How To: Root the HTC Hero (AndRoot Method)
I. Before You Begin
1. This should be the easiest method to root.
2. This should also work on any HTC Hero. (Please report in the comments if this does/does not work for you with your Hero’s firmware version, build number, and carrier it is locked to)
3. IF YOU HAVE A SPRINT HERO ON VERSION 2.27.651.6 OR HIGHER, please download this RUU and run it with the phone plugged in to downgrade to a rootable version of the phone’s firmware THEN continue with the procedure. (Thanks Ajan for this addition!)
II. Gain Root Access with AndRoot
1. Download AndRoot and save it to your computer.
2. Plug in your phone via USB cable and mount the sd card so we can transfer files to it.
3. Copy the Universal Androot .apk file to the root of the sd card (NOT in any folders, just on the sd card itself).
4. Unplug the phone.
5. Go to the Market on your phone and download Linda File Manager (it’s free, search for Linda).
6. Open Linda and look on the sd card for the Universal Androot .apk file and select it. Follow the prompts to install it.
7. Open Androot and click Root. Wait for it to finish.
8. You now have root access!
9. (Optional) If you want to load custom ROMs then please head to our next procedure; How To Load a Custom ROM.
Reported Issues:
Issue: It says I’m rooted but I don’t see superuser permissions.
Solution: Reboot the phone and it should appear.
I am not able to download And Root at all.
Thanks, just updated with a new link if the first doesnt work for you. Try that one now and let me know.
I was able to download and use Androot. Did not see any superuser privileges, I rebooted several times, tried android terminal emulator and no superuser access.
I am running an Alltel HTC Hero 2.1
I have an alltel htc hero also and i am running stock 2.1 and i was wondering if i need to downgrade because the RUU file dont appear to be working properly it always tells me that i have a usb cable error and i have tried multiple cables… thnx
i downlaoded the pak and lindia but i go to root and all it says failed!no~~~Fu goo~~~
same thing is happening here
Yeah i’m in the same boat as andre i cannot seem to get to the reconvery screen on my hero, i have DL the AndRoot and i used linda to open the file and install the app. Now even when i try to roo the phone with the app it works fine but when i try to turn it on in recovery mode by holding the power and home button i get stuck cause the phone gives me a screen with a caution sign and a phone lyiing flat. Anyone know what i’m doing wrong?
I had the same problem on my phone where the caution sign and the phone symbol would pop up. I had to press Home + Back to reboot and get the phone to the boot screen. Then select the first option which is to boot the phone by pressing Home + Back again to restart and boot phone. then look in your apps for Superuser Permission and you should be good! Good luck!
I just cant seem to do mine at all…
It worked for me! Telus HTC gsm Hero
Finally!!! something that worked
Awesome! If you go on to the next procedure let us know how that goes as well.
you rooted from stock Telus Hero with Android 1.5 ??
yo how did u get to the recovery screen i have a TELUS hero as well i can’t boot it in recovery mode 🙁
I don’t think the root worked fully for me. I got through it and had access to Superuser Permissions, but there are no apps listed in the apps list and every time I click on the “log” tab, the Superuser Permissions crashes. But, I can go into the settings tab and change those without any problems.
I tried restarting the phone and it didn’t change anything.
I’m running 2.1 with update 1 on a Sprint phone.
Any help would be appreciated!
That log is generally empty until you use an app that requires root. Download Terminal Emulator from the Market, open it, hold menu to get the keyboard to come up, then type su and hit enter. It should pop up superuser permissions and ask for permission, say allow. You should then get a # symbol in the terminal emulator, if that is the case, it worked, you’re rooted.
Terminal Emulator is crashing on startup. Tried restarting the phone, then uninstalling and reinstalling the app. Still crashing. Is my phone the cause of this or is the app?
Ok, just kidding. There are TWO Terminal Emulators in the marketplace and I was using the wrong one. I downloaded the correct one and it worked perfectly!
Success on my Sprint HTC Hero running 2.1 w/ update.
