How To: Root Your Android Phone (SuperOneClick Method)
I. Before You Begin
1. Here is the phones this should work on:
Please note that if you device is not listed here, it doesn’t automatically make it incompatible. The list is definitely incomplete. If it does work for you, and your device is NOT listed, please contact us so we can add it to the procedure.
Acer Liquid Metal
Dell Streak
HTC Magic (Sapphire) 32B
HTC MyTouch 3G
LG Ally
Motorola Atrix 4G
Motorola Charm
Motorola Cliq
Motorola Droid
Motorola Flipside
Motorola Flipout
Motorola Milestone
Motorola Pro +
Nexus One
Samsung Captivate
Samsung Galaxy 551 (GT-I5510)
Samsung Galaxy Portal/Spica I5700
Samsung Galaxy S 4G
Samsung Galaxy S I9000
Samsung Galaxy S SCH-I500
Samsung Galaxy Tab
Samsung Galaxy 5
Samsung Transform M920
Samsung Vibrant
Sony Ericsson Xperia X8
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
Sony Xperia Arc
Sprint Hero
Telus Fascinate
Toshiba Folio 100
2. Here is a list of phones that it does NOT work on so far:
Sprint EVO 4G (HTC Supersonic)
Droid Incredible (HTC Incredible)HTC Desire GSM
HTC Desire CDMA (HTC BravoC)
HTC Aria
Droid Eris (HTC DesireC)
HTC Wildfire (HTC Buzz)
HTC Legend
MyTouch Slide
For those phones head here for our Unrevoked Method or rooting instead.
3. This procedure gives you root access on your phone, in order to load a custom ROM, please do this procedure then continue to the next procedure for your specific device at the end of this procedure.
4. This currently only works on Windows computers. If you do not have a Windows computer, please find a friend with a Windows computer to do this (I guarantee you have at least one).
5. You must have Microsoft .NET framework 2.0 or higher. If not, download it from here (32 bit) or here (64 bit).
THANKS AndroidPolice for the Tip!
THANKS CLShortFuse for the super easy program!
II. Root the Phone
1. Download and install the latest version of the rooting program, unzip it, and install it on your computer:
2. On your phone, go to Settings > Applications > Development > Make sure USB Debugging is checked ON.
3. Plug your phone in via USB cable to the computer.
4. Right click the program and click Run As Administrator (or just double click it if using Windows XP).
5. Click the Root button and wait for it to finish.
6. Once done, you should see superuser permissions in your phone’s apps. If so, you are all set!
III. (Optional) Enable WiFi Tethering
1. Once you have root access, you can install WiFi tethering for your phone. Head to the WiFi tethering site and download the appropriate version for your phone (if your phone is not listed, they do not currently support your model):
2. Then save it to your phone’s SD Card.
3. Download Linda File Manager (free) from the Market on your phone and open it.
4. Navigate to where the .apk file is saved on your phone’s memory card and click it to install it.
5. When you open the WiFi tethering app for the first time, click Allow when Superuser pops up asking for permission. All set!
IV. (Optional) Load a Custom Recovery Image/ROM
1. To load a custom ROM you need a custom recovery image. Please click the procedure below to load a custom recovery image onto your phone:
How To Flash a Custom ROM (ROM Manager Method)
Reported Issues:
Issue: It gets stuck on waiting for device…
Solutions: Try these solutions, starting with the first then retry, then the second and retry, and so on until it works.
1. Check to make sure USB debugging is checked on in Settings > Applications > Development.
2. Close the rooting program. Turn off your phone (keeping it still plugged in). Open the rooting program and click root. Then turn on your phone and see if it continues.
3. Close the program and unplug the phone. Download and install PDANet and follow it’s on screen directions to get it to install the drivers manually for your phone. Once it is done installing, plug the phone in and reopen the rooting program.
4. If that still doesn’t work, then go to our How To Setup ADB Procedure, finish it and return here to start over.
Hey! lol
Awesome work man!
Anything you want me to add? What’s your donate link?
Want to put a link to this page in your post on the forums to help out newbies?
I already have a rooted htc desire phone with an early version of unrevoked but the problem is its still S-ON. Can i reroot with this method and simply overite my already rooted phone to gain the latest recovery and S-OFF?
I have a mytouch old, and i did everything but at the end it said not rooted failed, but on the device i have superuser. what happened?
when i type su on a terminal emulator or on the cmd i get ‘cannot link executable’ idk what to do
Click How Tos at the top of the site, then Android, then your phone and do one of the other procedures to root.
My Nexus one keeps getting stuck at Getting mount path:
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
202 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.026s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Getting mount path…
Can someone help me please? I have a Nexus one running 2.2.1
Might be done already. Just unplug the phone and reboot it and see if superuser permissions is in the apps. Post back and let us know.
Nope, no superuser app after reboot. I’m confident that I did this right, it just won’t finish….
I am also having the same problem with the N1 frg83 stuck at getting mount path with no superuser.
thanks Andy
I have the Droid 1, and I am also stuck at “getting mount path” this was after installing PDA net. Don’t know.. just wont finish?
Worked for my D1 running FRG22D. Had to start phone in recovery mode (power x). plugged the phone in and ran the SuperOneClick root process on my pc. once it starts to try and find the device, it will get stuck. That is when I powered the phone back on while plugged in. The root program started back up on its own and, wallah, a freshly rooted phone.
Thanks New_Guy! Your procedure worked on my Droid1 with FRG22D as well. Awesome!
Im getting closer and closer to rooting my phone im so scared to root it and then not be able to get the image of my system back on my phone. Im not idiot proof but this seems easy even for his idiot. Thank u so much for the info. I realllly APPreciate that. Get it ?
app- preciate lol.
Ha no problem. Let us know if it works for you or not 🙂 Can’t really harm your phone, worst that happens is it says failed and just doesn’t root your phone. Good luck!
it still says waiting in the device and i can get pass it i have the droid 1
does it work for samsung fascinate galaxy S?
Yep. Try it and let us know how it works for you. Cant mess up your phone, worst that happens is that it says unable to root.
Not HIS I meant THIS .. srry I auto correct is the devil…
hey, currently in the process of rooting my device for the first time. followed the method and the program currently says ROOTED with the line below saying getting mount path, and has been like that for the past 5 mins any ideas on what to do next.
Nexus one
Android 2.2.1
hi i have rebooted the device and superuser isn’t there. all that has happened is i now have PDAnet installed and ROM manager and Titanium Backup have been removed
@Ben and @Anthony Heron
Try this, download Terminal Emulator (free) from the Market and open it. Does it have a # symbol when you open it? If not, type su and hit enter and then does it have the # symbol?
Let me know, seems the latest Version of the Nexus One caused the same issue, I think @ShortFuse (the creator of the app) is working on fixing this… aren’t you? lol
huzzah! it finally worked. i powered off the device after getting the Getting mount path. i then closed the superoneclick program and opened it back up and clicked root. after it reads waiting for the device i then powered it on and now it reads, and a message popped and and said your device is now rooted
Getting mount path…
Remounting system with read-write access…
Pushing su…
795 KB/s (26264 bytes in 0.032s)
Pushing superuser.apk…
617 KB/s (196521 bytes in 0.310s)
chmod su…
Remounting system with read-only access…
Nice! Added that to the Reported Issues!
@Ben, that’s how to fix it!
Strange Ben got it to work on the N1 2.21 frg83 but I can’t.Hmmm I have powered off removed the battery, all the combos. Here is what scrolls by. Noting this message:
thanks Andy
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
337 KB/s (0 bytes in 5392.000s)
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
337 KB/s (0 bytes in 5392.000s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Getting mount path…
Anthony, your the man! Thanks so much, I can’t believe that worked…. However, how can I move these big files to the sd card. That’s the only reason why I wanted to root the damn thing?
i wouldn’t have a clue. it was only a stroke of luck that i tried turning the device on after the program had started. i’m not sure if it is enabled in any of the custom rom’s
Got it, got to the market and download Move2sd Enabler. It’s free
I just tried Anthony method step by step and it work like a charm!
@Anthony You are awesome!
@The Unlockr Thanks a lot for this post! My D1 is finally rooted!!!
Thanks for that!
i think i may have bricked the handset. i went onto ROMmanger in order to get cyanogen and selected back up current rom and currently then screen is black and the phone is completely unresponsive. HELP NEEDED
Don’t panic (you shouldn’t use ROM manager to do anything but flash the recovery image for future reference, it’s been known to cause issues).
Take out the battery wait 10 seconds and put it back in. Hold power and see if the phone turns on.
nevermind. i removed the battery and rebooted. crisis averted. thank your for the super easy to use guide and quick responses
what’s the easiest way to install cyanogen without using ROM manager. i’m not really that techy and anything as easy as possible to use would be best
That procedure is coming by day’s end 🙂
Moto Droid here, running 2.2… Getting stuck at “Getting Mount Path”. Tried solutions tried above, no luck:
Killing ADB Server…
* server not running *
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
9 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.562s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Getting mount path…
I followed your directions in the video to the T and this is all I get….
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
I have a Motorola Droid running FRG22D (2.2 obviously)
Any ideas?
ANYONE GETTING WAITING FOR DEVICE, read the reported issues under the procedure and do the following, one at a time and retry between each time.
1. Check to make sure USB debugging is checked on in Settings > Applications > Development.
2. Close the rooting program. Turn off your phone (keeping it still plugged in). Open the rooting program and click root. Then turn on your phone and see if it continues.
3. Close the program and unplug the phone. Download and install PDANet and follow it’s on screen directions to get it to install the drivers manually for your phone. Once it is done installing, plug the phone in and reopen the rooting program.
4. If that still doesn’t work, then go to our How To Setup ADB Procedure, finish it and return here to start over.
I followed all of those instructions to no avail. Not sure what else to do. I think my head is going to explode.
This Works.
Alos, after restart my SD card was mounted. I just unmounted when superoneclick was working. After several seconds, root was complete.
anyone know what the problems of Rom Manger are.
Use it to flash the custom recovery, then stop their. Do anything else through the actual recovery image (like performing backups, loading ROMs etc).
thanks for the heads up. i may as well get amon ra’s recovery image as it seems to be the preferred one in the community.
Number 1, check.
Number 2, check.
Number 3 (already have PDANet). Check.
Number 4, check.
Still gets stuck on “Getting mount Path…”
Dude read Anthony’s posts. It worked for our N1’s. I’m sure it will work for ur droid as well!
Power the phone down, then open the superoneclick app on ur desktop by right clicking and opening as an administrator. Then run the app with the phone off. Once is starts trying to read the device, turn it back on. It should run you completely through the process.
Ben, you are the Man! This method made it work.
Hmm. Now what do I do…
Tried it another five times. No luck. Not working on Droid w/ FRG22D. I’ll come back in another few months and try to root again…
Is this going to have an unroot button as well. I’m assuming it will for all of the people that would like to unroot for the ota updates….
Hey thanks unlockr for the speedy responses a little while ago. U guys are great!
No problem!
And yes the developer is working on an unroot button for the next release (which you will be able to get from the same link we have here).
Cool, thanks!
hey Theunlockr can we use the usual method to load a custom rom on the mytouch 3g??
will I see the padlock on my N1 if I root with this procedure?
No, that is unlocking the bootloader you get that padlock… this doesnt do that.
Anyone having trouble with the HTC Incredible? Running 2.2 w/ Verizon and getting the following error, any ideas?
Nevermind, found the answer from ShortFuse on XDA site. NAND protection is the problem. I really wanted to try this method.
NAND protection shouldn’t be an issue so long as it finished the procedure (the only phone’s with NAND protection are the HTC Evo and G2).
Can’t get the superuser. lupcho posted the same error below
ShortFuse posted this at 4:24pm on XDA
The following phones have a NAND write protection on /system:
Sprint EVO 4G (HTC Supersonic)
Droid Incredible (HTC Incredible)
HTC Desire GSM
HTC Desire CDMA (HTC BravoC)
HTC Aria
Droid Eris (HTC DesireC)
HTC Wildfire (HTC Buzz)
This program can root it, but it won’t be able to copy su to /system
Until I figure out a way around this, use
Hmm.. that’s odd for a number of reasons, but ok if he says so. Added it to the Before You Begin.
All that you put in your comment (I removed) had no errors. You got the OK at the end, you’re done.
Why is the Samsung Captivate singled out with the tab. I need to know because thats my phone. Is it just to unlock it or what?
It’s the only phone that he has the ability to get an unlock code for. Just ignore it unless you want to use a different carrier on your phone.
Dont worry about that tab.
Only use the first tab where the “root” button is located and you will be fine.
This works great and can be used with 2.1 or the 2.2 leak for the captivate 🙂
get crazy and try the 2.2 leak beta from cognition using odin bcz it comes with all the files and odin in one folder so you cant screw it up 🙂
Hi, i have HTC Desire,
i tried the procedure and i got stuck on “Getting mount Path…”
Thanks to the workaround described by Anthony, i passed this and the process finished by stating OK in the end, the same as seen on the video! I restarted the phone but there is NO superuser icon in the applications list. !!??!!
How can i be sure that i have ROOTED the prone ?
please advise.
i did not saw this errors:
Pushing su…
failed to copy ‘su’ to ‘/system/bin/su’: Out of memory
Pushing superuser.apk…
failed to copy ‘superuser.apk’ to ‘/system/app/superuser.apk’: Out of memory
chmod su…
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
i got about 22MB free on the phone? Does this process needs more ?
Mine is saying the same thing…..OUT OF MEMORY….i am not out of memory. So I don’t know what other procedure to try. I have tried everything
I’m getting the same error with almost 140 Mb of free space
Any suggestions?
I’m running an HTC legend on Bell (unlocked)
Firmware 2.1 update 1
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Getting mount path…
Remounting system with read-write access…
Pushing su…
failed to copy ‘su’ to ‘/system/bin/su’: Out of memory
Pushing superuser.apk…
failed to copy ‘superuser.apk’ to ‘/system/app/superuser.apk’: Out of memory
chmod su…
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
Remounting system with read-only access…
Then my phone reboots.
Thanks for the help
Im on a HTC Desire Android 2.2
Everything in the root goes good, until i get to the end.
