How To: Load a Custom ROM on Your HTC Hero

1. Download a ROM from to your computer. Or check our Downloads section and click on Android then ROMs and use the search bar at the top and type in “Hero ROMs”. *IF YOU HAVE A SPRINT HERO MAKE SURE THE ROM YOU WANT IS COMPATIBLE FOR THE SPRINT HERO!

2. Plug in your phone and pull down the Notification bar when the SD notification pops up.

3. Click on the notification and select Mount.

4. Once the SD card is on your computer screen, copy the ROM from your computer to your SD card (make sure NOT to put it in any folders on the SD card, just on the SD card by itself).

5. Once it is done copying, rename it on your SD card to update (in windows it should just need to be renamed update and you should still see the Zip folder icon to the left of the file to indicate that it is still

6. Unplug your phone and turn it off.

7. Turn the phone on by holding down Home and Power till you get to the custom recovery screen.

8. Select Wipe from the menu, then select Apply

9. Once it is done, select Reboot and you are all set!

Reported Issue:

Issue: I can’t find Format Fat32+Ext2+LinuxSwap.

Solution: This means you are using Amon Ras latest recovery image, he has put this option under Partition > Partition SD > then it asks you what values you want for the different partitions. Here are the standard values, but feel free to change them according to what the ROM you wish to use recommends.

LinuxSwap – 32MBs
Ext2 – 512Mbs
Fat32 – Remainder

295 thoughts on “How To: Load a Custom ROM on Your HTC Hero”

  1. Hey, I tried installing this rom with the title “”, but I am having a problem. This is what I am getting: (in order)

    Build: RAv1.2.16

    This will ERASE your data!
    Press the GREEN key to confirm,
    any other key to abort..

    Wiping data…
    Formatting data…

    Installing new image!
    Press the GREEN key to confirm, any other key to abort.

    Install from sdcard…
    finding update package…
    Opening update package
    Verifying update package
    Installing update…
    formatting SYSTEM…
    Copying files…
    E:Can’t chown/mod /system/xbin/busybox
    (no such file or directore)
    E:Failure at line 72:
    set_perm 0 0 04755 SYSTEM:xbin/busybox

    Installation aborted

    Now I cannot boot. It just goes to the system recovery menu.

    1. Hello HouseonFire,

      Not sure, that sounds like busybox is does not have permission to copy over…
      I would just recommend taking out the memory card, putting it into your computer, formatting it. Then put the rom back on rename to, wipe and load again. See if you get the same error.

  2. Bro, thanks the video was amazingly helpful. One question though, in a week or so there apparently will be an update for the HTC Hero, to fix the lag and other bugs, if rooting and applying a custom rom on our phones, will their update work for us? what will happen?

    Thanks in advance

  3. Well – Tried and failed I’m afraid. I did the how to root guide and that was fine.

    I then did a Nandroid backup

    I then did the How to Load a custon ROM. Now when I downloaded the ROM zip file, it did not appear as a zip file on my desktop but as a complete folder. I renamed this ‘update’ as instructed and then copied to sd card. Then restart the phone holding the 2 keys down, and so on. This failed.

    It occured to me it was looking for a zip file, so I zipped the downloaded folder and tried again. It failed again, giving me the message.

    Finding update package…
    Opening update package…
    Verifying update package…
    E: No signature ( 1631 files )
    E: Verification failed
    Installation aborted

    Any ideas? And thanks for the work!!


  4. I have tryed both the mods, first worked fine, this one didn’t.
    After doing the wipe and install and rebooting the Hero, waiting and going to menu and press the Superuser Permissions and then….i get a black screen with a tittlebar saying Superuser Permissions and no matter witch button i pres i don’t get any response at all, only the home button works and gets me home πŸ˜€
    What’s up? and i just being stupid or is something wrong?

    super mod if i could get it to work πŸ˜€

    1. i have the same problem but im not familiure to that site and dont know where to go to find the solution to having my mac not unzip automatically

    2. hey i was wondering what you searched to find out how to download it so it did not unzip im having the same prob on my mac

  5. Hm…everything went well, both root and this ‘howto’, but now it keeps rebooting over and over again.

    Any suggestion to what to do?

  6. Thanks TheUnlockr

    I wiped it and installed the – Installation went well – but it is still looping the boot. The only way to stop is to remove the battery.

    So…? πŸ™‚

  7. Startup after applying the new ROM (I got MoDaCo’s latest, 1.5.1) was really slow, so just have patient with the first startup since it’s gonna be as slow as your first ever startup of the phone.

    thanks once again TheUnlockr.

  8. TheUnlockr

    If I do this it will erase all my applications that I have installed. Is there any way of making a backup of them as the applications do not save to the SD Card as a default?

    BIG AD

    1. Hello Big Ad,

      Unfortunately, no. But your google account backs them up in the My Downloads section of the market, you just have to redownload them (but if you paid for apps they will be in there and you do not have to repay).