I was very surprised. thanks so much
it worked on my sprint htc hero. but anytime i try to open the logs in supervisor permissions it force closed. Build 2.27.651.6 CL 169236 release-keys
That’s fine, download and install Terminal Emulator. Open it, hold menu for the keyboard to come up, then type su and hit enter. It should ask for permissions, say Allow. Then you should see a # symbol, if you do, you have root!
Hey guys, I just rooted my hero using this procedure. The Linda File Manager was giving me problems. First it wouldn’t start downloading. After, it literally took more than 2 minutes to load. i don’t know if that is the way it suppose to be. It just gave me a blank screen. Once the app loaded all the files, everything went smooth. I downloaded wireless tether to try it out and it works.
These are my specs:
firmware – 1.5
build – 1.56.651.2
carrier – Sprint
*everything is stock* for now
Thanks for confirming!
The Linda issue sounds like an issue with the Linda app or Market, no biggie so long as it finally worked.
Worked great on 2.1 UK orange, need a reboot for the permissions to start showing up, Thanks
Thanks for confirming! Seems to be working on all HTC Heros so far 🙂
worked for me-htc sprint hero
Thanks for confirming!
Sprint Hero. 2.1 w sept update. was rooted using previous Unlockr, Sept update broke root. Tried this, says already rooted, tried again, fails. try to undo root, fails.
Worked great for me! 2.1 Orange UK 😀
Mine came up with Failed! No ~~~Fu goo~~~
T-Mobile 2.1
Tweaked around a bit and got it.
Running good on my CDMA Hero. Thanks guys
Worked great on my Sprint HTC Hero (hardware 002 with Android 2.1-update 1).
This worked Perfect for my MyTouch 3G it is a 1.6 so I tried it in the linda file mang and presto im rooted thanks man ha!!!
Worked with my unbranded, unlocked GSM Hero on T-Mobile (USA) – Android 1.5- This is great, as the previous “one click root” method did not work for me on this phone, but this method worked great! Thanks!
Thanks a lot it worked for me too i have HTC Hero Adroid 2.1 update 1. I don’t know which operator it was but i bought it from a guy in Denmark. The only problem i faced was that when i downloaded the file to my PC my antivirus gave alert that the file contains virus Exploit.Linux.Lotoor.b and same thing happened when i installed the application on my HTC as i have antivirus on it too.
Can you please explain why is that as this is making me very uncomfortable and with articles on exploits and crimes i am worried.
Its an unknown script to the computer and phone, so it marks it as a virus. Also because of how it finds and exploit in the OS in order to gain root access they might label it as a virus too. It’s not a virus though.
I’m sorry TheUnlokr, but I have the same problem as Ali. I don’t know what antivirus uses Ali, but is the same name in the antivirus message, exploit.linux.lotoor.b. I think this is not a coincidence here. Can you give me more explanations, pls? I appreciate your work!
Sicerely yours,
a beginer 🙂
Yep, this works like a charm!!!
Thank you guys…
T-mobile G2 touch (android 2.1)
Neither one of the downloads worked for me, help?
They didn’t work as in they didn’t gain root acess on your phone, or as in you couldn’t download them or install the apk?
I can see this issue was brought up before, but I do not see the answer published. I have a Hero with 2.1 When I try to run the root program I get the error Fail! No Fu Goo… Any help would be appreciated…
I got it to work before I did the update to 2.3. I suppose AndRoot only support up to 2.2. I know, not a smart move on my part. Anyway, if you have any advice or help I would appreciate it.
Thank you.
Please go to Settings then About Phone and scroll down and look for firmware. It should say 2.2 or something similar. What does it say?
worked great htc hero from sprint. i did not install the lastest update
Nice. Thanks for letting us know. It works on the latest update for the hero too btw, another reader confirmed it.
Hey I downloaded the androot and worked great but then i updated my phone’s Software to 2.31.651.7
ever since that it hasnt worked. i tried the downloading the terminal emulator and typing su but it says permissions denied
and on androot when i click to root it says are you sure u want to root again i say yes and it fails and i cannot unroot because it also fails.
the programs i downloaded which needed rooting do not work
and i have the same problem with clcking on the log section and it forcing close.
any way you can help?