At the end it just says: FAILED
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
Waiting for device…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
chmod rageagainstthecage…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
Running rageagainstthecage…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
Loops Endlessly. Samsung Captivate w/ 2.1
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
84 KB/s (0 bytes in 5392.000s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
Endless loop. Where do I go from here? Is ADB procedure my only option.
Same problem!
Same problem here with Xperia x10i Android 2.1, I’m stunned that I cant find an answer to the problem….
What do I do if my phone wont boot past the htc logo it is just stuck
What did you do to get it stuck, this procedure shouldn’t reboot your phone so you did something else after?
sup ppl,
I’m scared trying to root my phone, i recently tried the manual tutorial for my milestone phone, and in the first step of simply adding the ADBrecovery and getting to the exclamation with X and ON button, the program rejected the file and then it started to turn off before some seconds of being on.
the way to get it back to normal was guessing to erase the files as fast as i could and it worked.
could this “patch” somehow make my milestone work odd?
Btw, what does this do? just add an app for the superuser? will i have to activate it every time i want to tether wifi? how does that app really works?
This will root your phone permanently. Then just follow the next section in the procedure to get wifi tethering and your all set. No need to repeat the process again.
I fixed it great thanks
Theunlockr : do you know how to flash a custom recovery image with rom manager? I have no idea how to please help!!!
Just open rom manager then click Flash Recovery.
Otherwise wait till tomorrow doing a how to video for just that…
If I need to un-root will the old processes still work with this method of rooting?
So, wouldn’t I want a custom ROM handy for when I do get root? And this will work on 1.6/DMD64?
The “running rageagainstthecage” loop is by design. Sometimes you have to try multiple timest. Poor usb connectivity is usually the cause
So does this eliminate the need for a Gold Card? Such as on the MyTouch 3g?
Ran this on my G1 v1.6 DMD64 with 34.74MB internal storage available and 7.41GB on SD card. Ended up with read only access, see the following:
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
309 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.017s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Getting mount path…
Remounting system with read-write access…
Pushing su…
failed to copy ‘su’ to ‘/system/bin/su’: No space left on device
Pushing superuser.apk…
failed to copy ‘superuser.apk’ to ‘/system/app/superuser.apk’: No space left on device
chmod su…
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
Remounting system with read-only access…
>>>>>>>>>>>How can I free up space(and how much space do I need?) to get this to load properly?
My mytrouch 3g slide says out of memory when the root program pushes the superuser apk.. PLEASE HELP!!
how long should the superoneclick root go for?
hey it seems to be just running a loop over and over on my motorola cliq, is that normal?
I am having dificulty getting the process to finalize on my T mobile G1 (which im using with fido in Canada) I keep getting this message
Pushing superuser.apk…
“failed to copy ‘superuser.apk’ to ‘/system/app/superuser.apk’: No space left on device”
followed by:
chmod su…
Remounting system with read-only access…
Any idea how to fix this issue?
so what does superuser do anyway
do not see superlink app
Anyone had luck on rooting HTC Legend?? Tried yesterday no luck.
i mean superuser
Works on the T-mobile My Touch 3G (HTC Magic)
Super user installed successfully , no hassel at al!
Great Job for the development of this easy to use software! 🙂
myTouch slide says out of memory? Does this program not work on myTouchs?
now it says out of memory
i just dragged n dropped the file directly to my sd card n installed it thru astro is dat ok
Has anyone tested this on a Nexus One with Android version 2.2.1 aka FRG83? It’s the infamous version of froyo that blocks root via the wifi exploit method. I’m not too familiar with this process but have carefully tried it on mine and it recognizes my device as already being rooted…anyone else have that issue? I also have the original Super User icon in my app drawer. I cannot get super user access to anything on my device? is their a way to uninstall/undo the original oneclick-root and start from scratch? please tweet me a respnose.
Read the comments. Two people with nexus on that exact version got this to work…
hey me and ben (listed earlier in Comments) have both rooted our devices using this method.
-enable usb debugging and turn off your device and connect via usb
-run superoneclick program and click on root.
-it should say waiting for device.
-after this appears turn on your device while still connected to the pc
-program should now complete and if successful a message will pop up saying that you are now rooted.
if after doing this you wish to load a custom rom do not use Rom Manager. it doesn’t work on android 2.2.1 and at the minute i cannot install apps fro the market.
Thanks for the tip. It worked fine and rooted the phone following this. Awesome.
Yeah having the same issue as the other Legend users, same errors about not enough space.
Plz Help…..
I am having spice Mi300 currently running on android 2.1
I want to know about following things………..
1. Is there any chance to get the phone bricked by using super one click method….
2. I am having the adb file for my spice mi 300 in CD ROM.Should I replace the one in the software with this one
3. Is there any way to unroot the phone once rooted.
4. Does rooting voids the manufacturer warranty
i can only answere you #4, yes, it voids the warranty..
u just completely ignored everyone who talked about the out of memory error can u help us get past that please
First off, I’m not anyones personal help desk. If I can help and happen to be at the computer I will gladly help, but don’t get mad at me if I don’t answer every question on this site. The site is a resource to help you, use it in conjunction with any other resources on the internet, try to help each other collectively.
Second off, its a new program and the developer of the program is updating it as he goes. We appreciate you reporting your issues and the developer has his forum at the link where you downloaded the program, I’m sure he’s now aware of the issues and will update the program asap. Check his forum and see if he added anything to the first post about your device yet.
Also, if this procedure doesn’t work for you and you don’t want to wait for him to update it, feel free to click on How Tos at the top of the site, then Android, then your phone and use one of our other procedures that work for your phone.
im sorry im just a little upset i been tryin to root my phone since yesterday all day n it still hasent work your other method fails me as well n i folled dat one first step by step by step the other method said update failed main verson older something like dat n i try trouble shoot it go on other places n on other websites no one really had the answe r on how to by pass dat im not mad it just seem like other ppl posted the same thing bout it being a memory erroy n u didnt say anything back to them about it nor me which is why i said that but yae ok ill go on the developers page but since u made the video i thought u could assist me
If this process isn’t working, try the other process again. If it is saying main version older, you probably need to make a Gold Card. There is a step by step instructional for that on here as well.
how do i make a gold card what is that
Search our site for the words “How To Make a Goldcard”…
how come i need to purchase a gold card how much are they n everyone else dosent have to purchase this gold card to root there devices i wanna do it without that device please
does any one has any idea of how much time does Running rageagainstthecage… last? its sort of stuck there :S
i am using a milestone
how much does this process last?
I have the same problem…
Worked sucessfully on MyTouch 3G v1.0 (after Solution 3)…Have no idea what to do next <<>>can anyone stir me into the direction of some tutorials on how to use “superuser” & on how to install froyo 2.2
Thank You,
Works well for me 🙂
I upgraded to the leaked version of 2.2 for the samsung captivate and used this to root the phone and worked great!
I thought it was easy enough for samsung galaxy s users but this is even better lol
now running the cognition 2.2 beta rom and loving life!
I have run the programme to my samsung galaxy portal which is on t mobile(uk). I used super one click and it said phone rooted, I look at my phone settings its saying im using kernel 2.6.29 root@se-se610 #2 and my build is eclair.xxjd2.All looks god but when i try to use any wifi teether prog or any prog needing root it says not rooted and the superuser does not ask for access any ideas any one?!
is the superuser icon in your applications?
try downloading the odin one-click to get back to stock firmware and try this one click root method again.
I had some problems before with the same thing your seeing on my i897 (captivate) but once i went back to stock and re-rooted, i have not had any problems since then 🙂
i even got this method working on the 2.2 beta so
Has nobody had success doing this on the mytouch slide?
any1 know how to unroot????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
not to be a dick or anything, but I think you should add myTouch slide to the “Not working list”
it seems like none of us have been able to get it to work.
Did any of you read the list in the Before You Begin? It’s been on the list since last night lol
Click on the link in bold at the bottom of the procedure and then click on the MyTouch Slide and you’ll have the procedure that we know works on the MyTouch Slide instead 🙂
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
421 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.012s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
adb server is out of date. killing…
* daemon started successfully *
Running rageagainstthecage…
adb server is out of date. killing…
Cant seem to get past this..
Once I have the superuser app, Is my phone officially rooted?…(Mytouch 3G Original) it worked btw.
where can i purchase this goldcard thing n will i really need to create one i have to do it to root my device
You don’t purchase one u create it. Follow our how to create a goldcard procedure.
Got it to work!! Ran superoneclick while the phone was booting up..
Thanks Guys!!
Nice, ill add that to the solutions!
every things done ! but my superuser is now showing up… i reboot still the same
Finally got past the “Waiting device” prompt, the Superuser app shows up and everything, but my apps all say I don’t have root access. Did I miss something? Thanks.
Oh, I’m using a Dext on firmware 0.11.8
Hey , i have a problem , I’ve done the root part and also I’ve installed the “Wire Tether for Roots Users” , but whenever i open it , a message comes, “No Netfilter !! Sorry, but your kernal does not have the nessary features for the tethering.”
I’m a Dream user and have a 1.6 kernal. Plzz help
Please check the Wifi Tethering page for more info (where you downloaded the wifi tether .apk)
Everything worked fine with the original MyTouch 3G[right after I performed solution 3]…What do I do after superuser is installed? Not sure how to root it (MyTouch 3G 1.0)
I have a HTC Magic with the latest official update from HTC (Kernel 2.6.27-5b476e83 htc-kernel@and18-2 #99). When running the SuperOneClick it finishes successfully (last transcript below). The Superuser app is installed. However no applications needing root are working and the Superuser app never pops up… Running su comand in terminal also fails…
Any ideas?
chmod su…
Remounting system with read-only access…
Please report this on the forum where you downloaded the Application from (I think it’s a bug he needs to work out).
In the meantime, if you need root, click on How To’s at the top of the site > Android > then your phone and use those procedures.
I reported this on the xda forum for this app. The older versions were saying rooted but only installing the superuser app. The new 1.5 version says not rooted. I think the original MyTouch may need to be added to the does not work list. I think it’s failing because of the need for the gold card in your other root method.
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
752 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.007s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
error: more than one device and emulator
What does it mean when it says more than one device and emulator?
Has any 1 succed on my touch slide. I never rooted a phonw caus eim scared my brick it, but since this sounds easy i was wondering t give it a try. So has any 1 done it on my touch slide if so let me now email me at plzzzz i would appreciate it
Read the before you begin, MyTouch Slide is one of the phones that it doesn’t work on.
Just click How Tos at the top of the site, then Android then the MyTouch Slide and the how to root their works fine.
Yeah but its cause the other way is jst 2 much lol im afraid im going 2 brij my phone and mess up thats whhy :/ i never rooted or anything cause im afraid of tht so yeahh
Well, I got the Superuser app in the drawer, but when I try to check my behold2 got rooted or not by download the copy paste it trial app, the app said that i don’t have root access…????
Any idea??? HELP!!! PLZZ!!!
Will this work on my boring behold 2 with 1.6??? Could I play GAMELOFT games afterwards? Can ANDROID phones be rooted from the phone only-I don’t have a computer,because I mostly use my phone. Would this brick my phone, I don’t really understand rooting + Im 16 so that would piss me off ahahaha, but seriously I need to know because im tired of my phone!!! It has no multi-touch, it restarts, overheats, battery dies quickly, can’t install new apps or gameloft games, freezes, emulators are slow and choppy, along with millions of other problems I didn’t name:(
Whats the worst thing that could happen to your phone after using this method of rooting , let’s say if i’ve rooted is it possible to unroot?
currently using an HTC Legend , don’t know whether it’s supported or not
This worked flawlessly on my Sprint Hero 2.1. It took less than 3 minutes, once I updated the .NET framework. Thank you so much for the easy to follow video instructions. I do much better with pictures to follow :). Next, I plan to follow your video for installing a custom ROM tomorrow.
By the way, this is the first time I have ever done anything like this. I have been reading about it for months, just seemed too daunting a task, until I came across this video. Thanks again.
I have tried the one-click method on a Leaked 2.2 Captivate. I keep get this error when I try to root:
E:Signature Verification Failed. Installation Aborted.
Any suggestion?
Hello, I’m trying this on my Cliq XT, and It did get stuck on Waiting for device. But then i got passed that somehow(not sure how) and it did a couple things and then said error:device not found. ?
What is happeneing? I have it on usb debug mode.
Mine gets to this and then just stands there even when trying some of the other tips here, but newer sais Rooted. It restarts the ADB server and then waits for the device after that.
Any tips on how to make it continue?
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
752 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.007s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
I have a G3 MyTouch (with the headphone jack on top) V1.6. I managed to get Superuser on my phone but it does nothing.When I try to us the ROM manager by “Flashing ClockworkMOd Recovery”, I get “an error occurred while attempting to run privileges commands!” Nothing seems to work with this. What can I do?
I am having a similar problem but also in the program it is saying the root failed also when it finishes.
Also Superuser says there is new version but I can’t download and install it so it put it on my SDcard and to boot in Recovery mode and flash it. My recovery mode comes up with the triangle and then does nothing. Any idea why?
works with Huawei U8100
Thanks 😀
Does this work for Froyo phones. HTC Hero 2.2 Froyo and above.
Yes and if it doesn’t work for you, click How Tos at the top of the site n find the procedure for your device.
will everything on my phone be deleted.
it finishes says rooted but im not finding superuser icon in my app drawer. and the super one click app keeps saying my device does not have enough memory but i just restored it and have an empty 16 gig sd card in there plz help
Hi, can i use app2sd app on my gsm hero with 2.1 officiel rom after i rooted with this or will that brick my phone or mess it up or something?!
need quick anwser
Thank you
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
159 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.033s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Getting mount path…
Remounting system with read-write access…
Pushing su…
610 KB/s (26264 bytes in 0.042s)
Pushing superuser.apk…
864 KB/s (196521 bytes in 0.222s)
chmod su…
Remounting system with read-only access…
Device was not rooted!
i followed te instructions to the letter with my G1/HTC Dream but it always give me this message
Have got the same problem as David, superuser says that there is a newer version. When trying to install it says that it’s not possible and that i need to flash the zip on the sd card via recovery mode. When going into recovery mode (volume down, call , end call) the phone is completely reset to factory settings… the superuser icon is still there but i suppose i lost root. I can’t check it because i can’t download any apps from the market anymore…
Any ideas??