    My problem is that after the last step when adding the ROM, it tells you to install and after that simply select reboot. Well…..after selecting reboot it did just that…..rebooted me and brought me straight to a DEAD BLACK SCREEN. The screen wouldn’t allow me to exit out or shut down at all. Every time I turn the phone on it goes to this black screen.

    The only thing I can do is ROOT it and get to the green screen.

    Please help me, because now I have no cell phone to use.


  10. getting same thing as houseonfire,

    Wiping dataÒ€¦
    Formatting dataÒ€¦

    Installing new image!
    Press the GREEN key to confirm, any other key to abort.

    Install from sdcardÒ€¦
    finding update packageÒ€¦
    Opening update package
    Verifying update package
    Installing updateÒ€¦
    formatting SYSTEMÒ€¦
    Copying filesÒ€¦
    E:CanÒ€ℒt chown/mod /system/xbin/busybox
    (no such file or directore)
    E:Failure at line 72:
    set_perm 0 0 04755 SYSTEM:xbin/busybox

    Installation aborted

  11. Does anyone know if I have to update the radio again? i’m running on the G1 and trying to update to MoDaCoÒ€ℒs Updated Hero ROM.

  12. Thank you so much – now at modaco 2.0 (installed over 1.5.1) with apps2sd using new 8Gb class 6 card – all running nice and smooth – I think I’m getting the hang of this now!

  13. Will this work without rooting the phone? I can’t get the Recovery Flasher to work. I only get a “Backup FAILED” message.

  14. Dave (wants his hero to be faster)

    Hey THEUNLOCKR. Follwed the directions to the letter for my htc hero. Going finr until the last step- apply sdcard:, pressed home to confirm but it will not install. this is what it says at the bottom…

    Formatting CACHE:…
    Data wipe complete.
    –Installing new image!
    –Press home to confirm or any other key to abort..
    –install from sdcard…
    Finding update package…
    opening update package
    E:Can’t open /sdcard/
    (No suck file or directory)
    Installation aborted.

    What do i do now, why did this happen!?

    Cheers, I’m so close thought i had managed it, please help!

  15. Dave (wants his hero to be faster)

    Ok this will make you laugh, I’ve got it sorted now by the way. Tried it several times, but kept saying the error i mentioned above. Finally realised that the link above is a hyper link to the site to download the file, not the file itself… i had been right clicking and “saving link as”… so basically trying to use a firefox hyperlink as a ROM… oh dear. But seems to be working great now!! Wahoo!

  16. help some
    Installing new image!
    Press the GREEN key to confirm, any other key to abort.

    Install from sdcardÒ€¦
    finding update packageÒ€¦
    Opening update package
    Verifying update package
    Installing updateÒ€¦
    formatting SYSTEMÒ€¦
    Copying filesÒ€¦
    E:CanÒ€ℒt chown/mod /system/xbin/busybox
    (no such file or directore)
    E:Failure at line 72:
    set_perm 0 0 04755 SYSTEM:xbin/busybox

    Installation aborted

  17. how big is the radio that we should flash? 92.03mb 8.93mb

    which 1 do i flash?

    and is enhance version the best rom to flash?

  18. Dave (wants his hero to be faster)

    t3monkey when i did it i did lose all the contacts stored on my phone (but not the sim. My advice is to make sure all of your contacts are saved as google contacts, as they are then always backed up online. Then, when you install the new rom and register your google account, the contacts appear on your phone perfectly

  19. Hi i got my tmobile g2 touch on saturday and i rooted it using the 1 click technique but i can’t seem to partition my memory card. I donn’t get the option to do it in recovery mode. I’ve got the modaco 2.0 installed and i’ve reflashed lyk 10tyms but still don’t get the option to partition.

    Ne1 help me out?

  20. hi, everything well and good. thank you. two questions. 1:-do i need to do anything to make it faster or is that already done (not sure if it’s just faster now cos of lack off apps)
    question 2:- all my old apps are still on sd ram. what do i do to bring em back to life? or do i just delete them? which stuff should i leave on the sd card?

    thanks in advance!!!! And thanks sooooo much for doing this for us!!! πŸ™‚

    1. Hello Zameer,

      No, it is faster I promise πŸ™‚ Installing Apps wouldn’t slow it down, running them simultaneously will… but not much with the new update πŸ™‚
      I would delete the apps and reinstall, shouldn’t take too long at all.
      Your very welcome!

  21. TheUnlockr

    I have installed the latest ROM update and have not seen a great deal of difference. If anything the phone has a slightly more pronounced lag. I didn’t wipe data/factory reset because I didn’t want to lose contacts. Could this be the issue?

    BIG AD

  22. Hey Unlockr

    Thanks for the excellent update with video.
    I installed the custom ROM successfully, everything just works smoothly, the only problem i seem to be facing is that the notification lights on the top for missed calls or for the bluetooth dont seem to be working. Any idea on this? They dont work even after i restore the original ROM. Help Appreciated!!!

