How to Lock Apps with a Pass Code on iOS 7 (Video)

Everyone should have a pass code on their phone’s lock screens to prevent unwelcome eyes from prying into sensitive data or using particular apps. For the ultra security and privacy conscious, iAppLock lets you lock certain apps with a pass code for an added layer of security. I wish I had this tweak when co-workers at my old job would send “hilarious” messages from my phone to other co-workers if I left it unattended before automatically locking.

I. Jailbreak your iPhone/iPad

To do this procedure you must be jailbroken. If you aren’t, you can head to our Jailbreak How To’s section and pick the jailbreak for your version of iOS (currently at the time of writing this is 7.0.4). Once done with that procedure and you have Cydia installed, head back here to continue.

II. Install iAppLock

1. Open Cydia (if it isn’t still open from the section above).

2. Tap Search in the bottom right corner.

3. Type in iAppLock.

4. Tap on iAppLock when it shows up.

5. Tap Install in the top right corner.

6. Tap Confirm in the top right corner.

7. Tap Restart.

III. Configure iAppLock

1. Tap to open the iAppLock app on the home screen.

2. Tap the Settings button in the bottom center (with the gear symbol).

3. Tap the switcher next to Lock Status to enable the tweak.

4. When prompted, set the pass code you want to use to open locked apps.

5. When prompted, set the email address you want to use for pass code recovery.

  • Tap the switcher next to Delay Lock to enable a delay in re-locking a recently opened app.
  • Tap delay time and set a timer for an app to re-lock itself after use.
  • This is good for often used apps where it would be a pain to enter the pass code every time you open them.

6. Tap Protect in the bottom left.

7. Tap the large + symbol.

8. Select the apps you want to lock.

9. Tap Save in the top right.

IV. Use iAppLock

1. Tap to open an app you configured to unlock with a pass code.

2. Tap in your pass code.

  • If you set a delay lock timer, you’ll have X minutes before the app will re-lock itself after exiting from the app.



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