I’m a little confused here. It says HTC Legend is NOT supported with this one, but on HTC legend how to’s page there’s a link to this how to…
Thanks, needs to be taken down. Just use the other how to root the legend on our site.
Same problem as Phil Squire
Oct 17 2010, 7:25 AM
With mytouch 3g original
running 1.5 stock
Hey Bench, the recovery mode is “Home+Power”. The recovery symbol comes up and then locks up on my phone. I have to pull the battery. What I don’t understand is how can Superuser be on my phone but not work. I could realy use an answer here.
It seems like on the original MyTouch 3G the most any of the SOC versions will do is install the superuser app which you can download from the market. It isn’t actually rooting. In the other root method on here you have to make a gold card. I believe this program is basically trying to do the same process without the gold card which just doesn’t work.
Maybe it would work if you made the gold card and then used sappimg to downgrade to 1.5 first, then used this.
Hi theunlockr, I used this method to root my behold 2 (donut). I finished the process and actually have Superuser appear on my phone, but after downloading several “rooted only apps”, I think that my phone isn’t rooted yet because those apps said that my phone doesn’t have root access yet. Please let me know if any behold 2 user having this problem too. Please tell me what I did wrong or my phone doesn’t supported yet? Is there any other one click root method for behold 2? Thanks!
I have the Droid X. The root worked as did the wifi app. but now I cant hear my phone calls. HELP PLEASE!!!!
Nevermind, after unrooting and rooting again, all is good. THANKS
do you know how to unroot the htc aria?
what all setting for the usb did you use. charge only??? can get my x to root al all. lil help please
This procedure is experimental and the developer of the app is adding improvements constantly.
If you have an issue with this procedure, simply click How Tos at the top of the site, then Android, then your phone and use one of the other rooting methods. We posted this one because it is easier than most, but it doesn’t always work.
I am very underwhelmed. After all the optimistic promises, both in this forum and in xda-developers, I connected the phone (USB debugging already long since enabled) launched the program (1.5.1), saw many promising status messages only to watch it end with:
Device was not rooted
No explanation of why it failed, not even a hint. On the contrary: just a few lines before this, it said “Running rageagainstthecase” ROOTED.
This is not good programming practice, to say ‘ROOTED’ and then change your mind, saying “not rooted”.
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
This is after I ran the Superoneclick, and it stops a mount path. Failed. I stopped the program, and started it again. It gave me the above response with a small window saying Device is rooted! However, I do have the superuser icon on my phone. I downloaded the terminal emulator. when I open the terminal I have the “$”. I type in “su” I get permission denied. I’m not sure what I did wrong.
I have the Motorola Cliq MB200 running Eclair2CLIQ Beta1
Firmware version: 2.1-update
Kernal version: 2.6.29
This does not work on the original MyTouch 3G. If you read the thread here you will see others having the same problem. It will give a message that it failed but, it will put the super user icon on the phone. DO NOT USE THIS ON THE ORIGINAL MYTOUCH 3G.
It has worked fine for others on the MyTouch.
But if you are having an issue, simply click the link in bold at the bottom of the procedure to be taken to our How To’s page and select the MyTouch from there to be presented with other rooting procedures for the G1.
(You can also click How To’s at the top of the site, then Android, then the MyTouch)
This actually only partially works on the MyTouch. It will only give shell root that is lost after reboot. No full root. I tried downgrading to Cupcake since that is required in the other process. That doesn’t work either. The people on hear that are saying it works think that because it does install the Superuser.apk and with the shell root, you get the #. But it does not fully root the phone to where you can flash a custom recovery and install custom roms.
i have a Droid X 2.2 & Im stuck on “Running rageagainstthecage…” what to do next?
Hey mine keeps getting stuck on the rageagainstthecage as well ho did you get it to work?
Did you figure it out?
Had a brief back and forth with short fuse on xda earlier. He said for this to work the phone needs to have S-OFF. The original MyTouch 3G has S-ON. The only way I have found to get the phone over to S-OFF is to flash a different recovery. So you might as well just do the other method on here.
Hey there! I have a HTC hero for telus and I ran the one click method. Everything when well but at the very end it said okay.. then the message your device was not rooted. But on my phone it has the Super User icon and it seems to function. So I guess my question is.. Am are rooted or not?
Does the Allow Non Market Apps button work?
cause it keep getting stuck at:
Getting settings.db
The application keeps Running rageagainstthecage… I’m trying to root motorola i1 please help!!!!
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
101 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.052s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
I’m using the Mytouch 3G running 1.6. For some reason it will not root it. Here Below is what i get everytime. Please help 🙁
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
337 KB/s (0 bytes in 5392.000s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Getting mount path…
Remounting system with read-write access…
Pushing su…
820 KB/s (0 bytes in 26264.000s)
Pushing superuser.apk…
1116 KB/s (0 bytes in 196521.000s)
chmod su…
Remounting system with read-only access…
mount: Device or resource busy
Remounting system with read-only access…
Device was not rooted!
Just click on How Tos at the top of the site, the Android, then the MyTouch and follow one of the other procedures.
Okay so this method didn’t work but the other method you have under “click here for specific phone” did! Thanks! now my Telus Hero is running Villain ROM 12 and flying like a beast! I did have a bit of a panic when my Data wasn’t working but I didn’t realize that the APN got wiped. Once I added that info it was like my phone was brought back from the dead and now I couldn’t be happier.. well with my phone at least. Thanks folks! you’re the Gear!
Problem with samsung behold 2 ( donut), I got the Superuser in the app drawer, but after downloading several ” rooted only apps “, I think that my phone isn’t rooted yet because those apps said that my phone isn’t rooted yet. PLEASE HELP!
i can’t get it to work on my samsung epic 4g it keep telling me samsung captivate rite on top of the button u press to for root an my phone cant be found but i see it plugged in my computer i even switched usb ports
Hi the Unlockr,
Thanks for the clear instructions!
I managed to root the phone, but now with the latest version, there is a button for enable non market apps.
when I click that, at the very end, I get this:
Getting settings.db location…
Could not run command with ROTC root.
Any thoughts?
Tried anthony’s method… didn’t work for me :(… still not detecting my n1…
HELLO, can i root my captivate running 2.2 froyo using this?… or do you have other instructions on how to root froyo on captivate?
Try this one first and then if it doesn’t work click How Tos at the top of the site then Android then Captivate.
if i have rooted my phone using a different method to this
could i use this tool to unroot? as it seems an easier way to unroot
Im am using an HTC Hero 2.1 and all I get is this:
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
What could be the problem? ;/
The same thing happened to me. I had to go to PDANet and instal the program (chose you platform ie android, palm, blackberry etc) then try it again. see instructions right below “Load custom recovery image” near top of page.
When i press the root button it says:
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
and nothing else! pls help! MyTouch slide!
Please read the before you begin… MyTouch Slide is one of the NOT supported phones. To root the slide, just click How Tos at the top of the site, then Android, then the Slide and you’ll see How To Root the Slide, do that and then the How to Load a ROM and you’ll be all set.
have have tried all items in this post. droid x 2.2 stuck on getting mount path. just sits there. what can be done.
when i press root at the end says
Pushing su…
failed to copy ‘su’ to ‘/system/bin/su’: Out of memory
Pushing superuser.apk…
failed to copy ‘superuser.apk’ to ‘/system/app/superuser.apk’: Out of memory
chmod su…
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
Remounting system with read-only access…
Device was not rooted!
what do i have to do? pls! hlp!
yo unlockr i just have a quick question i did it i rooted my phone correctly but then im just wondering how can i remove applications
Since I started the program it has been stuck on, “Remounting system with read-write access…” for about 25 minutes any suggestions or is this normal?
Yo, I have a garminfone. I’m wondering can i root it also
It saud it was rooted but when i try to “Allow non market aps I get “Getting settings.db location…
settings.db not found
FAILED” can n e 1 tell me what this means or what happened?
I have a Droid 1 I’ve got it to this point……
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
117 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.045s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
and it’s just sitting there. How long should it take to finish? It’s been like that for almost 5 mins.
I had the same problem and still waiting on an answer. I have a Droid X. Did you fix your issue??
try to turn off the debugging and turn it on again thats how it worked for me
i have done this and its stuck on
Pushing psneuter…2423 KB/s (585731 bytes in 0.236s)
chmod psneuter…
Running psneuter…
wont do a single other thing
I had the same issue first time through (using SuperOneClick 1.5.5). Double checked 1.) in the troubleshooting list, then followed the procedure in 2.) and it worked the next time through.
i’m having the same problem too.. can anyone help me? i’m using xperia x8
and 1 more thing. how long does it takes because i think it’s taking me more than 10minutes..
Is it me or is there NO ONE that can give me STEP BY STEP instructions on how to over clock my droid? I thought my desktop was getting too old because it cant open some of the files needed to overclock so I went and got a laptop 2 days ago (with windows 7), I reinstalled the programs and it still cant open the SAME files!!)
Anyone have an answer, or better yet, a solution to this?
Does this work with the mytouch 3g running on 2.2.1
SAMSUNG TRANSFORM…….WORKED PERFECTLY……this is a temporary root though as far as i understand …if im wrong correct me, but once my phone reboots i will be unrooted correct??
I rooted my droid x with this method but i had to extract the zip file on the root of my sd card and run it from my cd card The directions say do not mount SD card but It still worked, I am rooted, but i was wondering what happens if you mount the sd card? Would I still be able to unroot later on? This was the only way to root, it would not let me root my phone without mounting sd card. Can someone plz help?? Plz email me @
What zip file did you put on ur sd card?
I do it well but at finish tell me faild
but superuser icon appear in list
what’s wrong
is my phone root
your phone is rooted this hapened ot my droid when i rooted it the old way i dont know exactly what failed but it oviously isnt vital because i loaded a custom rom and had wifi tether as well as set cpu and they all worked
I just rooted my Sprint Hero using this method, but I can no longer do a nandroid backup. I now get an triagle alert icon. I cannot press alt-b because I have no keyboard. Any suggestions?
hey i did this and it stucks at waiting for device. should i download android drivers or sdk ( are these both same?)
i tried using this method to root my phone but it keep connecting and disconnecting. why so somehelpme
I used 1.4 to root my Droid running 2.2, finished in minutes and was so easy with the instructions provided.
I have to send my Droid back as I just got a replacement due to my package installer being super buggy, before I ever used Super One Click.
2 questions I could use some guidance on.
Since I am sending this rooted by 1.4version back, I think I should unroot it before shipping, would 1.5 do that or not due to rooting by 1.4?
And second since 1.4 worked great on this model, should I use that to root the new droid2.2, or go with 1.5 due to its having more functionality?
I’d be grateful if anyone could shoot me a reply when time allows as I have to ship this Droid back in a few days or I will have to pay a penalty.
You can msg me back here on the site or on this thread, whatever is easier for you.
I would really appreciate any input/recommendations on this matter.
thanks again
Super One Click is the king
Having that problem with not being able to hear when i make a call. It wont un root now . Please help
Having that problem with not being able to hear when i make a call. It wont un root now . Please help
i’ve unlocked my vibrant and captivate.
everything worked
now i have another vibrant, and it gives me this error:
Copying nv_data.bin to sd…
/efs/nv_data.bin: Permission denied
btw, i’ve tried every single version, and gives the same error. also, tried it again on the ones i’ve unlocked, also the same error!
hey i have the rogers samsung captivate and when i try to use this method to root on win 7 64bit edition, program says “not responding” after “pushing rageagainstthecage”.
The same is happening to me. Did you found a solution?
Any chance of getting this to work for mac?
How to unlock the bootloader after rooting?
yea im stuck at
Running rageagainstthecage…
also.. what do i do…
Didn’t work until I ran it as administrator, this it worked perfect on my Droid.
why is it that when i go on xda-developers and when i click on the newest root thingy it says that i dont have permission to view it…in fact, it wont let me view any of them. I’ve got an account there but im just stuck at this point. Can anyone help me out?
Same thing is happening to me now. do you find a solution?
You needed to check the link sent to your email address you supplied them to fully activate your account.
You needed to check the link sent to your email address you supplied them to fully activate your account.
You needed to check the link sent to your email address you supplied them to fully activate your account.
why is it that when i go on xda-developers and when i click on the newest root thingy it says that i dont have permission to view it…in fact, it wont let me view any of them. I’ve got an account there but im just stuck at this point. Can anyone help me out?
My phone is not being found please help!!!!!
I’m having the same problem, were you able to solve it?
if you were can you post how?
It doesnt work on the samsung intercept from virginmobile i seems liike they have blocked the usb debugging mode or something did anyone tryed doing it on that phone?
I have a VM Intercept, and I was able to get it to work. I had the same problem above, it got stuck at rageagainstthecage, but I did #2 on the solutions list, and it went through fine.
On Motorola Cliq: Stuck @ installing SuperUser.apk.. Please respond!!
Me tooo… please respond!!!
Ok so it did all the steps, It said “your device is rooted would you like to test the SU?” and then its says TEST FAILED
Is it still rooted??
I have a Moto Droid 2.2 and can’t get past this.
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
188 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.028s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Getting mount path…
Can anyone help with this?
Try and run the program with your phone in recovery mode. Or try turning usb debugging off then running the program and turning it on when it says waiting for device.
Otherwise search our site for another how to root for your phone.
I tried both of these and it is still not working. Im using the ATT/Rogers N1, 2.2.1. It was previously hanging on “waiting for device” but installing the PDAnet application got the correct drivers and fixed that issue. Now it is hanging on “getting mount path”.
Thanks for all your work and help.
I tried both of these and it is still not working. Im using the ATT/Rogers N1, 2.2.1. It was previously hanging on “waiting for device” but installing the PDAnet application got the correct drivers and fixed that issue. Now it is hanging on “getting mount path”.
Thanks for all your work and help.
I tried both of these and it is still not working. Im using the ATT/Rogers N1, 2.2.1. It was previously hanging on “waiting for device” but installing the PDAnet application got the correct drivers and fixed that issue. Now it is hanging on “getting mount path”.
Thanks for all your work and help.
I tried both of these and it is still not working. Im using the ATT/Rogers N1, 2.2.1. It was previously hanging on “waiting for device” but installing the PDAnet application got the correct drivers and fixed that issue. Now it is hanging on “getting mount path”.