  23. Unlockr,

    Thanks for getting back, Yeah mine worked for sure. The right LED gave missed call notifications by blinking and the one on the left was for bluetooth and strange they dont work anymore. Well i can live with that, faster ROM certainly helps more but just found that small glitch there a little odd.
    Checked on other forums, a lot of people had problems from the beginning but i guess i got a handset which wasnt faulty or something. Lets see if HTC can do something about it. Please let me know if you get to know something on it. I am on Cheers!

  24. hey again !!

    Try this software called ‘Missed Reminder’ from Market., that makes it work for me. Might for you as well. Hope it works. Thanks!

  25. Hey Unlockr!

    Just wanted to thank you for all this work for Hero ROM. It is an entirely different phone AND it SOLVES THE ISSUES of the HEADSET NOT WORKING, LED and TRACKBALL LIGHT issue. Basically I went from being ready to trash the thing to loving it. For all the hesitant newbies, I have never, ever messed with something like this. Just watch the video, go slow and it all happens as seemlessly as the videos. Not one glitch or WTF moment. You guys have done a great job and I made my small donation as a way of saying THANKS. I hope some other happy downloaders will follow my lead.

    Now that I am getting geekly, I do have one question on RADIO. I just updated using the 2.2 which I assume has no radio update. Do I really need to do this. I am afraid I have pushed my good luck so far so was wondering if it was critical and if there was a video for that? I am showing baseband The phone is seemingly perfect so not sure If i should press my luck and what the benefits are. Thanks again guys.

  26. As a side note, I seemed to lose the LED, HEADSET and trackball light right AFTER I downloaded and connected through HTC sync. I did not even sync anything. I was actaully going to wait for the official ROM update and you need HTC sync to do that. It was that move that broke the phone for me. Those events got me so pissed, I just rooted and updated ROM from here instead and could not be happier. Should have done it in the first place.

  27. yeah thanks it was my mistake i used the wrong rom thanks for all your help and quick response much appreciated
    thanks once again

  28. Have factory reset the phone , put the update zip on the sd card but when i switch off then on with home i can only get to a screen with a triangle and phone icon. I have no options from there. Anyone know about that message ?

    1. Hello Gadgey,

      You need to root the phone first. Please search our site for the How To Root the Hero procedure (should be a link at the top of this post). THEN come back and do this procedure.

  29. Hi there, I am looking at getting a class 6 SD card 8 or 16gb to replace the standard SD card, i have rooted my hero and running madaco’s latest rom. My question is what do i need to do when i change the SD card, do i need to copy anything over or anything else? would be good to know exactly what i need to do as im a real newbie to this. Thanks in advance

  30. hi unlockr,
    really good guide, except, it hasnt worked for me. I rooted everything fine, and installed the rom fine etc, went through all the steps fine but now it just loops on the htc logo and the hero logo with the little android fella. thats all it does? have i bricked my phone?

    1. Hello Chill,

      No you haven’t this is a common thing actually. You need to repartition the card, then re apply the ROM. Just keep doing that until it works.
      Should be in the reported issues…

  31. Hey Mate!

    Bloody great work on putting this How To up, really appreciate it.

    I just have one questions RE: APPS2SD. The MoDaCo ROM lists: “A2SD included (fully automatic – thanks cyanogen!) – create a EXT3 partition as your second partition to use. dalvik-cache remains on device. EXT4 is NOT supported.”

    What I want to know is, how do I make use of APPS2SD. I’ve looked on my SD card and there doesn’t seem to be any apps stored there. I’m not sure what EXT3 partition is.

    Secondly, how do I update the radio?

    3). Do I need to keep all those files used in the flashing, rooting, custom ROM loading process on the SD card?

    4). Can I install the generic unrooted rom over the one I have to go back to the stock ROM?

    Cheers + keep up the good work!

    1. Hello Repunzle,

      Thanks alot man!

      1. You need to partition the memory card and then re apply the ROM and it will work from then on. You can use a program like Partition Manager or Apps2SD in our downloads section to do this. There is an easier way but it doesn’t work on the Hero yet, soon as it does I will add it to this procedure.
      Also your computer or phone will not see the ext3 partition. Its a type of partition that we trick the phone into thinking isnt actually a memory card but part of the internal storage (that’s why we can put apps on it and why it isnt recognized when looking at your memory card. You will notice that your memory card has less storage once you put a ext3 partition on there though.
      2. You can update the radio same way as updating a ROM, you just put the Radio .zip file on the sd card, rename to and then apply it in the recovery mode.
      3. No you do not need to keep all those files at all, although if you use the SD card for apps you will not be able to take it out while the phone is on or the phone will freak out lol
      4. There is no need to install a generic unrooted ROM. Just install the Modaco rooted ROM it is the newest update from HTC with root access and some other goodies.

      Good lucK!

  32. Hi unlockr,

    thought i had bricked my phone, but i have it working now. Except, i couldnt get it working with the modaco rom?? It just looped as i said on startup, however, on xda deveopers not sure if this link will work they have posted the official generic roms there, and that worked. Any ideas, i would quite like the modaco rom, it has a few good features by the sounds of it.