I have the Sprint htc hero btw.
Factory reset the phone then start over (settings then security then factory reset. Will erase your data so backup first).
Well, I can see you answered a bunch of other question posed, but again do not see anything that helps me in any way. I have a Sprint HTC Hero 2.1 firmware. I have downloaded the root program, opened it, intstalled it. I attempted to run the root program and get the error “Fail! No Fu Goo”. I am looking for the solution on how to proceed. Again, any help is appreciated.
Factory reset the phone and try again. Or download busybox by stericcson from the market and install that first then uninstall and reinstall the androot app and try again.
I have HTC HERO 2.1 update 1, build 2.31.651.7, carrier Sprint
I had the same problem (installed andRoot, and it gives me me “Fail! No—Fu Goo”, I downloaded the busybox, but when I get to install it told me that it can’t because the phone is not-rooted!
I am looking for a solution on how to do it now! Thanks!
i hav and htc hero orange running android 2.1 build3.35.61.2 i downloaded androot nd it said the phones rooted i also downloaded terminal emulator and it showed the # sign however when ever i power it on holding down the home button it hows a red signal and does go into recovery! help plz
Rooting is the first step to getting a custom recovery image but it doesn’t automatically give you a custom recovery. You need to go to the next procedure for that, read the bottom of the procedure.
Ok so I downloaded Busybox as you indicated I should. Accroding to what you wrote i am suppose to install busybox then unistall androot then reinstall. Busybox states it can not install unless the phone is already rooted. What am I missing?
Ok I am getting somewhat frustrated attempting to root my phone. I attempted to run to androot program and get the error No Fu Goo. I am told to either factory reset my phone or install busybox, then unisnatall and reinstall androot. I tried the busybox route first, but it would not install as it said it could not installed on a unrouted phone, so I tried the other suggestion to factory reset, that does not work either. Where are the old files to try it the old way? It is a real pain to factory rest over and over all in an attempt to route…
I have been debating whether to root my phone for about a month and I was wondering if anyone can tell me about all the positives and negatives about doing this…I mainly want to use it for tethering I have the Sprint HTC Hero btw
This morning I tried to even use the previous version (1.5.3) of Androot and still get the same Fail! No Fu Goo error. I have searched long and hard all over google regarding this error and can find no solutions. Again I have factory reset my phone and tried the other fixes you mentioned. Help!
Here is what I mean by old method. You have a video posted on Youtube using the Android SDK file and Cryogen’s Hero Recovery Image. I can find the Android SDK file easy enough, but am not sure what Hero Image Recovery file you used in your video. I am using this on a sprint cdma phone.
Hey mine root failed I have the 2.1update1 do you have any ideas why it failed
Got “Failed! No ~~~Fu goo~~~” on Sprint HTC Hero, firmware version “2.1-update1” build number “2.31.651.7 CL258830 release-keys”
Will not root since ,7 update. Sprint Hero. Any help would be appreciated.
htc hero 2.1. downloaded the file and already had a file manager program. i used es file explorer. ran the application but when it was supposed to root it said that it failed. =/ just downloaded linda and all it says is that i already installed that package. but i dont see superuser privileges..
Okay so i downloaded everything and when i open up the Androot file and click root it says failed ! ~~~ Fu goo~~~. So i downloaded super from google and downloaded it. So i can see it on my menu and its icon is a # key. When i click to open it nothing happens. Then i downloaded the terminal thing and typed su enter and it said access denied. HELP!!
Please try to go to our how to downgrade procedure ( Do that procedure and see if it will let you get back to the old Sprint version then come back here and try this procedure.
After it does you can go to the next procedure and then flash a custom ROM to get back to Android 2.1.
What does it mean when it gives you the optional click “Generate Log In / sdcard” ? What happens if I click that option before I go root.
I am trying to root using Androot, downloaded it but I can’t find any .apk file, just the folder itself. Help?
if you’re running a sprint Hero (CDMA) and your build version says 2.27.651.6 or higher, you can use this RUU to downgrade and then immediately root with AndRoot as described on this site.
hey ajan tried the downgrade but upon syncing with the phone i get an error 104 not the correct ruu
Ive just done all the above – How can i test to see if im rooted?