Thanks for all your work and help.
not sure if you still having this problem. I have a Droid 1 and was running in to the same issue. I am running froyo and have apps i had moved to the SD card. All i had to do is to get a different SD card an it worked as it should, but i think that it was getting stuck because the SD card was in use by the apps running on it. Any way… It worked for me, Gingerbread here we go!!!
not sure if you still having this problem. I have a Droid 1 and was running in to the same issue. I am running froyo and have apps i had moved to the SD card. All i had to do is to get a different SD card an it worked as it should, but i think that it was getting stuck because the SD card was in use by the apps running on it. Any way… It worked for me, Gingerbread here we go!!!
I just rooted and had issues hanging up at this SAME place.. Turned the phone off with it still plugged in, closed the program where it was hosed up, opened the program back up fresh and clicked ROOT. Then I turned on the phone. It rooted the phone while the SD card was disconnected and allowed me to do what I wanted then. 🙂
This worked like a charm for me. Thanks, Meghan!
Meghan your a genius haha I have been trying to root my phone for a week now and your fix did it 😀
I had the same problem multiple times. I took the SD card out and then did it and it worked like a charm.
hi i have the same problem with my g1 can you solveit plz help me alsoooo
Nexus 1 T-Mobile Android Ver 2.2.1
Worked great thanks alot!!
So i tried this process for mytouch 3g 1.2, does not work unable to install the su everything else seems to go ok but at the end no root, so after careful reading on the download page it does says thi mt3g 1.2 has a nand lock and it has to use some other method, so will go ahead and do the long process with sdk and the gold card that one worked fine last time…
So i tried this process for mytouch 3g 1.2, does not work unable to install the su everything else seems to go ok but at the end no root, so after careful reading on the download page it does says thi mt3g 1.2 has a nand lock and it has to use some other method, so will go ahead and do the long process with sdk and the gold card that one worked fine last time…
hi my root process keep getting stuck at intstalling superuser but it never say its insatalled can someone help me out
Pushing su…
failed to copy ‘C:UsersErickDownloadsSuperOneClickv1.5.5-ShortFusesu’ to ‘/system/bin/su’: No space left on device
chmod su…
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
Pushing Superuser.apk…
failed to copy ‘C:UsersErickDownloadsSuperOneClickv1.5.5-ShortFuseSuperuser.apk’ to ‘/system/app/Superuser.apk’: No space left on device
Remounting system with read-only access…
Running a SU test…
Test failed!
How can i put my phone back to normal?
Waiting for device…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Getting mount path…
Remounting system with read-write access…
Pushing su…
failed to copy ‘C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktop1 clicksu’ to ‘/system/bin/su’: Out of memory
chmod su…
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
Pushing Superuser.apk…
failed to copy ‘C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktop1 clickSuperuser.apk’ to ‘/system/app/Superuser.apk’: Out of memory
Remounting system with read-only access…
i kept tryin rootin it for almost 6 hours !!!! and IT FAILS !!
It’s HTC Tattoo … i need some help here plz ..
same problem
it dint work 4 me
moto dext wont give me su access
1st I want to thank you for all your hard work. your SuperOneClick method is an attempt to allow those of us not so “droidsavy” the phone Freedom’s we desire. So Thanks !
With my htc Hero “sprint” 2.1 and with several tries last after a device boot. I made it through your SuperOneClick method. got the OK. yet I have no SU icon in apps. SuperOneClick method prog now says I am rooted. where did I go wrong what. everything looks the same. still unable to remove pre installed apps.
maybe im not really rooed.
Shouldn’t be an SU icon. There should be a Superuser Permissions app in the app drawer. Is there?
there is in this page a tutorial to update the motorola cliq xt to android 2.1?
Do this one:
Then this one:
And when you are doing the last one, look for a ROM in the list that runs on Android 2.1.
Good luck!
hey i cant download it can u give me a direct link please
i cant download it
No good news over here my dear Unlokr friend… I guess I’m just UnLuck. Er… 🙂
I followed your instructions precisely and your app even SAID that my phone was rooted… I looked into my apps and Super User (Skull) was indeed installed.
But after installing the RomManager (free version) and tried to loead the Recovery System in order to install my Cyanogen ROM from a ZIP file. It says I have no privileges or something like that… So it was a no go…
Below is my HTC Magic info (TIM Brazil):
HBOOT-1.76.0007 (SAPP60000)
AUG. 4 2009 19:43:30
Any help and updates would be very appreciated.
Oddly enough this happened to me once using this procedure on a g1… Let the creator of the app know the issue and then try a different procedure on our site for your phone. Go to How Tos then Android then HTC Magic.
i hade the same problem with my moto dext
i hade the same problem with my moto dext
Same here!
Pushing su…
21 KB/s (0 bytes in 26264.001s)
chmod su…
Pushing Superuser.apk…
97 KB/s (0 bytes in 196521.001s)
Remounting system with read-only access…
Running a SU test…
Test failed!
I am HTC TMobile G1 DMD64 with 1.6 TMobile update. I use the one-click method, and it goes through fine. It tells me if I want to test SU, I do, and it fails. It says it is rooted, but it isnt. Shell root is the same. I factory reseted, and it still is bugged. Please, someone help I need the tether :/
I am HTC TMobile G1 DMD64 with 1.6 TMobile update. I use the one-click method, and it goes through fine. It tells me if I want to test SU, I do, and it fails. It says it is rooted, but it isnt. Shell root is the same. I factory reseted, and it still is bugged. Please, someone help I need the tether :/
Anyone know what the wait time is to have your account activated to allow downloads at xda-developers?
I’ve been waiting for two days.
how does one click get past the locked ROM versions that other procedures require a down-grade? Will I need to down-grade before executing one-click?
and finally, is there an alternative link to one touch, I’m spoiled by immediate gratification 🙂
Update, I was able to download super one click, but now I’m stuck when it runs.
It never finds my device I have a sprint hero with build 2.31.651.7
I guess my question is, does this procedure still require that we downgrade to the original release of android 2.1?
Thanks for any feed back
you should get an email from xda-developers site almost immediately after you register. check your spam folder, as yahoo mail marked mine as spam.
Pushing Superuser.apk…
878 KB/s (196521 bytes in 0.218s)
Remounting system with read-only access…
Running a SU test…
Test failed!
Pushing Superuser.apk…
878 KB/s (196521 bytes in 0.218s)
Remounting system with read-only access…
Running a SU test…
Test failed!
go this far on my touch 3g w/ OTA Froyo (2.2.1) build FRG83D. I let it sit like that for over an hr. no change. Anyone have solution?
Killing ADB Server…
* server not running *
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
219 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.024s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Getting mount path…
i can not even download the link in the beginning it brings me to another page telling me to login
Moto Droid running froyo 2.2 frg22d on verizon
get stuck on “waiting for device”
tried the options 1-4 under ” reported issues ” but had issues with not getting a serial number using the androidsdk. im giving up for tonight, to try a differnt method maybe tomorrow.
Does running this on a win 7 pc make any difference ?
thanks for the work you do.
i am trying to download the one click rooting program but when i try to open the downloaded file it says the file is corroupted or damaged. I need help!!
Says the downloaded file is corrupted or damaged. Do we have any other options??
Does it realy works? Anyone, who tested it with an Acer Liquid S100 ?
Have a droid2 running 2.2. when i run the program I’m getting an error.
Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. if you click Continue…..
************** Exception Text **************
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the file specified
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at SuperOneClick.Form1.runCommand(String arguments)
at SuperOneClick.Form1.runOperationUI(String description, String arguments)
at SuperOneClick.Form1.btnRoot_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.3615 (GDR.050727-3600)
CodeBase: file:///c:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/cinman/install/oneclickroot/SuperOneClick.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.3053 (netfxsp.050727-3000)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.3614 (GDR.050727-3600)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.3053 (netfxsp.050727-3000)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/
************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging
For example:
When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.
Have a droid2 running 2.2. when i run the program I’m getting an error.
Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. if you click Continue…..
************** Exception Text **************
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the file specified
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at SuperOneClick.Form1.runCommand(String arguments)
at SuperOneClick.Form1.runOperationUI(String description, String arguments)
at SuperOneClick.Form1.btnRoot_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.3615 (GDR.050727-3600)
CodeBase: file:///c:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/cinman/install/oneclickroot/SuperOneClick.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.3053 (netfxsp.050727-3000)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.3614 (GDR.050727-3600)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.3053 (netfxsp.050727-3000)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/
************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging
For example:
When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.
Please report issues with the Program to it’s developer at the download link, thanks!
Please report issues with the Program to it’s developer at the download link, thanks!
Please report issues with the Program to it’s developer at the download link, thanks!
Have a droid2 running 2.2. when i run the program I’m getting an error.
Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. if you click Continue…..
************** Exception Text **************
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the file specified
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at SuperOneClick.Form1.runCommand(String arguments)
at SuperOneClick.Form1.runOperationUI(String description, String arguments)
at SuperOneClick.Form1.btnRoot_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
************** Loaded Assemblies **************
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.3615 (GDR.050727-3600)
CodeBase: file:///c:/WINDOWS/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/cinman/install/oneclickroot/SuperOneClick.exe
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.3053 (netfxsp.050727-3000)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.3614 (GDR.050727-3600)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.3053 (netfxsp.050727-3000)
CodeBase: file:///C:/WINDOWS/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/
************** JIT Debugging **************
To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this
application or computer (machine.config) must have the
jitDebugging value set in the section.
The application must also be compiled with debugging
For example:
When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception
will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer
rather than be handled by this dialog box.
Hi all … any body can help me plz 🙂
when start “Step1-windows” on Dos window display this msg
what can i DoOo……….????
Hi all … any body can help me plz 🙂
when start “Step1-windows” on Dos window display this msg
what can i DoOo……….????
Hi all … any body can help me plz 🙂
when start “Step1-windows” on Dos window display this msg
what can i DoOo……….????
it works.. but now i aint know what to do with it
this is an deferent rooth or ?? hmm but thx to u guys
if u got sumthing new holla
OK, so I have the latest version of SuperOneClick that is , version 1.5.5 and everything seems to go fine.
Here is the log:
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
215 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.024s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Getting mount path…
Remounting system with read-write access…
Pushing su…
202 KB/s (26264 bytes in 0.126s)
chmod su…
Pushing Superuser.apk…
242 KB/s (196521 bytes in 0.791s)
Remounting system with read-only access…
Running a SU test…
Test failed!
The problem is at the end, when it asks to test SU. The test fails!
And also, when I go to the terminal app and write “$ su” and hit enter, this error comes up,
link_image[1638]: 1292 could not load needed library ‘’ for ‘su’ (load_library[984]: Library ‘’ not found)CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE
Any kind of help is appreciated. I am stuck and just don’t know what to do.
I have HTC T-Mobile G1, with Firmware 1.6, Build number DRC92, Baseband version 62.50S.20.17U_2.22.19.26I
I also have the same problem with my g1
K thanks for reporting. Go to How To’s at the top of the site, then Android, then the G1 and use a different rooting procedure.
K thanks for reporting. Go to How To’s at the top of the site, then Android, then the G1 and use a different rooting procedure.
K thanks for reporting. Go to How To’s at the top of the site, then Android, then the G1 and use a different rooting procedure.
i had the same but when i go to apps I see the superuser icon. Do I have SU access?
Okay trying to root Motorola Backflip with SuperOneClick v 1.5.5 here’s the log:
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
42 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.123s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Running rageagainstthecage…
I don’t know what’s wrong. Debugging is enabled.
Try running the program with the phone in recovery mode, otherwise check the forum where you downloaded the application from and see if the developer has any solution.
Try running the program with the phone in recovery mode, otherwise check the forum where you downloaded the application from and see if the developer has any solution.
Worked for my LG Optimus GT540! The ROM Manager app did not flash ‘root needed’ message meaning the rooting worked!
The tests failed though… hope things go smooth…
Below is the log:
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
48 KB/s (0 bytes in 5392.000s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Killing ADB Server…
* server not running *
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Getting mount path…
Remounting system with read-write access…
Pushing su…
820 KB/s (0 bytes in 26264.000s)
chmod su…
Pushing Superuser.apk…
1116 KB/s (0 bytes in 196521.000s)
Remounting system with read-only access…
Running a SU test…
Test failed!
So it fays failed but it worked anyway?
So it fays failed but it worked anyway?
You should. Try and go to the next procedure linked at the bottom and flash a custom recovery image.
Hi Unlockr, I have the same problem, it gets to
Pushing Superuser.apk…
1191 KB/s (196521 bytes in 0.161s)
Remounting system with read-only access…
Running a SU test…
It stays there for a long time and before that when a message window pops up asking to do something on phone to confirm super user, that message does not pop up on my phone or I mean until the Running a SU Test … my phone doesn’t ask me to click or do anything…so I am stuck here….Any help will be appreciated….I have HTC Hero with Orange but unlocked Eclair 2.1…Cheers
Will this work on a LG Opimus One P500?
It might. You’d have to try it and let us know.
Check with he creator of the app where you downloaded it from. Other wise try a different rooting procedure for you phone on our site (click on How Tos then Android then your phone).
Will it work for a Motorola Milestone XT720?
Not sure, feel free to try it and let us know.
I get this…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
and then it says (Not Responding)
I have to Ctrl, Alt, Del to get out of it
I get this…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
and then it says (Not Responding)
I have to Ctrl, Alt, Del to get out of it
I am having the same problem! I have the Droid 1 and I am running Android version 2.2.1 and build number FRG83D
i have this exact problem please let me know if there is a fix. I’m on the mesmerize
I get this…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
and then it says (Not Responding)
I have to Ctrl, Alt, Del to get out of it
does this work on the newest update?
does this work on the newest update?
does this work on the newest update?
Using Samsung Intercept from Virgin Mobile:
Killing ADB Server…
* server not running *
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
81 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.065s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Killing ADB Server…
* server not running *
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Getting mount path…
(This is where it gets stuck)
Using Samsung Intercept from Virgin Mobile:
Killing ADB Server…
* server not running *
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
81 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.065s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Killing ADB Server…
* server not running *
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Getting mount path…
(This is where it gets stuck)
You have to wait for a little bit, don’t get impatient!!
I have the Droid 1 and it worked great for me, just wait for a little bit!
You have to wait for a little bit, don’t get impatient!!