    1. Hello Chill,

      Thanks for linking the official ROM. Just load the Modaco ROM and make sure you do a wipe from the recovery image BEFORE you load the ROM, otherwise it will hang like that.

  33. Hey TheUnlockr!

    I rooted my HTC Hero and loaded MoDaCo’s rom on my phone. Since then, the phone does not recognise when a heaset has been inserted into the jack. Is this a common problem and do you know how I can resolve it?



  34. just found out that the problem was my 16gb sd card. it seems to hang when i use that, but its fine when i use the factory 2gb sd card, i know ive read somewhere about different classes, not sure why it wont accept the 16gb, works fine if you boot up without any, and then put it in.

  35. Hi Unlockr, firstly thanks for all of the help and advice for flashing a new rom. Could you please share your knowledge on EXT3 file systems like what is needed for the AP2SD programme which is included in MoDaCo’s latest rom?

    Thanks again
    Your patience and info are greatly received! πŸ™‚

    1. Hello Ash,

      Thanks! Glad to help!
      Basically you need to partition your SD card with an ext2 or ext3 partition and then load the ROM and it will automatically have all apps from then on be on the SD card. You can use the Apps2SD app in our downloads section to partition your memory card.

  36. Hi!

    Firstly thanks for all your hard work on these tutorials. Much appreciated.

    I have rooted my hero and installed latest modaco rom, everything has been great. However i noticed some problems since and wondered if this is a common issue or if anyone knows how to fix it.

    Since updating, the phone has had some issues with wireless networks. When i brought it into work, it connects to the access point as normal like always, but none of the data services work, they all say network error etc. Market, browser and anything else that requires data connection do not work. I brought the phone home to try it there, i had the same problem but i restarted my phone and then it worked fine, brought it back into work the following day, same problem, restarts don’t resolve the issue. It worked fine at work before the update.

    Does anyone have any ideas??? Any advanced settings i can change??? I really don’t want to have to wipe again it takes ages to get the phone how i like it πŸ™‚

    Thanks for everything!!!

  37. In case anyone was having difficulty creating an ext3 partition with a mac, after much web trawling, I found gparted. It is loaded onto a mac via a Live CD.

    For those of you who need it, just google gparted for the goods. It is essentially the same thing as found in Ubuntu, but a standalone app.

    To the great Unlockr: Cheers! I’m rooted, booted and toot-tootin now! *I think* apps are off to the SD card, but not sure how I can tell, without pulling the SD card, which I don’t really want to do.

    Also, before creating the partition, I pulled the SD card and my apps vanished!

    I guess the MoDaCo ROM configures apps2sd automatically prior to a partition?

    Anyways, Cheers again, mate, you’ve been a fucking great help and you deserve a pony for your efforts. No, seriously, a pony, you’ve always wanted one, and I’ll be damned if you don’t get one!


  38. Me again!

    Tried my Hero on another wireless network, this time an open one, same problem. It connects with no problem at all but no data services work!

    Took it back home to my network and it connects and works fine!

    Unlockr, any ideas??

    Has anyone else had this problem, with or withought the rooted modaco rom??

    1. Hello T’

      We tell you to wipe because it doesn’t always work and a wipe is a good way to make sure that it does. If it worked without then great! Glad you got it working.

  39. Hi
    The phone has been great since loading the Madaco Rom, but i have just noticed the phone has started scrolling right on its own. i noticed this before loading the rom, but thought it had stopped since, anyone have the same problems and is there anything that i can do? would loading the new official rom make it any better then the madaco rom? Thanks

  40. Hello again, i have formatted my sd card to ext3 and that part is about 900mb. My apps2sd still isn’t working though :-(. After i sorted the partioning i inserted the memory card and re installed the modaco 2.2 rom, but didn’t do a wipe don’t know if this would be my problem? What am i doing wrong?

    Thank you in advance for any help and thank you for being patient!

    1. Hello Ash,

      It is important to wipe when using the Modaco ROMs (he says so on the download site). So try that and see if that helps.
      Wipe then reload the ROM with apply

  41. Hi .. I have my Hero which I bought already comes with the Modaco Customs Rom.. however due to the app crash and I have to hard reset my phone… However, after reset and rebbot, the phone now I could choose lang as English but does not show the onscreen keyboard. I cannot type anything! What should I do? I cannot now try to root the phone and install custom rom again. Anyone can help ? Many Thanks !

  42. I have rooted my HTC and placed the rom, but I lost google maps… how can i get it back again, i can’t seem to find it in the market!!!

  43. Hi Unlockr,
    I searched again and again, all possible strings. I insist its no in the market. Any idea how and where to get it from.

  44. this is for a very old comment and anyone who’s unaware that applications can be backed up using ASTRO file manager. Go into ASTRO and press menu>tools>application manager/backup then tick which app you want to back up.

  45. I have rooted my HTC and placed the rom, but I lost google mapsÒ€¦ how can i get it back again, i canÒ€ℒt seem to find it in the market!!!
    I have same problem like Dani,can you help us?thanks in advance

  46. I have rooted my HTC following the instructions but couldn’t connect to the Internet via mobile network afterwards (O2 Slovakia). Had to unroot and it works again!