Do you have superuser in the apps?
Yeah I’ve got super user in apps – but I’ve tried the over clock and it won’t let me take the hero beyond 520 ( I’m using setcpu )
Setcpu requires a special kernel in most cases not just root access. Try downloading terminal emulator and type su and hit enter and see if you get a # symbol… if so you have root.
This worked a treat.
HTC Hero Gsm
Android 2.1
Unlocked from 3G to Orange.
on my hero i get the # from the terminal thing so its routed but when i hold home and power at the start i get a error sign
I tried to open androot, but got a message stating “there is a problem parsing the package.” What did I do wrong?
Worked for me!! Thanks, was getting pretty frustrated with Telus.
Telus GSM
went from 1.5 to 2.1 (Vannillain)
Very easy instructions to go by. Just be patient and let everything runs it’s course.
wasn’t all that lucky as it turns out. Worked fine for a few hours than my phone decided to reboot itself and now it is stuck cycling through the load screen. It will not get past it, no matter how many times I try or leave it running. The process seemed to go so easy that I don’t think it should be a problem flashing another one on there. Has anyone else experienced this?
Stevie, did you ever get this working? I’m thinking of doing it on my HTC HEro from telus.
i’m just stuck with a picture of a phone and a red triangle when i go into recovery mode!
my phone is rooted- i tested it with the terminal.
it has been rebooted many times.
is there a ruu download for mac?
Worked perfect on Sprint HTC Hero. By far the easiest and quickest root method. I’ve been reading around the past few weeks thinking if I should do it or not. When it’s this easy though, why not? WiFi tether is worth it alone for me. No more pdanet. Thanks for this method man!
Can anyone confirm that rooting the Telus HTC Hero running Android 1.5 works correctly? Documentation for AndRoot seems to suggest that Android 2.1 is required for the Hero.
I have a completely unbranded sim free, UK HTC Hero GSM – running Android 1.5. Will this procedure work with my phone and setup? Or do I have to be running 2.0 or 2.1 to start with? I’m keen to route but don’t want to get into problems as I’m pretty new to all this.
I’m not quite sure of the Linda File Manager because I downloaded it but whenever I open it, it just stays black. I tried the other version of it but it didnt say anything to open apps from the SD card, only the apps currently on my phone. Please help.!
nevermind, if Linda doesnt work, use Astro!
I have an Alltel HTC Hero (looks like sprint)
1)Androot says Woot, I’m rooted
2)No superuser program appears
3)Terminal Emulator says
$ export PATH=/data/local/bin:$PATH
So I type SU and it says permission denied.
What are your thoughts?
Worked for me. Sprint Hero with ROM downgrade as per page. Cool stuff!
I had to check both items on the screen and it worked.
went from a stock Telus Hero running 1.5 to froydvillain 1.5.0 and it’s all working so far. I’d say the responsiveness of the UI is far improved. really happy. will post again if I run into any issues.
Hey I tried all of this the root will no longer work, ad ruu update downgrade wont install for me… i factory reset my phone and the super user permissions icon is still in my menu how do i remove it?
no root file found at all after i downloaded the androot link…only files found was assets META-INF and some other files that r not accessible
That means either you opened it or your computer made it a .zip file when you downloaded it. Leave it zipped and change the .zip to .apk and it should fix it (an .apk file can often be confused by computers as a .zip file).
nope that still didnt fix the issue i have tried every method here at theunlockr and nothing has worked
when i attempted the method with replacing the flash image ithe phone denied me saying that the attempt failed
Worked for me. HTC Hero 2.1 update 1. Build-Nummer 3.32.405.2
But it worked not the first time. androot said “Woot! Your root”, I checked it with the Terminal Emulater but i said permission denied. The I clicked both check boxes in androot and it work. I tried getting root a second time with androot but this time I used only the checkbox “Generate log in /sdcard” without the “Soft Root” checkbox and it worked again.