I have the Droid 1 and it worked great for me, just wait for a little bit!
If you get stuck at Running rageagainstthecage… or Waiting for device…
Maybe you can try this, connect your Droice (Android Device) to your laptop until it’s Android CD drive appears. Copy adb.exe and AdbWinApi.dll to your superoneclick folder (make sure those file are newer). Then run superoneclick.exe (run as administrator in Vista/7).
USB Debugging mode should be ON. SD card doesn’t need to be unmounted, just leave it there.
It works on my CSL Mi700.
I have the LG Opitmus M from Metro Pcs, it;s Android 2.2. Do you know if it will work? I read something about “Bricking” phones if the root process goes wrong, if this goes wrong will it brick my phone?
does it work on the aria??? cause other people have their aria rooted
You can try if it isn’t listed as a phone that it doesn’t work on. Otherwise click on How To’s attnews top of the site then Android then click on the Aria and do one of those procedures.
Click on How To’s > Android > Your phone and do one of the other rooting procedures.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I used the SuperOneClick a few months back to root my Fascinate and it went smooth as butter. Yesterday I wanted to try the “Windows Phone Android” app from the market and it sent the device into a Force Close loop. I ended up to restore to factory. Which I thought was no big deal because I could always root again because it was so easy. Well not so simple. I started root on SuperOneClick and it fails at Killing ADB Server…. and Message box pops up and reads:
Unhandled exception…….. blah blah…… THe system cannot find the file specified.
Any ideas? Something in the folders changed? On my SD Card?
Please HELP.
Worked like a charm for me, needed to install PDAnet for the USB drivers to be installed correctly, but very smooth. Thanks guys!
Worked like a charm for me, needed to install PDAnet for the USB drivers to be installed correctly, but very smooth. Thanks guys!
Recently got the Huawei Ascend from Cricket
and this is what keeps happening…
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
cannot stat ‘C:UsersfaDownloadsSuperOneClickv1.5.5-ShortFuserageagainstthecage’: No such file or directory
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
error: more than one device and emulator
i have a droid 1 and im stuck at waiting for device…
killing adb server
starting adb server…
*daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
*daemon started successfully *
waiting on device…
at this point it just sets here and the program stops responding.. any ideas?
i have a droid 1 and im stuck at waiting for device…
killing adb server
starting adb server…
*daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
*daemon started successfully *
waiting on device…
at this point it just sets here and the program stops responding.. any ideas?
Hi 🙂
I’m using a:
Samsung Galaxy GT-i9000
Firmware: 2.2
and rooted my phone using your SuperOneClick video on YouTube.
Runs super-smoothly!
Yesterday, I also rooted my Galaxy Tab with SuperOneClick – same result 🙂 very fast & easy.
I can only recommend using SuperOneClick for Samsung Galaxy generation users!
Hi 🙂
I’m using a:
Samsung Galaxy GT-i9000
Firmware: 2.2
and rooted my phone using your SuperOneClick video on YouTube.
Runs super-smoothly!
Yesterday, I also rooted my Galaxy Tab with SuperOneClick – same result 🙂 very fast & easy.
I can only recommend using SuperOneClick for Samsung Galaxy generation users!
someone help me it just keeps saying the same things over and over and ive followed everyones advice and it still wont work someone please help me
someone help me it just keeps saying the same things over and over and ive followed everyones advice and it still wont work someone please help me
Hey, I rooted my phone tks to you! Btw, what is the wifi tethering website? Tks alot!
Hey, I rooted my phone tks to you! Btw, what is the wifi tethering website? Tks alot!
I have the mytouch 3g 3.5 mm 32a. Do I really have to got the gold card route to root cause superuser is not allowing permissions this way?
I have a Mytouch 3g and when I root the phone it works. When I try to load a ROM everything works up until I have to reboot the phone. All it does is continue to reboot at the start screen. I can’t get past this point! I’ve tried different ROMs, and it keeps doing the same thing. Anyone have any suggestions? Oh and I have the 2.2.1 firmware if this helps…
I have the MyTouch 3g. It continues to say:
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
i have the Droid 1 and i cant get passed that! please heeeellllpppp
i have the Droid 1 and i cant get passed that! please heeeellllpppp
i have the Droid 1 and i cant get passed that! please heeeellllpppp
did you ever figure it out im having the exact problem
You have to go to SETTINGS then APPLICATIONS then ENABLE USB DEBUGGING . Make sure that is checked or it will not discover your phone.
Any luck I just did it and it tells me the same thing. Someone please HHHEEEELLLPPP!!!
u have to first install your phone driver then root so that device can be detected
same problem with dell xcd35
not sure if this is the real way it should work…installed the superone. didn’t work, installed the pdanet. ran, didnt work, THEN while the root was still “running” i exit out of pdanet and it started running…dont even know if this is true but i have the icon on there, and the pdanet icon…do i need that anymore?
also i have 2.2.1 running on mytouch 3g… will this root make it any better, and will roms like SuperCSDIv4 ReX3mix ROM work? or will i get more trouble? because right now i have no idea where to go from here, all i want to do is make this phone operate a little faster! if anybody can decifer any of the following please tell me what it means…
SuperOneClick v2.1.1.0
Checking drivers…
Killing ADB Server…
OK 0.11s
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
OK 4.11s
Waiting for device…
OK 45.11s
Getting manufacturer…
OK 0.05s
Getting model…
T-Mobile myTouch 3G
OK 0.03s
Getting version…
OK 0.03s
Checking if rooted…
OK 0.08s
Installing BusyBox (temporary)… – Step #1
962 KB/s (1062992 bytes in 1.078s)
OK 1.22s
Installing BusyBox (temporary)… – Step #2
OK 0.03s
Rooting device… – Step #1
892 KB/s (585731 bytes in 0.640s)
OK 0.77s
Rooting device… – Step #2
OK 0.05s
Rooting device… – Step #3
OK 0.03s
Rooting device… – Step #4
property service neutered.
killing adbd. (should restart in a second or two)
OK 0.03s
Rooting device… – Step #5
OK 2.13s
Remounting /system with read-write access…
OK 0.19s
Creating /system/xbin…
OK 0.05s
Installing su (/system/xbin)… – Step #1
410 KB/s (26264 bytes in 0.062s)
OK 0.55s
Installing su (/system/xbin)… – Step #2
OK 0.05s
Installing su (/system/xbin)… – Step #3
OK 0.03s
Installing SuperUser… – Step #1
877 KB/s (196521 bytes in 0.218s)
OK 0.63s
Checking for busybox
Copying busybox (/system/xbin/)…
OK 1.14s
chmod busybox (/system/xbin/)…
OK 0.05s
Installing busybox (/system/xbin/)…
OK 3.20s
Remounting /system with read-only access…
OK 0.11s
Running a SU test…
Don’t forget to reboot!
i have a android 2.1 and it’s gotten to the point where it says waitin on phone…then it goes back to killing ADB server until it gets to waiting on phone again and it just keeps doing this… whats wrong?
This worked on my daughters virgin mobile intercept. I was stuck forever on waiting for device but the problem was solved when i used a shorter cord.
Ok, this works to root my daughters Virgin Mobile intercept but the after some time I have to re-root. I dont know the exact time but its less than an hour. I click root and apps that need root work fine but if I put the phone down and come back to it the same apps say i dont have root access. I can re-root and start the process again. Any suggestions? Thank you
does this work on the new t-mobile lg Optimus ???/ can you guys make a tutorial on how to root that phone and load a custom rom
Worked on sprint htc hero after downloading PDANet.
I have the Motorola Cliq (the first one) and this is where i got stuck
Killing ADB Server…
Then an error pops up saying “Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.
The system cannot find the file specified.”
So should i click continue, or will it brick my phone?
ok just wanted to say this is completely stupid! this is not working for my nexus one or my buddies nexus one, Its junk and more than likely a virus or malictious software of some sort, i highly do not reccomend downloading this, it cant find your device delete it, dont work
ok just wanted to say this is completely stupid! this is not working for my nexus one or my buddies nexus one, Its junk and more than likely a virus or malictious software of some sort, i highly do not reccomend downloading this, it cant find your device delete it, dont work
excellent – not only did this work wonderfully for me, but I was having issues with it hanging on running rageagainstthecage and the comments below were of an assist as well. I honestly wish the rest of the web were so straightforward and helpful… will be donating. MANY THANKS!
excellent – not only did this work wonderfully for me, but I was having issues with it hanging on running rageagainstthecage and the comments below were of an assist as well. I honestly wish the rest of the web were so straightforward and helpful… will be donating. MANY THANKS!
i went to open the super click and it gave me an application failed to initialize properly
i went to open the super click and it gave me an application failed to initialize properly
i went to open the super click and it gave me an application failed to initialize properly
Hey not sure if this helps or if i’m too late i just tried this with my Droid 1 on my windows 7 64bit pc and it worked; what I did was I installed the
jdk package first, then installed superoneclick without opening the program just left it installed.
then I added the SuperOneClick.exe path and adb.exe path to my exclusion list on my antivius [nod32]
then i downloaded the pdanet and installed it; it prompted me to connect my phone and set it to debugging mode by going to the settings-applications-development. When the install finished i deactivated the debugging mode; removed the usb cable, and rebooted my phone.
Then I loaded up superoneclick.exe by right clicking run as administrator. I also deactivated my firewall and antivirus as for temporarily.
Once my phone rebooted I went into the settings and set it to debugging mode. Then I plugged in the usb cable without mounting the sd card just left it at the debugging window. You have to make sure the phone does not go to sleep as it will disconnect from the pc so i pressed a blank area on the screen every few seconds.
Then I clicked on Root and it went through successfully. Hopefully that helps a little, not sure but it worked for me 🙂
if it fails on test does it really matter?because when going to apps i find the super user
Thank you so much for this. Worked perfect on my Hero with updates from Sprint.
any chance this works with the nexus s
any chance this works with the nexus s
any chance this works with the nexus s
hey I cant seem to even download the Program (super one click)
hey I cant seem to even download the Program (super one click)
I think #3 and #4 should be listed as requirements at the beginning of the tutorial. They’re quite trivial things that a non-developer cannot be assumed to know about before they begin the procedure as instructed.
I think #3 and #4 should be listed as requirements at the beginning of the tutorial. They’re quite trivial things that a non-developer cannot be assumed to know about before they begin the procedure as instructed.
i installed the super user and rom manager just fine. but i cannot get a custom rom to install. it keeps saying that the siginiture failed
Simply does not work.
Tried on Samsung Captivate running leaked froyo 2.2
I run it and get this:
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthechage…
Simply does not work.
Tried on Samsung Captivate running leaked froyo 2.2
I run it and get this:
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthechage…
Simply does not work.
Tried on Samsung Captivate running leaked froyo 2.2
I run it and get this:
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthechage…
Simply does not work.
Tried on Samsung Captivate running leaked froyo 2.2
I run it and get this:
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthechage…
It says when i go into super user. “An error occurred and su was not updated. A zip file has been placed on your sd card (, please reboot into recovery mode and flash it to update your su binary.” Help!
I have done everything this article suggests, as well as everything possibly googlable and nothing works I have the samsung captivate and the internal sd is not under anything i have tried sd, sdcard, internalsdi have checked everything and reset dozens of times – does anybody know what the hell is happening or what im doing wrong.
Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit: Worked on my T-Mobile G2 (HTC Hero) which had 2.1-update1 firmware installed. Had to install the latest HTC Sync first to get the ADB (USB debugging) drivers to work.
Thanks guys.
Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit: Worked on my T-Mobile G2 (HTC Hero) which had 2.1-update1 firmware installed. Had to install the latest HTC Sync first to get the ADB (USB debugging) drivers to work.
Thanks guys.
Works on the Dell Streak
Works on the Dell Streak
doesnt work for vibrant 2.2 ive tried and get stuck at mount path pleae help
doesnt work for vibrant 2.2 ive tried and get stuck at mount path pleae help
Is rooting going to do anything to Sprint’s contract?(Is it illegal?)
Is rooting going to do anything to Sprint’s contract?(Is it illegal?)
I have a Samsung Galaxy S SGH-T959 [running 2.1-update1] and have never rooted a android device before. After seeing this method, I was wondering: are there any dangers to using the SuperOneClick Method or will anything on the device be disabled? Been searching for any issues but I’m having no luck.
Thanks again.
mine doesnt even get past killing adb thingy lol…nothing works
what happens when i reboot my phone, and it doesnt have the superuser?
Here is log always stops here … no idea what to do drivers are ok it just stops here tried on 2 different computers
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing psneuter…
1016 KB/s (585731 bytes in 0.562s)
chmod psneuter…
Running psneuter…
Pushing busybox…
1165 KB/s (1062992 bytes in 0.890s)
chmod busybox…
Getting mount path…
Reading OS Version properties…
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
I am getting the same thing. Any ideas?
when i try to download the oneclick rooting program on the link it ask me to sing in. i did. then it say that i dont have permission to access this page.whats up with that. 🙁
i did all the how tos with google g1 to get it rooted but i never get the super user permission evev if i reboot the phone
hi i have htc dream and i want to root my phone but there ia a problem in my phones market i cant download linda file manager it says installation error and comes a message in notification bar …….download unsuccessful,,,,,,,,,actully every app i cant download it says installation error
plz help me how can i download linda file manager plzplzplzplzpzlzplzpzlzpzlzplzpzlzpzlzplzplzplzplzplzplzpzlzplz help
hi im rooting the vibrant and it says “getting mount path” for the past 5 minz. how long does this process take and how long should i wait. thank you
Have Sprint HTC Hero
Build 2.32.651.2
Using Superoneclick 1.63
Stalling at Verifying OS System
Gave up and decided to try superoneclickj version 1.53 (the first one)
Rooted Immediately!
I have an LG Optimus M for MetroPCS. I have downloaded the this files needed to ‘Root’ my phone. But my laptop (Dell Inspiron, Win7 OS) doesnt see the phone.Any ideas?
worked like charm
ha! it worked on my motorola citrus, just make sure that your phone installs the drivers on your computer most of them do it once you plug it into the usb drive… thanks!!! unlockr you the man…
How come i am not given access to download SuperOneClick?? I MUST have missed something obvious, because I keep getting redirected to a page that tells me i’m not allowed to post, or edit posts…etc after I registered with xda_developers. How can I get SuperOneClickv1.6.5?