    1. Hello Soulfly,

      You can connect after rooting, you need to put in the APN settings to access the internet. Go ahead and root and put the custom ROM back on, then find your APN settings (goto Settings >Wireless Controls >Mobile Network Settings >Access Point Names and click on the one that is working and write all that info down) then when you load the new ROM go back into those settings and click Menu > Add APN and put the old settings back in and your fine.

  47. Thanks for a quick reply, I might give it another go .. do you have any suggestions about the google maps problem? I couldn’t find it in the market either!

  48. Hello,
    I follow the root by one click
    and trying to instal the rom
    but when I do the wipe data,
    it said wipe aborted
    and when I click the sdcard:
    it said aborted too
    can you help me that?

    1. Hello Miranda,

      Just boot into recovery mode and if you still have the custom RA recovery then format the card as Fat32+Ext2+Swap and then put the ROM back on and click Wipe Data and then Apply Update.

  49. Thank,,,,

    I had an error while doing the Modaco v2.5.1,
    1)updated radio to the latest
    2)through recovery screen applied update as above
    3)got an error πŸ™
    Can’t open /sdcard/

    Where did i go wrong?

    *my original build was 2.73.728.5.146733
    Update to modaco 2.2, Is doing well.
    But the 2.5.1 is not.

  50. Dave (loves his hero)

    Hi Unlockr,

    I followed your instructions on how to root the phone, then how to install the custom ROM with version 2 of modaco’s and it worked fine.

    I now want to update to the latest 2.6. I keep reading about “the new radio” but dont understand what this is. Do i need to update the radio? And how?

    To update the rom do i just follow the Rom steps in the tutorial above again? Also is the latest on any faster??

    Cheers, Dave

    1. Hello Dave,

      You load the Radio same as any ROM. Rename to then put on SD and Apply Update in recovery mode. Then do the same to load the new ROM. Haven’t used it yet so not sure if it’s faster but I would assume it would be, let us know will ya?

  51. Hello.

    I have been thinking about trying this method when I root my phone and load this custom room but I have some questions before I do.

    1. Isn’t there anyway that I can backup my apps and settings and what not?

    2. I guess this is only in english? Im from sweden so.
    It’s just to wait until there is a custom rom in Swedish?

    Thanks for this website, truly great guides. //Gustaf

    1. Hello Gustaf,

      1. Yes, once you do the How To Root in One Click method you’ll have a custom Recovery image. One of the options there is to do a Nandroid backup. This saves everything to your sd card (just make sure you copy it to your computer so you don’t lose it when partitioning the memory card). Then you can boot into recovery and click Restore backup to get back.
      2. Most of the ROMs have English as default but upon setup will ask what language you want (most have Swedish). So try them out until you get one with Swedish.
      Good luck!

  52. Dave (loves his hero)

    Hi. Have installed the new radio from modacos site, and have to say my signal does seem improved. Just installed the latest ROM, so will let you know how it is.


  53. Dave (loves his hero)

    Guys, i highly recomend the new modaco rom version 2.6. comes with wavesecure built in. Basically lets you wipe your phone of all its data, and lock the phone,from a website,making it useuless to thieves if they nick it. It also gives you the number of the new sim if anybody steals it, as well as the location of the device. Another cool thing, if you lose the phone or somebody nicks it, you can lock the phone and make it scream from the website, so if you hear the noise, you can go get your phone! The ROm does seem really slick as well, a bit faster than before.



  54. Hello Unlockr
    I have just received a new G2 (aka Hero) on T-mobile UK.I am planning on doing this, please can you tell me if this would work:

    1.Installing a recovery image
    2.Booting into recovery and making a Nandroid backup
    3.Installing a generic HTC Rom which has been packed into NB.Rom is a stock rom and therefore not rooted

    As I understand after flashing I would lose rooting and would need to root again if I need to. However, I don’t need to so am not too bothered.
    I am hoping that this would remove T-Mobile branding, but mainly make the phone quicker as it is running the latest ROM. Would this technique work?
    I would also like to know wether my sim-lock status would be affected?
    Also if Donut/Android 1.6 is released OTA by HTC would my phone update OTA?
    Finally, does that mean once I have flashed it, I will not be able to access the recovery partition thing which includes Nandroid etc.?

    Please answer my questions and comment if you have any reservations/concerns about this. All comments are much appreciated.

    1. Hello Baggy1111,

      First off, you need to do the How to Root the Hero in One Click procedure. That will load a custom Recovery and allow you to load a custom ROM. Then do this procedure and you will be able to load the Modaco 2.6 ROM which will be faster than what you have, no Tmo branding, and root access for things like Wifi Tethering.
      You can use the recovery image to backup or restore a nandroid backup, yes.
      You would not use nandroid to load a ROM, not would you put an official HTC ROM and load it on your phone, you are better off Rooting and loading Modaco and you’ll get all the benefits and none of the detriments of an official ROM.