So i downloaded the ruu file, trying to use it, get error about usb connection issue. tried diff. cables different ports and diff. computers nothing is helping me use this …
HTC hero, Sprint, 2.27 higher.
computer XPS m1713 running windows 7
You need to get another usb mini, make sure its USB 2.0, i had this problem to
I get an error but it says that it could not update my device (downgrade) . Is there another way?
Well after following the downgrading post on this site for my Sprint HTC Hero 2.1 I ran this one click root with no troubles. I am now in the process of installing my first custom ROM. Hope it goes as smoothly as the rest of it has. Thanks for everything, this site has taught me a lot.
that was really easy. thanks!!!!!!
What If I Have Windows x64
Makes no difference matey, this would work on Linux or even a OSX.
i have a alltel hero will it work for me
androot says failed! no~~~fu goo~~~??? can you help
what if is says no fu goo fail when u click root?
I tried this but it says failed. I have he htc hero with sprint please help
worked for me.
I have an htc hero but its not through a major carrier. I have service thru ‘cellular south’. The rooting procedures do not work on my phone. Is the rooting for sprint/tmoble htc’s only? Somebody please help!
there is no way for me to get the androot file to act differently than a zip file, i tried to change the name with .apk at the end, but it still acts as a zip file. no matter what i do, Linda still opens it as a folder instead of a file. What can I do?
okay followed the instructions but when i open the linda file manager it has nothing in it
do you have to use linda file manager ??
i have superuser but it doesnt show any apps in the list. what do i do?
I have the hero with the 2.1 update. I tried to dowgrade to previous version but it tells me I dont have the correct rom update utility
the RUU keeps saying that the computer cannot connect to my phone): It’s telling me to check if the usb is connected properly, Is there any way to root my hero using the 2.31.651.7 software number? PLEASE HELPPP! my phone is ridiculously slow and my battery does not last very long! it’s driving me NUTZ!
When i press go root, id says Failed: No~~~Fu goo ~~~
any idea on how long the downgrading process should take??? so far its been stuck on “waiting for bootloader…( 9)………” for about 20 or 30 minutes.
does this work on a mac?
Of course. None of it is done on the computer, it’s all done on the phone.
mac users just want it to work the way steve jobs envisions it. they dont know how to do anything, mac does it for them and they dont know what is done. therefore a stupid question was asked.
When clicked “Go Root” I get this message, “Failed! No—- Fu goo—-“. I rebooted the phone and it’s still not working.
I got the same message trying to Root My Sprint HTC Hero… i KNEW it couldnt be that easy..
I got the same message trying to Root My Sprint HTC Hero… i KNEW it couldnt be that easy..
I got the same message trying to Root My Sprint HTC Hero… i KNEW it couldnt be that easy..
I got the same message trying to Root My Sprint HTC Hero… i KNEW it couldnt be that easy..
I got the same message trying to Root My Sprint HTC Hero… i KNEW it couldnt be that easy..
Been trying to root my device for a couple of hours now and it’s getting frustrating. At first it gave me the “failed! no fuu go” or something so I just clicked root again and then said “woot! you’re now root”. However having failed to flash my clockwork in order to install a custom ROM, it turned out I wasn’t root after all, even though androot seem to think I am. I have no superuser in the apps and running the terminal emulator gives me a permission denied while trying to run su.
I’m on an unlocked (white) gsm Hero, firmware 2.1-update 1 and build No 3.32.405.2 CL 191507 release-keys. I can’t really think of what may be conflicting with the process.
I’ve not reset to factory settings as I’d rather avoid doing that but I have rebooted the phone several times. Any ideas would be welcome, I really thought this rooting thing would be a little easier, thanks..
Hmmm.. sorry to hear. Search our site for How To Root the Hero and check one of the other procedures and see if it works for you (we have a few)
the RUU doesn’t work for says ID error.
my firmware version: 2.1-update1
baseband version:
build number: 3.34.701.1 CL194466 release-keys
Do you have a Sprint Hero or what version?
i cant downgrade my Hero to the rootable version using the RUU given…is it becoz of mine is HTC Hero G2/G3,but not Sprint?
if yes, how can i get the right RUU for my HTC Hero G2/G3?