After SU test, just restart your phone and it will be rooted after that.
mine finishes but no superuser permissions
Every time I try to “extract all” it tells me that the .zip folder is empty. Is that where the Microsoft .NET comes in?
Every time I try to “extract all” it tells me that the .zip folder is empty. Is that where the Microsoft .NET comes in?
Mine did the same, but it was my firewall detecting it as a trojan so i disabled it and it downloaded fine.
This worked Great!!
I have my China’s Lifepad A800 Anroid Eclair 2.1. I tried the above instructions only in parts I and II even though I am not sure if it works on my device. It turns out that it dont.
Do you have any tutorial on how to root this kind of device?
Thank you very much.
I have my China’s Lifepad A800 Anroid Eclair 2.1. I tried the above instructions only in parts I and II even though I am not sure if it works on my device. It turns out that it dont.
Do you have any tutorial on how to root this kind of device?
Thank you very much.
I have my China’s Lifepad A800 Anroid Eclair 2.1. I tried the above instructions only in parts I and II even though I am not sure if it works on my device. It turns out that it dont.
Do you have any tutorial on how to root this kind of device?
Thank you very much.
I have my China’s Lifepad A800 Anroid Eclair 2.1. I tried the above instructions only in parts I and II even though I am not sure if it works on my device. It turns out that it dont.
Do you have any tutorial on how to root this kind of device?
Thank you very much.
I have my China’s Lifepad A800 Anroid Eclair 2.1. I tried the above instructions only in parts I and II even though I am not sure if it works on my device. It turns out that it dont.
Do you have any tutorial on how to root this kind of device?
Thank you very much.
I have my China’s Lifepad A800 Anroid Eclair 2.1. I tried the above instructions only in parts I and II even though I am not sure if it works on my device. It turns out that it dont.
Do you have any tutorial on how to root this kind of device?
Thank you very much.
I have my China’s Lifepad A800 Anroid Eclair 2.1. I tried the above instructions only in parts I and II even though I am not sure if it works on my device. It turns out that it dont.
Do you have any tutorial on how to root this kind of device?
Thank you very much.
I have my China’s Lifepad A800 Anroid Eclair 2.1. I tried the above instructions only in parts I and II even though I am not sure if it works on my device. It turns out that it dont.
Do you have any tutorial on how to root this kind of device?
Thank you very much.
I have my China’s Lifepad A800 Anroid Eclair 2.1. I tried the above instructions only in parts I and II even though I am not sure if it works on my device. It turns out that it dont.
Do you have any tutorial on how to root this kind of device?
Thank you very much.
I have my China’s Lifepad A800 Anroid Eclair 2.1. I tried the above instructions only in parts I and II even though I am not sure if it works on my device. It turns out that it dont.
Do you have any tutorial on how to root this kind of device?
Thank you very much.
I have my China’s Lifepad A800 Anroid Eclair 2.1. I tried the above instructions only in parts I and II even though I am not sure if it works on my device. It turns out that it dont.
Do you have any tutorial on how to root this kind of device?
Thank you very much.
I have my China’s Lifepad A800 Anroid Eclair 2.1. I tried the above instructions only in parts I and II even though I am not sure if it works on my device. It turns out that it dont.
Do you have any tutorial on how to root this kind of device?
Thank you very much.
I have my China’s Lifepad A800 Anroid Eclair 2.1. I tried the above instructions only in parts I and II even though I am not sure if it works on my device. It turns out that it dont.
Do you have any tutorial on how to root this kind of device?
Thank you very much.
Hey Unlockr, I suggest you add in the tutorial somewhere your phone has to be at least 1.6, rom manager doesn’t work with <1.6.
Ah good idea. Thanks!
Hey Unlockr, I suggest you add in the tutorial somewhere your phone has to be at least 1.6, rom manager doesn’t work with <1.6.
hi i have a my touch i run one click and it said waitng for divice a need help
Hey i just used this and everything work but when it ran a su test it failed i dont know exactly what this means?
Hey i just used this and everything work but when it ran a su test it failed i dont know exactly what this means?
SuperOneClick v1.6.5.0
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing psneuter…
173 KB/s (585731 bytes in 3.302s)
chmod psneuter…
Running psneuter…
Pushing busybox…
2222 KB/s (1062992 bytes in 0.467s)
chmod busybox…
Getting mount path…
Reading OS Version properties…
Version: 2.2
Remounting system with read-write access…
Pushing su-v2…
466 KB/s (26264 bytes in 0.055s)
chmod su…
Creating /system/xbin…
mkdir failed for /system/xbin, File exists
Copying busybox (/system/xbin/)…
chmod busybox (/system/xbin/)…
Installing busybox (/system/xbin/)…
busybox: /system/xbin/rpm2cpio: No space left on device
busybox: /system/xbin/rtcwake: No space left on device
busybox: /system/xbin/run-parts: No space left on device
busybox: /system/xbin/runlevel: No space left on device
busybox: /system/xbin/runsv: No space left on device
busybox: /system/xbin/runsvdir: No space left on device
busybox: /system/xbin/rx: No space left on device
busybox: /system/xbin/script: No space left on device
busybox: /system/xbin/scriptreplay: No space left on device
busybox: /system/xbin/sed: No space left on device
busybox: /system/xbin/sendmail: No space left on device
busybox: /system/xbin/seq: No space left on device
busybox: /system/xbin/setarch: No space left on device
busybox: /system/xbin/setconsole: No space left on device
busybox: /system/xbin/setfont: No space left on device
Pushing Superuser.apk…
failed to copy ‘E:AndroidSuperOneClickSuperuser.apk’ to ‘/system/app/Superuser.apk’: No space left on device
Pushing Superuser.apk… (/data/app)
438 KB/s (196521 bytes in 0.438s)
Remounting system with read-only access…
Running a SU test…
It is not rooted my phone…Any help….
My HTC Aria is still stuck at the “waiting for device stage” and it isnt doing anything. i have debugging on and phine plugged in and i dont know what to do from here. help?
after i use one click root >>>>>>>its root now thanx
but i cant get to recovery screen >………..just warining sign triangel
???????????ples helpe
also what is the best arabic room >>>>htc magic tmobile
and do i need unlocker code for gsm in new room ?
how i get it ?
do i lose the root also ?
Nexus one 2.2.2 FRG83G, had to download PDA net for this to work, all other solutions didn’t help. After that, it was a easy process. Thanks for the Instructions, I’m now running Micromods v.20 AOSP Gingerbread and I’m happy as can be!
I have the LG Optimus M and the farthest I’ve got it to is…….
SuperOneClick v1.6.5.0
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
292 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.018s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
error: closed
Can someone please help me.
I have the LG Optimus M and the farthest I’ve got it to is…….
SuperOneClick v1.6.5.0
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
292 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.018s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
error: closed
Can someone please help me.
hey i need help. i think my g1 is bricked. i try to turn it o and it stays on the tmobile g1 screen. what should i do?
hey i need help. i think my g1 is bricked. i try to turn it o and it stays on the tmobile g1 screen. what should i do?
got as far as installing superuser.apk… how long is this supposed to take…. its been 15 mins so far
I have the Samsung Intercept through vm is says:
Killing ADB Server…
it’s been like that for 5 minutes can you help.
thnx. very helpful
Using my Droid 1, followed the instructions with out the PDANet install and oneclick would not work. Installed PDANet and it took 2 minutes to root. YAY! Thank for all the help. now onto the custom ROMS!!
this is what I get when i try this rooting method
SuperOneClick v1.7.0.0
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
18 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.281s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Pushing busybox…
1328 KB/s (1062992 bytes in 0.781s)
chmod busybox…
Getting mount path…
Reading OS Version properties…
Version: 2.2.1
Remounting system with read-write access…
Pushing su-v2…
failed to copy ‘C:UsersCordell WalkerDocumentsSuperOneClickv1.7-ShortFusesu-v2’ to ‘/system/bin/su’: No space left on device
chmod su…
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
Creating /system/xbin…
mkdir failed for /system/xbin, File exists
Copying busybox (/system/xbin/)…
cp: write error: No space left on device
Pushing Superuser.apk…
failed to copy ‘C:UsersCordell WalkerDocumentsSuperOneClickv1.7-ShortFuseSuperuser.apk’ to ‘/system/app/Superuser.apk’: No space left on device
Pushing Superuser.apk… (/data/app)
1023 KB/s (196521 bytes in 0.187s)
Remounting system with read-only access…
any help??
i have a cliq xt and my problem is i can’t unroot my phone to the original settings. please help.
Worked as stated. Have superuser, added wifi tether and have ROM Manager. Have not loaded a different ROM but tried to partition SD card thru ROM Manager. Not sure how it was supposed to work but trying to use Link2SD and it says I dont have a partitioned SD card. What am I doing wrong?
It works on the Samsung Gem.
SuperOneClick v1.7.0.0
Killing ADB Server…
* server not running *
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing psneuter…
error: closed
i have a dell streak running on froyo stock
I have the same problem the first time , but them when i tried it got stuck at waiting for device , still cant root my dell treak
Moto Droid 2. Worked like a charm I think. Did not add ROM but trying to add Apps2sd and can not get the SD card to partition. I used ROM Manager but Link2SD says it does not have a 2nd partition. Am I doing something wrong?
Moto Droid 2. Worked like a charm I think. Did not add ROM but trying to add Apps2sd and can not get the SD card to partition. I used ROM Manager but Link2SD says it does not have a 2nd partition. Am I doing something wrong?
After much deliberation, i grew some balls and clicked root, it finished and my phone is rooted 😀 now to find get rid of all those crap apps. X10 mini 2.1 update 1
first of all i have to say this is amazing. i have tried 3 other root methods and this is the only one that worked. well i need to update the superuser but every time i try an error shows up and doesn’t let me it says an error occurred and a zip file ( has been placed on your sdcard, please reboot into recovery mode and flash it to update your su binary. what does this mean?
You guys might want to check your drives its a big key!! You have to have the motorola usb drivers all you have to do is go to google type in find the usb drivers and ur set…. The same with other phones go to the models site and get the drivers up to date and install ur drivers!
Was hoping one of you could help me out here… I am finally getting round to rooting my X10 and following the instructions from this website until i got a pop up box error which I believe was in reference to the O.S not being 2.0 etc
Now I am running .NET framework 3.5 on my xp machine which is the latest .net framework. The pop up box was YES, NO, CANCEL.. i clicked cancel as i didnt want to stuff it up any more lol
Any ideas as to why this pop up box came up? I cant remember the exact wording as i am a bit reluctant to run the root fix again, but if its ok to run again I can try it again to be more specific on the issue
Well that was easy.
i have a LG P 500 with Android 2.2.2 and software version v10d i tried using superoneclick unlockr to gain root access but no luck any idea what should i be doing?
I’ve enabled usb debugging and unmounted the sd card.
it gets stuck at running PSneuter
This Super one klik happened to be infected with dangerous and severe exploit Unix/Lotoor. Here is copy from Windows Security Essential about it:
Security Essentials detected programs that may compromise your privacy or damage your computer. You can still access the files that these programs use without removing them (not recommended). To access these files, select the Allow action and click Apply actions. If this option is not available, log on as administrator or ask the security administrator for help.
file:C:UsersPolak Extreme RogAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsRecentSuperOneClickv1.7-ShortFuse.lnk
Just make sure you scan those files before you extract them!!!!
didn’t want to work at the start but just downloaded the pda net program.. restarted the phone… and now im rooted.. thanks!!!
I’ve just managed to get my Dell Streak 2.2 (FroYo) with O2 rootd after much trying with SoC. Steps I took on the succesful attempt were as follows:
1. Run SoC as administrator (Windows 7)
2. Remove SIM card and mSD card from the phone. Turn the phone on
3. Connect phone with cable, ensure USB debugging is enabled.
4. Turn Dell Sync notification off (move slider to the left so it turns red)
5. Decline option to mount USB storage (even though SD card has been removed)
6. Select the ‘rageagainstthecage’ exploit in SoC
7. Click root
8. Voila!
i keep getting this on my htc hero
SuperOneClick v1.7.0.0
Killing ADB Server…
* server not running *
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing psneuter…
861 KB/s (585731 bytes in 0.664s)
chmod psneuter…
Running psneuter…
Pushing busybox…
719 KB/s (1062992 bytes in 1.443s)
chmod busybox…
Getting mount path…
What does the Samsung Captivate area do? I have a Samsung Captivate.
SuperOneClick v1.7.0.0
Killing ADB Server…
* server not running *
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing psneuter…
548 KB/s (585731 bytes in 1.042s)
chmod psneuter…
Running psneuter…
Pushing busybox…
479 KB/s (1062992 bytes in 2.163s)
chmod busybox…
Getting mount path…
Reading OS Version properties…
Version: 2.2
Remounting system with read-write access…
Pushing su-v2…
failed to copy ‘C:UsersRyDocumentssuperoneclicksu-v2’ to ‘/system/bin/su’: Out of memory
chmod su…
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
Creating /system/xbin…
mkdir failed for /system/xbin, File exists
Copying busybox (/system/xbin/)…
cp: can’t create ‘/system/xbin/busybox’: Cannot allocate memory
chmod busybox (/system/xbin/)…
Unable to chmod /system/xbin/busybox: No such file or directory
Installing busybox (/system/xbin/)…
/system/xbin/busybox: not found
FAILED Sep 19 18:03:44 CST 2010,23410,23411,000,911
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!
I does all this, says success, but no SU access. =[
Any suggestions?
SuperOneClick v1.7.0.0
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
37 KB/s (5392 bytes in 0.140s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Pushing busybox…
699 KB/s (1062992 bytes in 1.484s)
chmod busybox…
Getting mount path…
Reading OS Version properties…
Version: 2.2.1
Remounting system with read-write access…
Pushing su-v2…
547 KB/s (26264 bytes in 0.046s)
chmod su…
Creating /system/xbin…
mkdir failed for /system/xbin, File exists
Copying busybox (/system/xbin/)…
chmod busybox (/system/xbin/)…
Installing busybox (/system/xbin/)…
Pushing Superuser.apk…
2047 KB/s (196521 bytes in 0.093s)
Remounting system with read-only access…
Running a SU test…
It says it was successful.Where am I supposed to see superuser permissions on my phone though??