      When 1.6 comes out it will be in a new Modaco ROM well before Tmo decides to send it to your phone, so you would just load the newer Modaco ROM and be all set. You will not want to use the OTA update or you’ll be back at where you started.

      Good luck!

  55. I have to thank you TheUnlockr for opening up the doors of Android Market for my Hero and showing the true capability of the Android phone.
    The Hero I bought is the SE version and doesn’t come with the Android Market, and it is a HUGE frustration.
    I have completed the Unroot procedure, then Rooted it and then load the Modaco Custom ROM and it was easy. (I needed to manually set APN to enable data connection)
    The performance is much quicker than the original ROM. I shall try it with the Chinese update soon.
    Thanks again!

  56. Hi again.

    I asked before if i can save all my settings, apps and what not. What I meant was if I can save everything and then use it on a custom rom so I dosn’t need to fix all the settings and download all the apps after i have changed rom. Is that possible?

    With Android backup I can only backup the orginal rom and all the setting with that, right? So when I flash the backup I get the old rom back.

    Great site /Gustaf

  57. hi

    im using modaco 2.6 now, when the phone boots up, there’s no sound in the splash screen, the little green android waving no sound & htc wording no sound as well, is it normal? or is the problem due to the recovery image? phone is not in vib/silent mode when reboot

    had posted on couple of forums but no reply on this

  58. Hi,

    First a thanks to everyone who’s worked on these custom roms and guides.

    I managed to root my hero using the “one click” method even after doing the official 2.73 WWE update (am now using Modaco’s custom rom).

    Everything seems to work pretty good, except when I go into the address book (people) and use the “Find Home” or “Find Work” feature (to plot an address on maps) I get an error:

    “The application Google Maps (process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.”

    Using Google maps normally works fine.

    Has anyone else had this problem, or can they confirm that this feature works for them?


  59. Hi,
    i just wanted to thank you guys for the great work done. For a newbie like me it took me a day and a half to understand and solve all the problems but Downgrade,Flash new recovery image, Switch to different microSD, and load a custom ROM finaly worked !!!
    Thanks so much
    If you come to paris – I’ll offert you a drink !!!

    1. ThiS,

      Most likely no since most people prefer the Sense UI to MotoBlur, but you never know.
      In the meantime if you have Modaco 2.9 ROM on your Hero you can use the MotoBlur Theme in our Downloads section to at least look like MotoBlur πŸ™‚

  60. I’m new to the android scene, came from winmo and pwnt that. but this is soooo alien to me. i rooted the device correctly (thanks!) but now when i want to load a custom rom and hole the home button and power button it stays on the htc screen forever. any hints?

    1. thiS,

      Welcome to Android/Linux πŸ™‚
      If that happens, generally you need to reformat the SD, Wipe Data, and load a new ROM in recovery image. Generally that fixes all issues for future reference πŸ™‚

  61. Well, i tried that and to no success πŸ™

    when you say “load new ROM in recovery image” what does that mean specifically?

    sorry for th dumb questions πŸ™‚

    1. This,

      No problem. Basically Im referring to this whole procedure, format the SD card from recovery mode then put a different ROM on the SD card and then flash it from recovery image.

  62. Great! I just upgraded my T-Mobile Hero (which cannot be upgraded with HTC firmware because it’s *T-Mobile* Hero) and enjoy much faster and smoother interface.
    One note. I thought I can backup system settings using MyBackup application and restore them later after firmware upgrade. Don’t do it! It caused endless reboot cycle. I had to go boot restoration image and wipe the settings again.

    Thanks a lot, TheUnlockr!

  63. i cant get into recovery mode, thats the main problem.

    i restarted all the steps by doing the “root” steps first.

    then followed the steps listed here, but cannot get the to recovery screen, i have only seen it once (which was the first time i rooted it)

    1. This,

      Can we continue this in the Technical Support forums. Someone will be happy to assist there. What screen do you get to when you hold down home and power (what does to say exactly)?

  64. Hi everyone!

    Does anyone know if I could root my HTC Hero with this “how to”?

    My sw version is:
    Kernel Version: 2.6.27-8dd6deee htc-kernel@and18-2 )
    Build number: 2.73.728.5 146733

    Thanks a lot!

  65. Help. I’ve got all the way to the end and i’m stuck. Finished installing the modaco rom and everything seems successful. Then on the reboot, i know it suppose to take long but it hasnt come up yet. Just hangs on the htc screen. Anyone help?

  66. repeating problem!!!!!
    HTC hero logo goes and comes repeatedly and your solution for partitioning the sd card doesn’t answer for me!!!!!!
    i want to install the modaco!!!
    exactly tell me what to do!!
    tanq for dedicating your time! πŸ™‚

  67. i flash the modaco’s latest rom but i just got the boot screen on and on.. do i need to format my sd card and just put the update file there and do i need to flash the radio b4 flashing the rom? thanks in advance.