Did you try androot first and see if it works without downgrading?
My phone broke, so I had to do the insurance and get a new one. Of course it comes with the newest version of the software (build 2.32.651.2) which has the security patch or something with it. How can I root this? Nothing I tried out there has worked.
The RUU link wont downgrade my phone, how to fix? Sprint CDMA HTC Hero
The RUU link wont downgrade my phone, how to fix? Sprint CDMA HTC Hero
couldnt find sc card in linda
I had the same problem and used the ASTRO file manager,which read my sd card fine and the root proceeded without any problems
couldnt find sc card in linda
Note: Before you run the RUU, you MUST have HTC Sync installed on your computer or you will get a connection error from the RUU app.
I have to say, I see THE SAME QUESTIONS BEING ANSWERED OVER AND OVER! No offense, but what’s the point is glossing over a problem that seems to be prevelent?
*edit: Figured it out myself. For all who get the dropped USB error, close HTC Sync and close Easy0tether(if you have it), connect the phone (I still chose the Sync option, even without HTC Sync running on my PC) and I ran the downgrade. Cake. I actually started the downgrade app while my HERO was still trying to connect to HTC Sync on the PC. HTC Sync seems to fight with the downgrade app for rights to the port.
I have to say, I see THE SAME QUESTIONS BEING ANSWERED OVER AND OVER! No offense, but what’s the point is glossing over a problem that seems to be prevelent?
*edit: Figured it out myself. For all who get the dropped USB error, close HTC Sync and close Easy0tether(if you have it), connect the phone (I still chose the Sync option, even without HTC Sync running on my PC) and I ran the downgrade. Cake. I actually started the downgrade app while my HERO was still trying to connect to HTC Sync on the PC. HTC Sync seems to fight with the downgrade app for rights to the port.
To easy Thanks mate!!!
To easy Thanks mate!!!
Any suggestions for ROMS Wich one is the best one for yoy?
Any suggestions for ROMS Wich one is the best one for yoy?
can i update my phone to the newer version now that i rooted it without it undoing the root
can i update my phone to the newer version now that i rooted it without it undoing the root
can i update my phone to the newer version now that i rooted it without it undoing the root
can i update my phone to the newer version now that i rooted it without it undoing the root
can i update my phone to the newer version now that i rooted it without it undoing the root
can i update my phone to the newer version now that i rooted it without it undoing the root
can i update my phone to the newer version now that i rooted it without it undoing the root
N00bie here. Worked! Now to get my hotspot on…
N00bie here. Worked! Now to get my hotspot on…
failed on a htc hero 2.1 Orange (Spain)
awesome post… i finally figured out that the firmware update was blocking my super user permissions… time to start breaking my phone with crazy cooked-up roms :p
awesome post… i finally figured out that the firmware update was blocking my super user permissions… time to start breaking my phone with crazy cooked-up roms :p
computer says “unable to sendcopy to specified area please ensure you named file correctly” any ideas y??
computer says “unable to sendcopy to specified area please ensure you named file correctly” any ideas y??
hey i did every step but wen i root it it says failed no fu goo.. im lost wat do i need to download in addition to make it stop saying dat?
hey i did every step but wen i root it it says failed no fu goo.. im lost wat do i need to download in addition to make it stop saying dat?
My computer recognises the first adk downloadable as a Trojan virus…
My computer recognises the first adk downloadable as a Trojan virus…
Which antivirus are you using, Stef? I’m using avast and I’ve had no problems with it.
Still NAND locked need support as to s-off!
