndroidSDK… also there are other updates in that procedure you might need. Follow it carefully.
Also I noticed you shouldn’t select use USB when you connect your USB chord. Just connect the USB chord and don’t make a selection when asked.
error writing recovery: Permission denied
I have got up to the recover flash and I do that and it says the img file name then I close command prompt and when i try to get into revocery again to flash custom rom it lets me sect vol down for recovery then just goes off after a few seconds. Any Ideas would be so greatly appreciated.
I have got up to the recover flash and I do that and it says the img file name then I close command prompt and when i try to get into revocery again to flash custom rom it lets me sect vol down for recovery then just goes off after a few seconds. Any Ideas would be so greatly appreciated.
Okay, I’m sure I’ve done all the steps correctly, because when I type “adb devices” in cmd, I get a serial number. When I type “adb shell”, I get a # sign. However, when I type “flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery-ra-cliq-v1.5.2.img”, it says “error opening /sdcard/recovery-ra-cliq-v1.5.2.img: No such file or directory”. But I can SEE it in File Explorer on my “Removable Disk” (my cliq’s sd card). It’s right there. I checked the spelling multiple times, I deleted and redownloaded it, I’ve tried everything I can think of, but I still get the same result. PLEASE HELP!!
How do you root the 1.6.3 version of motorola cliq/blur
I could not get this to work on my Cliq to save my life. I finally narrowed it down to the customer recovery image not being flashed to my phone – ADB never said it worked, but never gave me an error message, either. I saw Stephen Coley’s tip about using Droid Explorer, and that did the trick. Thank you Stephen!
I could not get this to work on my Cliq to save my life. I finally narrowed it down to the customer recovery image not being flashed to my phone – ADB never said it worked, but never gave me an error message, either. I saw Stephen Coley’s tip about using Droid Explorer, and that did the trick. Thank you Stephen!
i have exactly the same problem, whats droid explorer please help
I could not get this to work on my Cliq to save my life. I finally narrowed it down to the customer recovery image not being flashed to my phone – ADB never said it worked, but never gave me an error message, either. I saw Stephen Coley’s tip about using Droid Explorer, and that did the trick. Thank you Stephen!
whenever i put my motorola cliq xt on recovery mode, there is always a picture of a phone with an exlamation mark with a triangle instead of the android guy and the menu. What should i do?
press alt and L to choose which zip to flash
whenever i put my motorola cliq xt on recovery mode, there is always a picture of a phone with an exlamation mark with a triangle instead of the android guy and the menu. What should i do?
Hey i just want to know if my phone is rooted. It loads up orange now ( it was on the 2.1 update ). I have a terminal , but when i type in su , it sais permision denied. Please help, i Just want to know if it is rooted or not.:(
How do i know if it rooted or not!!!!!??????????????????????????????????????? PLEASE HELP
ok i have a motorola cliq i had it rooted at one point now its stuck in recovery mode and will not to anything. Just a blue screen that says security on, fastboot disabled gives build date etc.. but will not do anything but that. please help me out if anyone has any ideas
Hold the power button for 30 secs. Then play with removing the battery. It happened to me with nothing showing up on my screen, but I was still able to tap.
After I wipe data and complete the apply step, there is no option to select the rom i chose for the phone. the only options i have are wipe data, apply the zip, and reboot. where did i go wrong?
did you ever figure out whats going on? Cause mine is doing the same thing. Im sure it is something simple I am missing and just not catching onto… but I want to get this figured out…… if any one can help that would be amazing. theunlockr or any one… even email if need be or post on here. doont care, email is
you’ll want to flash a custom rom like Armon RA or clockwork. the customs will let you do alot more while you are in recovery mode… (youtube!!) 🙂
Looks like you might need to flash a custom recovery… that one that your looking at is just the boot loader…
i went through this hole thing and now my phone says it wont writ radio image …. what can i do?
how to bypass the welcome screen which says press on android to start. My touch Screen is not working.
I sthere any keyboard shortcut…???
No i dont think there is a keyboard shortcut unless theunlockr can figure something out…:pppp
im trying to flash recovery on my moto cliq
but it keeps saying device not found
watts wrong or watt did i do wrong
was on android 1.5. rooted it using superoneclick. but 1.5 dun have ROM Manager. So how do i get a custom rom flashed into my dext?
E:Can’t open /sdcard/update.zi[ (No such file or directory) Installation aborted.
and no i havent typed in
i just renamed the rom to update.
tried both capital and common u.
tried to put it on the internal mem card and external and both.
nothing worked…
everything perfect. only problem my home button does not work. any help here?
ok i do everything as said but problem is once try to boot in recovery screen goes black after says “volume down press” and doesnt go fromthere on! HELP PLEASE!
What I found that worked for me was:
Change the recovery filename from “recovery-RA-cliq-v1.5.2.img” to just “recovery.img”
Go into the adb shell using the “adb shell” command from your Android SDK directory in the command prompt
Then type “flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img”
Then reboot your phone into recovery mode, which should give you the custom recovery menu.
someone help me please i try to root my phone and when i put it on it says ** security on, fastboot disabled ** what should i do?
Anyone having problems with “No such file or directory,” make sure the USB connected is set to Charge Only, NOT USB Drive.
hello there
great post! very user friendly…
i have trouble when i do the backup it stays in sort of loop and it never finishes. i had to teke the battery off to get out of recovery mode, and star again.
i downloaded an other revovery (j_rood’s v2.0) and the same thing happened..
thankyou for the great guide
i’ve made it this far, lol. as i go into my comand prompt i get as far as putting image recovery coammad, but it says no such file or directory. i’m sure i’m probably entering the path wrong. a little help would be appreciated
Suggested instruction update to flashing custom ROM:
Step 3. Choose Wipe.
Step 4. In this submenu, choose Wipe data/factory reset. [Optional, In same submenu, choose “Wipe Dalvik-cache”.]
Step 5. Go back and choose “Flash zip from sdcard”, which will let you choose the ROM zip file you placed on your SD card earlier. This will take a while, so wait patiently.
Step 6. When this is done, Go back and Choose “Reboot system now”. This will also take several minutes, so wait patiently.
i get permission denied after i type in “su” when i got the “$”
it wasnt working for me until i found this
SuperOneClick type on google or youtube
this roots your phone for you plz check youtube for more details
i do not take any responsablitie for this
when i try to do the recovery image it says no such file or directory what should i do
how do i get an operating system for my phone? i did the super wipe and now i need an operating system to flash onto my phone but i have no idea how to get 1
i cant download the recovery file -___- megaupload is down forever