  68. Hey TheUnlockr,
    did as per ur advice.. i got it working.. =) thanks for the great help.. but i got my apn messed up.. lolz. nvm bout that. the mms never worked anyway .. appreciated it very much…

  69. Re: Lost on Nov. 29, I’m having the same problem. The HTC screen hangs on reboot – but I can’t figure out how to get out of it to repeat the procedure. Nothing works. Do I need to remove the battery?

  70. Hello!

    When im trying to load the ROM after theblack screen with green text comes up I just get the message:

    CanÒ€ℒt open /sdcard/

    Anyone got any solution to this? Would very much appreciate some help =)

  71. Hi again!

    I really am a beginner when it comes to these stuff.
    I get the message I posted above all the time when I try to apply the

    When I look at the info about the phone in settings it says I have firmware 1.5. That means that I have a new ROM to install, right?

    Since I bought it in Thailand but using it in Sweden, is there any way I can get a swedish keyboard and the latest ROM which is supposed to be a bit faster?

    Thanks for all the help this far and sorry for being really noobish.

  72. Ok, I loaded the wrong rom (apparently not compatible with the sprint hero) and when I rebooted my phone hangs on the htc screen. I can’t turn it off, I can’t access recovery mode, I can’t do anything but let the battery run down. When the battery runs down, it turns itself off and I can turn it on in recovery mode (I’m guessing I could get the same thing by removing the battery?) Anyway, I did that, did a wipe data/factory reset, then rebooted. Now it’s stuck on the same htc screen again. Can somebody please help me get back to where I can flash a new rom, or start the root procedure over?

    Please help, because I obviously don’t know what I’m doing. Many thanks in advance.

  73. i have the sprint Hero and i have been stuck on the “HTC” screen for over an hour…i followed the directions exactly and have been getting the same thing over and over again…anyone got any ideas as to what it could be?

  74. I figured out my problem. I was using the wrong ROM. I used the Generic one from modaco and it wouldn’t work for me. I found one that was mdca for sprint and it worked fine. It was a 1.1 mdca rom so I feel like I didn’t achieve my goal of getting the faster os on my hero.

    Can someone link me to the rom for spint hero that is like the android 2 OS? (fast I mean)

  75. mate…i want to ask if any custom roms will work in HTC HERO METEOR IRELAND? i tried a lot of custom roms but no success….thanks…

  76. mate got error…can’t open /sdcard/ (bad) installation aborted….will you help me please….my phone htc hero meteor ireland….

  77. rooted and loaded rom thanks so much
    althoguh it took it some time to reboot and i was starting to get worried but now everything is ok!!

  78. Wiping the card and installing the update went perfect. When i reboot my phone it just hangs on the HTC start up screen. Ive tried wiping and updating about 3 times now, keeps doing the same thing.

  79. Followed this guide… But my hero is stuck on the “HERO” boot-up screen… I’ve left it for over an hour but no life…. Should I take out the battery or will that just brick it?

  80. Hey,i’ve done all the procedures and i was good until after i rebooted my phone,when my phone was rebooting it stopped until the battery died and now my computer wont work,what do i do next?Thanks

  81. i’ve actually read some of the comments above,by reformatting it do you mean i have to delete everything?then that means ill have to do over all the procedures again?thanks

    1. John,

      No, reformatting just wipes the SD card. Here do this…

      This solves 99% of issues:

      1. Reformat the SD card (repartition it using the recovery screen, called part sd fat32 +ext2 +swap).
      2. Then Wipe Data in recovery screen
      3. Then click mount USB on from the recovery screen, put the ROM you want on the SD card (also make sure the ROM is for the G1, with a name like Sapphire Sense it sounds like it is for the Sapphire not the G1, but check).
      4. Turn off mount USB in recovery
      5. Goto Apply update: choose zip
      6.Select the ROM and hit the Home button to confirm.

      If it still doesnÒ€ℒt work, then repeat these steps again and load a different ROM.

  82. Hi The Unlockr,
    I have the same case with the dude above,but my problem is now i cannot even get an access to the Recovery screen,what do i do now?please i really need to get my phone working by tomorrow or else ill be screwed

  83. Hey,it’s weird alot of people are getting the same problem,i have the same problem right now.It’s always stuck on the “HERO” screen whenever i try to start my device,so i figured i’d do hard reset,but when i press the button it won’t reset,so any ideas please?thanks


      Boot into recovery, reformat the SD card, wipe data, and then load the custom ROM again. If it gets stuck again, repeat this but load a DIFFERENT ROM. Good luck!

  84. what is this seriously?you didn’t remind us how fucked up it could get,and now that my phone is fucked up you are just staying quite.Also in the previous comment,you said that we had to reformat the SDcard,wipe the sdCard,and reload the ROM.You didnt say that we reformat the SDCART By WIPING THEM

    1. Kelly,

      First off, I don’t get paid here. I simply put things up to try to help people. I honestly have a full time job other than this site and don’t have time to answer everyone’s questions and sit here and troubleshoot for hours with each individual. It also clearly states under EVERY procedure to use the Technical Support forums to try to get help from your fellow rooters. Also it states to use our custom search to try to find help as well. 100,000’s of people use these procedures everyday and most without any issue, so if someone else came into the same issue they most likely posted a solution.
      You also must understand how it is almost impossible for me to troubleshoot your situation without physically being there when you ran into your issue or being there to help solve it. There are just too many variables that you could have done wrong (or that could be going wrong within your phone).
      So first off, calm down, noone here HAS to help you and getting upset at US is not the way to get help. Ok?