Tried it on my GSM Hero, running Villain12, i might just be rather stupid but i managed to use AndRoot to root and then flash clockwordmod recovery then install Villain12, BUT now when i boot into recovery the STANDARD android recovery comes up, and i cant flash a recovery via ROM Manager, also when i try to root it keeps failing, is it just the ROM?
mine said failed ! no — Fu goo —
same thing no root
I tried like 3-4 times withous any success. I did just like it said in the tutorial; downloaded the universal androot (1.6.2-beta5.apk) and installed it via the Linda manager. Then I tapped Root and it said something like woot! youre root! Instantly I checked for the superuser app, but could´nt find it. I restarted my phone, checked for it again and couldn´t find it this time either. So I turned off the phone, started it again by pressing the power button and home button at the same time. A screen apeared with a warning sign and a picture of a phone. So I turned off and restarted my phone again. This time I uninstalled the androot app and downloaded an older version, 1.5.3, installed rooted, and it worked! Didn´t even require a restart=) Now I have superuser permission!
I tried like 3-4 times withous any success. I did just like it said in the tutorial; downloaded the universal androot (1.6.2-beta5.apk) and installed it via the Linda manager. Then I tapped Root and it said something like woot! youre root! Instantly I checked for the superuser app, but could´nt find it. I restarted my phone, checked for it again and couldn´t find it this time either. So I turned off the phone, started it again by pressing the power button and home button at the same time. A screen apeared with a warning sign and a picture of a phone. So I turned off and restarted my phone again. This time I uninstalled the androot app and downloaded an older version, 1.5.3, installed rooted, and it worked! Didn´t even require a restart=) Now I have superuser permission!
did you ever get it to work?
It word the frist time on my galexy i5503t but i bicked my phone to days later and hat to gat it fixed.when i got it fixed i could root it again it sat failed evey time.
1/31/11, tried this today, it works great! Be sure to rename the downloaded AndRoot file from .zip to .apk
This is easiest to do in dos. Go to the folder that has the file in it and use the following command:
ren androot.xip androot.apk (replace the word androot with the actual version numbered name of your copy of androot)
mine said failed ! no — Fu goo — could some one help?
I am rooted but when i try to open the superuser permissions the screen is just black. I have tried to reboot it and it still the same? Any suggestions on how to fix that? Thanks
No luck with the ruu file or the androot rooting.
I am now rooted BUT the superuser permissions wont let me work it
Very easy!!!
I have tried it and it says !Woot! your phone has been rooted or something like that. But when i reboot and holding down ”Home” and ”Boot” the menu doesn’t come up. A Phone and a reject symbol comes up instead :S
What is the problem ?
I have a HTC Hero 2.1 update and build-number 3.32.405.2
plz help……
You gave to hold down menu and home key then wild holding down turn on phone. If that don’t work download the ruu file listed above and downgrade to 15
IT WORKS!! I just had to downgrade your phones firmwire! It works on mine now, restored my phone but i backed everything up =] Thanks!!
-HTC hero
I got the Woot! your rooted. and the super user app. but how do i remove the Sprint bloatware. like Nascar or NFL etc.?
I have 2.1 update1 and i downloaded the androot. When i selected it thru linda. it would boot up and give me a black screen. And at the top all it says is View archive. Help! Why wont it root?
you must download the ruu file listed above to your computer. Hook your phone to your computer then run the file from computer wich will downgrade your phone to a rootable Rom I believe 1.5. Then the androot will work.2.1 update 1 has security measures in place to prevent rooting.
you must download the ruu file listed above to your computer. Hook your phone to your computer then run the file from computer wich will downgrade your phone to a rootable Rom I believe 1.5. Then the androot will work.2.1 update 1 has security measures in place to prevent rooting.
you must download the ruu file listed above to your computer. Hook your phone to your computer then run the file from computer wich will downgrade your phone to a rootable Rom I believe 1.5. Then the androot will work.2.1 update 1 has security measures in place to prevent rooting.
you must download the ruu file listed above to your computer. Hook your phone to your computer then run the file from computer wich will downgrade your phone to a rootable Rom I believe 1.5. Then the androot will work.2.1 update 1 has security measures in place to prevent rooting.
you must download the ruu file listed above to your computer. Hook your phone to your computer then run the file from computer wich will downgrade your phone to a rootable Rom I believe 1.5. Then the androot will work.2.1 update 1 has security measures in place to prevent rooting.
you must download the ruu file listed above to your computer. Hook your phone to your computer then run the file from computer wich will downgrade your phone to a rootable Rom I believe 1.5. Then the androot will work.2.1 update 1 has security measures in place to prevent rooting.
it worked good for me unfortunately I tried several custom roms and could not get flash 10.1 to work so I just used the same method to revert back to factory rom. The best roms were cyanogen and fresh. had a 2.2 fryo with flash 10.1 installed but still would not load bejewled blitz on facebook.