Confirmed working with Droid 1 after installing PDA Net to PC. Was getting the dreaded “Waiting for device…”
Solution: Had to manually kill ADB.exe service in Task Manager before installing PDA Net. After PDA Net drivers loaded, everything worked the first time!
Works fantastic on my Galaxy S I9000 2.2
After rooting success
Wat im suppose to do?!
when mine says waiting for device, just about automatically the program is non-responsive
I have the superuser icon, and have downloaded rom manager…now Im stuck. Rom manager wont go to green screen…no matter what I do. I have followed all the tips, and all unlocker videos to the tee. But rom manager will not go through the reboot setup that shows on the videos and go to the green screen, it stays on the blue screen. When trying reinstall pkgs it just gets an error and I have to reboot and try again, I can not install cognition, or any other apps…I did get titanium backup installed, pro version, but so far thats all I have been able to do. I am running the 2.2 froyo that at&t gave us a while back, I also have downloaded the latest version of cognition…nothing works. Any ideas as to how to get rom manager to work and go to the green screen so I can install cognition?
ok so ive tried all the methots showing on this page and for some reason i have a problem here… i recently got a g1 again, i tried rooting it, and apperently it is rooted, i have the superuser app, but apps that need root access dont work, like if my phone was not rooted at all, i have tried rooting it like 6x already and all these one click apps dont work!! help!!! i used to have a rooted g1 when cynogeh and jesusfreak started building roms… whats going on now!!!
can this brick your phone.. cause i really dont want to mess up my phone….please e-mail me PLEASE!
this actuly doesnt work to root the tmobile galaxy s i tryed twice and when i try the teethering it says are you sure your phone is rooted and when i try other apps to see if it is rooted it doesnt work i dont get it
I’m stuck with ‘running psneuter…’ any help? Thanks
SuperOneStep method my ass.. i wasted my whole day trying to do this because of that retarded “waiting for device”screen….. i go to the solutions part, n there’s no solid link to solve the fucking problem. theres a video and i have to download 20 files just to do one part of it, then theres more to do and type. and i do it.. but wait, an error because i need another program installed, ok.. i install the program but thers another error when installing and if i dont download the right file for my type of phone and computer itll blow up or something WTF!!! so fucking annoying, i tryed everything. this shit doesnt happen when jailbreaking an iphone wtf make its simple step by step not ” got to this link download the appropiate file, next do this, do that, and if you have trouble go to the other procedure. and follow that”, blah blah blah my ass. you dont even do the steps like that, how r we supposed to do it?
do you need a gold card anyone??
“Pushing busybox…
2888 KB/s (1062992 bytes in 0.359s)
chmod busybox…
Getting mount path…
rootfs / rootfs ro 0 0
What is happening here, I am trying to use Superoneclick 1.9.1, it happens when I try either method of rooting. I have a 2.1 recently factory reset telus milestone.
I’m getting the same thing on my Hero 200 running 2.1, not recently reset or anything.
Getting mount path…
rootfs / rootfs ro 0 0
this is what keeps popping up, anyone know how to fix this?
hey i have rooted my phone successfully but the recovery image to flash my phone with a custom rom failed and rom manager will not install clockwork because of this i believe. when i try and hard boot using cam vol down and power i get what seems to be a screen with an error saying
sd amss download mode
osbl version a4-01.13.01 #0 #0 #0 #0
sd image download procedure…Failed!IMAGE_DIR_NOT_FOUND
and the phone is vibrating constantly
but i am rooted and have been using rooted apps i just cant move past that point
MYTOUCH 3g (Magic 32B) keeps saying this… I’ve installed the driver stuff, and turning phone off method etc nothing is working. i really would rather do this root method…. please help if you can.
Running psneuter…
Pushing busybox…
967 KB/s (1062992 bytes in 1.072s)
chmod busybox…
Getting mount path…
rootfs / rootfs ro 0 0
Same problem. Fixed this by clicking the “root” button again.
Same as jan. I got the FAILED message the first time. Re-ran the “root” button and it worked.
same, but pressed it again, it was successful
i think that is the secret. if you get the failed message, just click root again and it works fine.then just reboot your phone and you should be good to go.
are yall using this on the 2.2.1 version of mytouch 3g??
I got the same problem anyone know how to fix this or what this means???
I got this same error while trying to root my Original Droid. I think it’s because the SD card is mounted. What I did is close everything down, turn off my Droid, and remove the SD card. When it booted back up without the SD card, it rooted just fine. After rooting I turned the Droid off again, put the SD card back in, and voila! Rooted Droid.
I’m getting this same problem, tried rebooting the pc, rebooting the phone, tried clickinng the root button again (and again), removing the sd card, tried in both psneuter and GingerBreak. Does anyone have any more ideas?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
i have tried it says getting mount path
plz help i have htc dream 1.1 firmware italy plz helpppppppppppp
Hi I have samsung intercept from sprint and everything worked fine but when I try to use the wifi app of any other rooted app doesent work so I gues it was unsuccesfull. If anyone knoes a trick to make all those app work please tell me, thanks
For everyone getting stuck on “Getting mount path” message after trying everything else, there is the option of doing the rest of the process by hand. Instructions at .
Trying to root my NEC N-o4C MEDIAS with this proceedure.
I have PDA NET running fine, and have tried all the 4 options to wards the bottom of the walkthough, but I get the following every time. Does anyone know what is going wrong, and what I need to do to fix this…I really wanna root my phone, and get at all it’s Thin NEC goodness…!!!
SuperOneClick v1.9.1.0
Checking drivers…
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Getting OS Version…
Pushing psneuter…
625 KB/s (585731 bytes in 0.914s)
chmod psneuter…
Running psneuter…
Pushing busybox…
1584 KB/s (1062992 bytes in 0.655s)
chmod busybox…
Getting mount path…
Remounting system with read-write access…
mount: mounting /dev/block/mtdblock2 on /system failed: Invalid argument
Pushing su-v2…
failed to copy ‘C:UsersPaul AshtonDesktopSuper 1 ClickRoot/su-v2’ to ‘/system/bin/su’: Read-only file system
chmod su…
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
Pushing Superuser.apk…
failed to copy ‘C:UsersPaul AshtonDesktopSuper 1 ClickRoot/Superuser.apk’ to ‘/system/app/Superuser.apk’: Read-only file system
Creating /system/xbin…
mkdir failed for /system/xbin, File exists
Checking for busybox
Copying busybox (/system/xbin/)…
cp: can’t create ‘/system/xbin/busybox’: Read-only file system
chmod busybox (/system/xbin/)…
Unable to chmod /system/xbin/busybox: No such file or directory
Installing busybox (/system/xbin/)…
/system/xbin/busybox: not found
Ideas anyone?
does doing this procedure delete stuff from your htc desire??? PLEASE REPLY
does anyone know if this works on lg p350 with 2.2(froyo) ?
does anyone know if this woks in lg optimus p350?
I wanna do this but im afraid of bricking my motorola droid1
hi every1….i just finished rooting my sony xperia mini pro and after that installed link2sd on my phone (also partitioned it to have an EXT3 part) but when i open my link2sd app it says that i dont have permission unless i allow the prompt i get from superuser…the problem is i dont get this prompt some1 pls help !!
problem solved….just had to restart my phone 😛
Rooted my OG Droid after following the first three steps under “Reported Issues.” Thanks!
Getting mount path…
rootfs / rootfs ro,relatime 0 0
tmpfs /dev tmpfs rw,relatime,mode=755 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,relatime,mode=600 0 0
proc /proc proc rw,relatime 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs rw,relatime 0 0
none /acct cgroup rw,relatime,cpuacct 0 0
/dev/block/stl6 /mnt/.lfs j4fs rw,relatime 0 0
samsun galaxy s gt i9000 help?
fixed i press root agin
many thanks
Will not show app on Superuser.
it gets stuck at running PSneuter…
who can help me.. I imported the Motorola Atrix 4G from US… will have it running with carriers from europe…
This is what I’m getting:SuperOneClick v1.9.1.0
Checking drivers…
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Getting OS Version…
Pushing psneuter…
645 KB/s (585731 bytes in 0.886s)
chmod psneuter…
Running psneuter…
Pushing busybox…
1075 KB/s (1062992 bytes in 0.965s)
chmod busybox…
Getting mount path…
Remounting system with read-write access…
Pushing su-v2…
failed to copy ‘C:UsersBlack RageDesktopNew folderRoot/su-v2’ to ‘/system/bin/su’: No space left on device
chmod su…
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
Pushing Superuser.apk…
failed to copy ‘C:UsersBlack RageDesktopNew folderRoot/Superuser.apk’ to ‘/system/app/Superuser.apk’: No space left on device
Pushing Superuser.apk… (/data/app)
716 KB/s (196521 bytes in 0.268s)
Creating /system/xbin…
mkdir failed for /system/xbin, File exists
Checking for busybox
Remounting system with read-only access…
Running a SU test…
Test failed!
I don’t know what else to do here. Anyone got an idea?
I have an Original Droid and was getting the “Waiting For Device” and “Getting Mount Path FAILED” errors in SuperOneClick. What I did is close SOC, turned off my Droid, removed the SD card, rebooted the Droid, started up SOC again and clicked ROOT. After this, everything worked perfectly and I now have a rooted OG Droid. Yay!
Please provide instructions for
preferably the latest release, natty, 11.04
that do NOT rely on running windoze in a virtual machine
u have to first install your phone driver then start rooting so that device can be detected by superone click
unable to install apps in sd memory of rooted xperia x10 mini. help plzzzz………
This is what I’m stuck on. When the program is finished rooting it says that the system files have been installed and if I would like to run a test. The test fails! Also, I have superuser installed on my apps but when I run ROM Manager it tells me that the phone is not rooted.
Pushing su-v2…
failed to copy ‘C:UsersDadDownloadsSuperOneClickv1.9.1-ShortFuseRoot/su-v2’ to ‘/system/bin/su’: No space left on device
chmod su…
Unable to chmod /system/bin/su: No such file or directory
Pushing Superuser.apk…
failed to copy ‘C:UsersDadDownloadsSuperOneClickv1.9.1-ShortFuseRoot/Superuser.apk’ to ‘/system/app/Superuser.apk’: No space left on device
Just rooted my AT&T Samsung Captivate running foryo 2.2 worked flawlessly.
any chance you guys can post the location of the Casio C771 Android ADB Interface driver? Using the ADB link you refer to does not work. You get an android phone in device manager but it will not start the device. You can get the Casio c771 Storage USB device driver from VCast (which is a piece of crap program)…but you still need the ADB interface.
SuperOneClick v1.9.1.0
Checking drivers…
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Getting OS Version…
Pushing psneuter…
77 KB/s (585731 bytes in 7.337s)
chmod psneuter…
Running psneuter…
Pushing busybox…
603 KB/s (1062992 bytes in 1.720s)
chmod busybox…
Getting mount path…
rootfs / rootfs ro 0 0
what does this mean
SuperOneClick v1.9.1.0
Checking drivers…
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Getting OS Version…
Pushing psneuter…
77 KB/s (585731 bytes in 7.337s)
chmod psneuter…
Running psneuter…
Pushing busybox…
603 KB/s (1062992 bytes in 1.720s)
chmod busybox…
Getting mount path…
rootfs / rootfs ro 0 0
what does this mean
I’m Getting the same thing:
Remounting system with read-write access…
mount Operation not permitted
Phone Specs:
Samsung m920 Transform
Android v. 2.2.2
this scraping site should package a manual root instructions linked to each of the auto root ‘articles’
it asked me if my firmware was 2.0 or higher, & it is, what do i do?
Worked just fine !
Also, not sure if it’s written above and I overlooked it or what, or if it’s not there cause it’s common sense, but I had to reboot my phone after the whole procedure for it to become rooted.
Furthermore I had to follow ALL Reported Issues instructions to be able to do it, so I can vouch on every step above being accurate; I must say I was loosing all hope when nothing worked, but # 4 did it for me, so do try ALL of ’em if running into any problems !
Thank you very much for this tutorial, it’s awesome !!!
Best Regards
Ed – Milestone 2 (in Argentina – Claro)
PS: Two easy ways of checking if your phone has been rooted successfully or not are “Root Check” and “Terminal Emulator” both can be downloaded for Free from the Market !
it works on my samsung android phone!!!!!!!i’ve just simply follow the instruction….i already download the “Move2SD enabler” and i apply it…it works….tnxxxxx
why could I have not found this site 2 weeks ago??? I tried five different ways. NOTHING. 10 min on this site and I am set…Bald but set. Galaxy S
why could I have not found this site 2 weeks ago??? I tried five different ways. NOTHING. 10 min on this site and I am set…Bald but set. Galaxy S
when i tried it, it asked me if my os version was 2.0 or higher, it is 2.1 so i clicked yes. at the bottom after i clicked yes, it said failed. need help
Getting mount path…
rootfs / rootfs ro 0 0
I have tried rooting several times, and used all the reported problem suggestions and still get:
chmod psneuter…error: device not found
Sorry I have Sprint HTC Hero.
Hi Unlocker I am new here i am not sure on doing rooting on my samsung galaxys s 2 is it possible to root my s2 if u follow ur steps? please advice me 🙂
Thank You
SuperUser access, T-Mobile Samsung t959 _(Galaxy s Vibrant) with Froyo 2.2 was successfully rooted.. THANX!!
running super user test
hi I have the HTC Incredible 2.2 I have not found a program at all that will root my phone
please help me
Pushing Superuser.apk…
failed to copy ‘P:Monti PhonesHTC WildfirehtcSuperOneClick v1.5.5 10-01-11SuperOneClickv1.5.5-ShortFuseSuperuser.apk’ to ‘/system/app/Superuser.apk’: Out of memory
what does it means???
Thank you very much. Worked super fine for me! Fast and simple. Great website!
Saudações do Brasil.
i’ve samsung galaxy. Say “Automativersion check failed”. I’ve Android 2.1.
SuperOneClick v1.9.5.0
Checking drivers…
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Getting OS Version…
Pushing psneuter…
error: device not found
My is the programme says that waiting for device, then the program stop responding.__. how?
so does it work on HTC Wildfire S (HTC Marvel)?
I get to this point.
