David Cogen

David opened a cell phone store on his college campus and started TheUnlockr.com as a personal tech blog back in 2009 along side. He gets an unnatural excitement out of showing others new things about their tech that they might not have known. Reach out to him on the following social networks and say hi.

How To Switch to a Different MicroSD Card on Android (When Using Apps2SD)

Got Apps2SD, loaded Hero on your phone, or your using Swap and a partitioned memory card with your custom ROM? But what to do if you buy a new memory card (finally get rid of that 2GB for a much more equipped 4, 8, or 16GB Class 6 card)? Here’s how to swap the old for the new. I. Find a Memory Card that Suits Your Needs 1. First thing is to get a memory card that will do what you need. No need to go to the largest card just because you can. Get the card with enough memory […]

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Nokia N900 on T-Mobile US 3G Speed Test

So someone who was lucky enough to get a N900 from 2009 Maemo Summit in Amsterdam came back to the States with it and decided to do a little speed test to see how the 1700mhz T-Mobile 3G frequency is used on the little bugger. Here were his results: So 2260 kbps down and 340kbps up. That’s pretty damn quick (especially considering T-Mobile’s current 3G data cap is only 3200 mbps, that means that it is getting really close to that cap). To put that in perspective, iPhone 3GS which can use AT&T’s new 7200 kbps 3G data, only gets

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How To Flash a New Recovery Image (If You Are Already Rooted)

So if you have used the 1 click root and then decided there was a new recovery image you wanted to flash, you may have noticed that the 1 click root won’t let you flash a new one once you have a custom one on the phone already. Well, here is how to flash a new recovery image when you already have root access. I. Flash a New Recovery Image 1. Find the recovery image you want and MAKE SURE IT IS FOR YOUR PHONE (should say in where you download it what phone it is for). 2. Write down

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Giant Eclair? Yes, Please. Can You Deliver It to Me? Great.

So Google is an interesting company to say the least. But one of their unique quirks has made its way onto YouTube. Apparently Google orders a giant foam dessert every time a new version of Android is being worked on. A Cupcake, then a Donut, and now… an Eclair. Check out the video done by one of the Android Google Team and you guessed it, an Android device 🙂 PART 1: PART 2: PART 3:

Giant Eclair? Yes, Please. Can You Deliver It to Me? Great. Read More »

How To Load a Theme on an Android Phone

Figured out how to load ROMs, do Apps2SD and all that good stuff? But for the life of you can’t change your theme on your phone? Well lets do it then! I. Finding a Theme/ROM Combo that You Like (The Hardest Step) 1. Check out our downloads section and use the Search bar to search for “G1 Themes’, “Magic 32A Themes”, “myTouch Themes’, etc. and you should be presented with a whole bunch of themes to choose from. You can also goto Forums.XDA-Developers.com and search through their Themes section as well. 2. Find a Theme you like and then look

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How To: Root a Donut Phone (Android 1.6)

Ok, just to make this a little easier for everyone I figured I would do a video of how to root a stock Donut phone from beginning to end (all the steps are already on the site but I figured I would put them together in one post to make life easy). I. Get Back to Cupcake G1 Unroot Process myTouch Unroot Process Magic Unroot Process Most of the procedures entail either putting the IMG.nbh file on the sd card and booting into bootloader and flashing it OR connecting the phone via HTC Sync to the computer and running an

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New Phone: Acer Liquid

The new Acer Liquid, a new Android device, was reveled today unofficially byAcer.  Although they did not release any actual pictures of the device they did release a bunch of specs: 1GHz Snapdragon Processor Android 1.6 with a custom Acer UI (no clue what that looks like yet) 3.5″ WVGA (800×480) Capacitive Screen WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth and 3G (no clue what frequencies yet though) 5MP Camera FM Radio MicroSD Slot No word yet if any US carriers will pick it up or what 3G frequencies it will have, we will keep you informed 🙂 Anyone Android users drooling?

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HTC TouchHD2 Headed to T-Mobile USA?