I cant seem to transfer the APK file to the phone. my phone is plugged in via the usb cable and the sd card is in the phone (thats what i assume it means by mounted), but how do i transfer the file into the sd card? the phone is recognized in the my computer section (i run vista) but if i double click it, nothing happens. so basically, just how do i get the file to my sd card?
Crp: “Mounted” means the SD card is in use by the phone (very likely the case if the SD card is in there; it should have auto-mounted) and the phone is connected to the computer in Disk Drive mode rather than Charge Mode or HTC Sync mode. You can check this by pulling down from the bar containing the clock and notification icons at the top of your screen, then tapping the USB icon. The screen you see after that should tell you which mode it’s in.
I was using version 3.32.405.2 (Android 2.1-update1)
Running on the danish network “TDC” with latest updates and releases from HTC.
It worked perfectly and now my phone is rooted 🙂
ANYONe knows how to put down the SimLock of the Samsung Galaxy 5? (SG-I5500L i think its his full name). withount paying thouse suspicuous websites onf unlock by “client” softwares.??? something like the Unlock SGS app??
mine keeps failing and said Failed! No ~~~ Fu goo ~~~
i got a parse error: there is an error parsing the package!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It worked fine for me i had to downgrade my phone but now it’s all good i have root access now and am having a blast im on the htc hero with sprint
I can’t seem to downgrade my phone….. HELP, please. I have downloaded the ruu file but it wants a program to run and nothing works. THANKS.
Like a charm. Thanks
Everything works except I cant find a way to remove the unwanted sprint apps
It looked like it worked, but programs keep saying they dont have super admin privileges and now I cant Text at all txt me back an error message whenever i try
My phone keep shutting down, ad I followed the exact rules….HTC HERO
Kernel: 2.6.29-7527f009
Build: 3.36.405.1
Worked perfectly. Thanks 🙂
Used your instructions (above) and the process worked perfectly on my Sprint HTC Hero. Then installed Android Wi-Fi Tether (hot spot), and it works well too!
i get the exact same problem with any rom i try to use!!
Does this work on HTC Hero GSM 2.1 Eclair? Please let me know. Here is my e-mail: Thanks
it says failed!! I just got a new htc hero (refurbished) it has 2.1 and build 2.31 and I can’t seem to root it no matter what I do. I’ve tried at least 10 ways from doing the command prompt way to oneclick and now yours but nothing seems to allow me root my htc hero. any ideas?
i cant get the download “this ruu” to run on my hero….. paid $10 and it is a mess. Want me to pick an application to use and nothing seems to work…… HELP…..
it said i faild
linda file manager not working
anyone have a solution to if it says failed and no—fu goo or whatever?
I really want to root my phone so I can download apps2SD and free up my small phone memory
which is nearly full…
Could not downgrade my HTC Hero (Alltel) phone with the RUU. Get Error 131 Customer ID error. Where do I get the correct RUU to downgrade?
This is crap. It doesn’t work.
Fantastic!!!! I needed to root my phone to find the AndroidID – all because I want Android Market to work on my tablet 😀
Firmware 2.1 – update 1, Build 3.35.771.2, using 3 network
I open Lind file manager.. go to the apc file.. try to open it and it doesnt give me any options to run it.. what do I do?? lol It jus says “complete action using”….
wow!it worked i used it on my htc hero tmobile g2 touch
perfect.moved all apps to sd card
How do I root my HTC hero or any other phone without the use of a computer?
It worked perfect on my hero and I’m with cspire I’m loving my phone now
foes this work for the us cellular version and android version 2.3.4?
It continuously is telling me that it failed.
awesome! worked like magic!