Pushing su-v2…
error: device not found
??? H3LP PLZ 🙂 ???
i have tried it says getting mount path
plz help i have htc dream 1.1 firmware italy plz helpppppppppppp
samsung transform m920 sprint did not root it got to the end and said failed
I had to use PDANet to get the drivers… is it ok to uninstall the program after the phone is rooted?
Complete waste of time. Windows cannot open the file extracted from Super One Click. Funny joke.
how do you flash a recovery image after installing this? im lost.
i have mytouch 3g 1.2 and The Super root Software Keeps ASkin if my OS is 2.0 Or Higher IM at 1.6 Soo does that mean i cant root?
LG Optimus Works
Stuck at “getting mount path”. Took the SD card out, rebooted, and rooted with no problems. Samsung Fascinate 2.2.2 superoneclick
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
4973 KB/s (585731 bytes in 0.115s)
chmod rageagainstthecage…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Running rageagainstthecage…
Getting mount path…
it’s stuck here
what to do now ?
my fu**ing galaxy mini is unrootable (lol) i tried all methods like SOC
or z4root androot even easyroot and is failing is all what’s happening? i
do not understand why is failing in all! heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!
hey i have a sumsung galaxy prevaill and want to root it but i tried the one syep and it stops at remounting/with read-write access
….mount: operation not permitted
PLEASE HELP really want to get it rooted
hey i have a sumsung galaxy prevaill and want to root it but i tried the one syep and it stops at remounting/with read-write access
….mount: operation not permitted
PLEASE HELP really want to get it rooted
my divice says waiting for device
anyone know if this works on samsung mesmerize on us cellular? email me at
anyone know if this works on samsung mesmerize on us cellular? email me at
Always getting stuck at Root Step #6… Any suggestions, please?
After hanging at the “Waiting for device…” prompt too many times, I installed the Motorola drivers found at and it worked like a charm for my Droid (OG). Might help others too.
ok somebody please update me. i did the superONEclick on the 2.2.1, it was super laggy when i had the rom manager download, i followed the steps. then did the custom rom with SuperCSDI, please tell me the reason why my phone is messed up is cuz i need to have the OS originally at 1.5 or 1.6? does these even make a difference in installing the oneCLICK??? thanks!
i’m so need your help…. plz give me how to rooting my acer be touch e210
and how to make a rom.. i still confused about it… thx b4
the SuperOneClick – SU is defected “INFECTED” by AVG for the android
Rooting device… – Step #4
startIndex cannot be larger than length of string.
Parameter name: startIndex
Hello there. I tried yesterday to unlock my new Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet Professional with no success.
I guess there are drivers missing for Windows 7, although I did saw in device manager that Lenovo thinkpad tablet was installed.
When I run superoneclick it just gets stuck under “waiting for device”.
Any help greatly appreciated.
I’m on flashed Galaxy Mini Froyo 2.2
trying superuser.apk, doesn’t work,
trying superoneclick, hang at checking busybox,
trying z4root, success..
maybe I’m missing some steps at superoneclick,
I’m on flashed Galaxy Mini Froyo 2.2
trying superuser.apk, doesn’t work,
trying superoneclick, hang at checking busybox,
trying z4root, success..
maybe I’m missing some steps at superoneclick,
Thanks David Cogen! My phone’s version is 2.2.2. And I tried many ways from Google for three days. Your solution 3 solved my problem. You are genius !!!!
Hi I have Dell streak running on froyo 2.2….I am getting this error
SuperOneClick v1.7.0.0
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Pushing rageagainstthecage…
error: closed
Please help
Installing BusyBox (temporary)… – Step #1
1478 KB/s (1062992 bytes in 0.702s)
OK 0.96s
Installing BusyBox (temporary)… – Step #2
OK 0.08s
Rooting device… – Step #1
1184 KB/s (585731 bytes in 0.483s)
OK 0.74s
Rooting device… – Step #2
OK 0.43s
Rooting device… – Step #3
OK 0.02s
Rooting device… – Step #4
property service neutered.
killing adbd. (should restart in a second or two)
OK 0.06s
Rooting device… – Step #5
OK 3.51s
Remounting /system with read-write access…
error: closed
when using new version
the hardware in the android gem is not sufficant to process fast enough the origanal android is the best to root unless u like you phone to freeze
awesome!! worked on my galaxy 5
Doesn’t Work for Acer C4 Liquid Mini (E310).
Rooting device… – Step #4startIndex não pode exceder o comprimento da cadeia.Nome do parâmetro: startIndexFAILED
Thank you a lot! I bought a cheap chinese A3QR (froyo) as my second phone (first is a galaxy S) and was looking for some way to root it and it worked as a charm!
Regards from Brazil!
hey it says that my g1 is already rooted but i dont see the icon or the app wats wrong?
I have an LG Axis and all it says is:
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 ** daemon started successfully *
Okay spent the evening rooting my phone got the program working and ended up with this….
link_image[1728]: 3736 could not load needed library ‘’ for ‘./zergRush’ (load_library[1058]: Library ‘’ not found)CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE
Anyone run in to this as their final message and if so solution?
fu ck u
I have the Lg Optimus S for sprint,
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Getting OS Version…
Pushing psneuter…
597 KB/s (585731 bytes in 0.957s)
chmod psneuter…
error: closed
right before the failed message it asks if my OS version is 2 or higher. I run 2.3.3 help!!
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
Waiting for device…
Fucking hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this process did not work with my LG Optimus M Android 2.2.2
ive downloaded the program onto my computer but it keeps on not responding??
bunch of bullshit!!!all it does is say not responding!!!what kind of a rooting method is this if it keeps on crashing on me!did everything by the book and yet nothing happens!!!just stays stuck on step 7!!!!
On my Defy I had to use Solution 3. It worked like a charm!
I love the video but im having a problem I have the GZONE commando and my computer is running vista home. I’ve downloaded the newest program,debugged the phone but the program keeps lagging on this step then force close on the computer.
Starting ADB Server…* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 ** daemon started successfully
I rooted my last droid so I have a clue about what im doing but this has me stumped.
any help would be great
I’m attempting this
I’m attempting this on my Motorola Cliq 2, but whenever I click the root button on the computer it just gets to “Starting ADB Server…” then says as the result *Daemon not running. starting it now on port 5…” then goes unresponsive. PLEASE HELP!
mine keeps getting to the “starting ADB Server” and then the program stops responding… HELP! 🙁
Full error below. Trying to root a Huawei Ascend M860. Installed the ADB packages, changed path, d/l’d Google’s USB drivers & installed those. Device mgr lists the ADB interface so it looks OK. S1C (v2.2-shortfuse) starts OK, then hangs right *after* “Rooting device… – step #5″, (whose result was ‘ export PS1=”” ‘. Doesn’t start any sixth step in rooting. I can kill Super-1-Click, then unplug the phone, & phone doesn’t brick.
Thanks for any ideas…
Desc ADB Cmd Type Time Result
Killing adb srvr killserver 1.19s
Starting ADB Server Startserver 4.25 *daemon not running, starting it now on port 5…
Waiting for device Wait…
Checking if rooted Check 0.22 False
Getting Manufacturer Get export PS1=”HUAWEI”
..gets model, version…
Rooting device – Step 1 ShellCmd 0.06 export PS1=”rm failed for /data/local/tmp/…
Rooting device – Step 2 ShellCmd 0.03 export PS1=”rm failed for /data/local/tmp/…
Rooting device – Step 3 PushFile 0.13 360 KB/s (23056 bytes in 0.062s)
Rooting device – Step 4 ChangeMode 0.06 export PS1=””
Rooting device – Step 5 ShellCmd 0.06 export PS1=””
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
$ export TEMPRANDOM=61910;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;getprop
export PS1=””
$ 2.1-update1
export TEMPRANDOM=31488;
getprop ro.product.manufacturer export PS1=”” HUAWEI END:31488 export TEMPRANDOM=60635;
getprop ro.product.model export PS1=”” M860 END:60635 export TEMPRANDOM=20495;
export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;getprop export PS1=”” 20100919 END:20495 export TEMPRANDOM=70353;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;ls -l /system/xbin/su export PS1=”” /system/xbin/su: No such file or directory END:70353 export TEMPRANDOM=87919;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;ls -l /system/bin/su export PS1=”” /system/bin/su: No such file or directory END:87919 export TEMPRANDOM=94500;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/busybox export PS1=”” END:94500 export TEMPRANDOM=97340;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;rm /data/local/tmp/boomsh export PS1=”” rm failed for /data/local/tmp/boomsh, No such file or directory END:97340 export TEMPRANDOM=57200;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;rm /data/local/tmp/sh export PS1=”” rm failed for /data/local/tmp/sh, No such file or directory END:57200 export TEMPRANDOM=44344;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;chmod 700 /data/local/tmp/zergRush export PS1=”” END:44344 export TEMPRANDOM=94202;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cd /data/local/tmp/ export PS1=”” END:94202 export TEMPRANDOM=21770;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;./zergRush export PS1=”” link_image[1721]: 1248 could not load needed library ‘’ for ‘./zergRush’ (load_library[1051]: Library ‘’ not found)CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE
I’m concerned about promoting SuperOneClick when it’s known to be associated with a virus being pushed onto your phone….
It isn’t a virus. A lot of rooting procedure programs get misinterpreted as a virus for good reason; the exploit used to root the device is essentially hacking the phone. The virus program can’t tell if it’s good or bad hacking and it just assumes that it’s bad. So it may call it a virus, and technically it kind of is, but its a virus in the sense that it’s hacking our phone (in the way we want it to) not in anything malicious. Make sense?
Why does mine keep hanging?????
Hey guys, I have an LG MS690 running on 2.2.1 . I tried rooting using SuperOneClick when my phone was running on version 2.2.2 but since that failed I downgraded to 2.2.1
Unfortunately version 2.2.1 is also failing when using SuperOneClick. It is getting stuck on Step 5 and just says Waiting for Device.
I would appreciate any help / advice
motorola triumph wont show bootloader… it only charges through usb and shows 100mb of storage???
I have the samsung Vibrant running on FROYO and i rooted it but I do not have superuser. I even rebooted it. So what does this mean?
on my htc hero (sprint) it gets stuck on step 4 and sometimes 5
I rooted successfully htc mytoch 3g. perfect programing & i will donate!
mine gets stuck by:
Killing ADB Server…
Starting ADB Server…
*daemon not running. starting it now on port 5*
*daemon started successfully*
Its not working for me, it says this …
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
$ export TEMPRANDOM=65121;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;getprop
END:65121export PS1=””
export TEMPRANDOM=19002;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;getprop ro.product.manufacturer
END:19002export PS1=””
export TEMPRANDOM=85006;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;getprop ro.product.model
Orange Monte Carlo
END:85006export PS1=””
export TEMPRANDOM=61012;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;getprop
END:61012export PS1=””
export TEMPRANDOM=73346;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;ls -l /system/xbin/su
/system/xbin/su: No such file or directory
END:73346export PS1=””
export TEMPRANDOM=64077;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;ls -l /system/bin/su
-rwxr-xr-x root shell 76232 2011-08-31 10:50 su
END:64077export PS1=””
export TEMPRANDOM=29988;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/busybox
END:29988export PS1=””
export TEMPRANDOM=98833;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;rm /data/local/tmp/boomsh
END:98833export PS1=””
export TEMPRANDOM=29466;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;rm /data/local/tmp/sh
END:29466export PS1=””
export TEMPRANDOM=24531;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;chmod 700 /data/local/tmp/zergRush
END:24531export PS1=””
export TEMPRANDOM=51816;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cd /data/local/tmp/
END:51816export PS1=””
export TEMPRANDOM=81716;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;./zergRush
[**] Zerg rush – Android 2.2/2.3 local root
[**] (C) 2011 Revolutionary. All rights reserved.
[**] Parts of code from Gingerbreak, (C) 2010-2011 The Android Exploid Crew.
[+] Found a GingerBread ! 0x00015118
[*] Scooting …
Unable to open log device ‘/dev/log/system’: Permission denied
[*] Sending 149 zerglings …
Unable to open log device ‘/dev/log/system’: Permission denied
[*] Sending 189 zerglings …
[-] Hellions with BLUE flames !
For Motorola Pro+ it works too!
super one click sucks, it doesnt work as advertised
Samsung Transform SPH-M920 cant get pass Step #5 , Waiting for Device… Any Help !!!???
i have rooted my Sony Erisscon Arc works like a charm.
thank you.
its not rooting. it jus stopped at step five and said cannot link executable
after opening my phone,
i don’t have any available apps on superuser..
what should i do?
help please…
help >.<"
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
export TEMPRANDOM=23263;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;getprop
export PS1=""
$ 2.1-update1
export TEMPRANDOM=39858;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;getprop ro.product.manufacturer
export PS1=""
export TEMPRANDOM=92333;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;getprop ro.product.model
export PS1=""
export TEMPRANDOM=38662;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;getprop
export PS1=""
export TEMPRANDOM=91137;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;ls -l /system/xbin/su
export PS1=""
/system/xbin/su: No such file or directory
export TEMPRANDOM=37467;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;ls -l /system/bin/su
export PS1=""
/system/bin/su: No such file or directory
export TEMPRANDOM=61758;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;chmod 755 /data/local/tmp/busybox
export PS1=""
export TEMPRANDOM=52489;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;rm /data/local/tmp/boomsh
export PS1=""
rm failed for /data/local/tmp/boomsh, No such file or directory
export TEMPRANDOM=74092;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;rm /data/local/tmp/sh
export PS1=""
rm failed for /data/local/tmp/sh, No such file or directory
export TEMPRANDOM=87847;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;chmod 700 /data/local/tmp/zergRush
export PS1=""
export TEMPRANDOM=62432;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;cd /data/local/tmp/
export PS1=""
export TEMPRANDOM=41054;export PS1=END:$TEMPRANDOM;./zergRush
export PS1=""
link_image[1721]: 1681 could not load needed library '' for './zergRush' (load_library[1051]: Library '' not found)CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE
wat do you do the the black rectangle that pops up and says users:/ on the top
It doesnt work, my antivirus prevents me from downloading the program. It says its a virus.
I used superoneclik and rooted fine then rebooted then tyed to allow non market apps and it keeps stoping at checking
values and it dos nothing from there what is wrong