That is the new rumor. Apparently, an HTC Device with a Snapdragon 1GHz processor that looks an awful lot like the HTC Touch HD2 has shown up on some promotional material (seen above). Now there is no mention of Windows Mobile on the sheet so technically this could also be the HTC Dragon (Android HD2) that has been rumored as well to come out soon. But I think considering that HTC even said that the HD2 will be coming to the US in early 2010 that this fits in as what they could be referring to. Windows Mobile Users Rejoice!

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Eclair, Android 2.0, Coming Out in Q2 of 2010?

So just a rumor floating around, but it seems that someone at Samsung has let slip that they don’t believe Eclair, which is Android 2.0, will be coming out until the second quarter of 2010 (that means April through June in case anyone is confused). Considering that we don’t even know any rumors of what new features are coming in Eclair, I guess we can wait lol Anyone know of any rumors about Eclair and what it might mean for Android please share.

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New Phone: Samsung Blue Earth (Solar Phone)

So we’ve heard rumors about the Blue Earth phone from Samsung for a while now, but it seems that they are finally releasing it… in Sweden. It should be available in other European markets shortly after and as of yet they have no plans of a release in the US (we’re not green enough I guess). Now the Samsung Earth is a solar powered eco-friendly phone. How eco-friendly is it? Well, it is made from recycled water bottles, has an ultra low power consuming DC charger (if its rainy out?) and comes in a reusable box made entirely of recycled

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T-Mobile Repents for Sidekick Outage (Even Though It’s Danger’s Fault)

So if you haven’t heard there was a huge disaster in the Sidekick world this last week. Danger/Microsoft’s Sidekick servers went down. These servers hold all Sidekick users information, email, contacts, etc. so if they go down, those things disappear off of your phone. Well, the real issue is that Microsoft reported that they might be able to get information back but “it’s not looking good” and some users may not get their info back at all. Needless to say, Sidekick users everywhere got really pissed and I’m sure T-Mobile got flooded with “I’m going to switch to AT&T etc.”

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New T-Mobile Plan in the Works?

So along with the news of the N900 maybe hitting T-Mobile USA in early 2010, we have another rumor about a revamping of their plans as well. Supposedly there is word that T-Mobile might be releasing a $50 unlimited everything plan. That includes, voice, texting, MMS, AND DATA. Nice, especially for us “power users” that NEED data and texting 🙂 Now the only plans close to that are Sprint’s unlimited everything for $100/month (and their $80/month unlimited everything with calls to cell phones only, but that wouldn’t be comparing Apples to Apples would it?) which is TWICE the price of

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Nokia N900 Coming to T-Mobile USA?

New rumor that Nokia’s new flagship phone, the N900, will be getting picked up by T-Mobile USA in “early 2010”. I personally love that phone and am waiting it’s official unlocked release (supposed to be today but looks like it will be the 26th or later this month, sigh). Now, the phone in it’s unlocked form, already has T-Mobile’s 3G frequencies built in so there would be no benefit to wait for the T-Mobile version (except the slightly lower price since T-Mobile bought 30,000 from Nokia and got a great deal on them to say the least). So you can

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MotoBlur ROMs for the G1, MyTouch and Magic!

Want to try the new Motorola interface for the Motorola CLIQ or the Pulse interface from the Huawei T-Mobile UK Pulse before they’re even released (don’t you love those XDA Devs…)? Well if you have a G1, a MyTouch, or a Magic, ROMs are available in the Downloads section for you to flash. Just put on SD card, rename to update boot into recovery, wipe, then apply update.zip. (The Pulse ROM only works on the G1 for now, anyone want to try it on the MyTouch and post a comment if it works?) Now it is an early ROM and considering the

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How 3G Frequency Compatibility Works / Why Your Unlocked Phone Doesn’t Get 3G

Ok, so I’ve realized that a lot of people see all the cool phones over in Europe, buy them here in the States for use on T-Mobile or AT&T (myself included) and all is fine and dandy but then they wonder why they don’t have 3G when on the box of the phone it clearly states 3G enabled… I wanted to explain why this happens. So basically 3G is dependent on two things; what frequencies the phone has built in that it can see and what frequency the phone company you want to use is projecting their 3G network on.

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