      Now, as for the issue you are having (and whoever else is having the issue, even though they are all apparently using the same computer to access this site according to your IP address).

      Answer me this and I’ll try to help:
      1. Are you using a Sprint Hero or a GSM Hero?
      2. What ROM did you try to load? Was it for a Sprint Hero or a GSM Hero?
      3. Have you tried the ROM in our Downloads section (the one for your phone, not the Sprint on the GSM Hero or the GSM one on the Sprint Hero)?
      4. If you take out the battery and put it back in, then hold down Home and Power can you get to a recovery screen?

  85. The Unlockr,
    I’m really sorry i guess i was too emotional last time,and i just realized that it was not your job and you are being nice.So i terribly sorry about what i did. Now i’m gonna answer your questions.
    1.I’m using a GSM Hero
    2.I think i tried the Clear30 and it was for GSM Hero
    3.I downloaded that ROM from your website
    4.No i can’t it gets stuck in the Hero page.
    Thank you and sorry about what i’ve complained. I’m really really sorry and looking forward to your reply.Thanks

    1. Kelly,

      No problem πŸ™‚

      Ok so try this procedure and see if that helps (if you have an unbranded gsm hero then use the first ruu in the procedure).

      Let me know if you can run the RUU on your computer and it can see the device.

      PS There is no clear30 ROM for Hero in our Downloads section. The only ROM for the actual Hero phone is the Modaco ROM on our site… Did you maybe try to load a ROM not for Hero (some say Hero ROMs but they are for getting the Hero UI on the MyTouch or G1). The only ROM you should have loaded was the Modaco ROM (its under the Hero ROMs section,

  86. It’s actually updating but there is a problem
    “The Rom update Utility cannot open the requested files or the files are damaged. The RUU Cannot continue with the update.Please get a complete RUU package and try again”

    in the Updating screen
    The boot,Bootloade REcovery splasg1 iserdata were ok, but the Radio_v2 and Sustem Failed

  87. Thanks alot the unlkock!i’ve finally solved my problem i used the other RUU,the later version. THANKS So much and IM sorry for being rude before.THanks you God bless you

    1. Kelly,

      No problem! Glad to see it worked!
      This time when you load the ROM, load the Modaco custom ROM for the HTC Hero and you should be fine. I think you might have loaded the wrong ROM on accident.

  88. Hi

    I have a slight problem. I did everything as was said in the video and text and rooted my Hero correctly. I then did the wipe and loaded the rom but when I reboot, it has Hero on the screen, then you see the little anroid dude do his thing and then it just gets stuck at the next screen which says HTC and has a shimmer that keeps going across it.

    I have tried different roms and they all do the same thing

    Can anyone please help me sort this problem out. I would highly appreciate it and you would be saving my life!


    1. Jason,

      To fix those type of issues, just reformat the card, wipe data in recovery, and flash the ROM again. (Make sure you format the card swap, ext2, fat32. Then Wipe Data, Then load the ROM with Apply Update)

  89. Yea one more question,it might be out of topic,but i have a problem with my phone,the time of received messages are kinda messed up and also the message order is messed up too,do any of you encounter the same problem?thanks

  90. hey… when i click all of the right things come up but after it says : copying files… its says delete files delete files and then continues to say installation complete from sd card… I reboot and then the phone just stays on the htc screen forever. I think i may have deleted the OS.

    Please help…


  91. Hey Unlockr,

    I used this procedure and recieved the “successful” message. However, my phone(sprint hero) never made it past the htc screen. I realize it may take a while for the first boot but 1 hour? No harm done by the way. Restore backup and back at square 1. Any ideas?


  92. Dillon,

    Did you do a Nandroid Backup? If not you will need to wait for Unlocker to help you. If you did, here’s what I did. Pulled the battery, powered up holding “home” button and did a restore. All is good again. Hopefully you did back your phone up before your venture and this works for you.

  93. So I udated the radio with one from MoDaCo. Now my phone does nothing. It won’t power up, doesn’t even get a light when charging Any ideas? I guess I can use a Claim on my protection plan but I’d rather not. Please Let me know if you can help.

  94. Quick question for u guys after rooting and loading a custom Rom do I need to redo the steps again to load a diffremt one or can I just wipe and flash

    Ty for Ur help

  95. When downloading the APPS2SD, can I do it this way??? Download it to my computer. Transfer it to the SD card via card reader in the USB slot. Then mount the SD card to the phone. Then what do I do? Do I restart the phone holding down the HOME + PHONE ON keys? Could you please list the steps for a non-techie person please?


  96. Ok i’m a little confused, I did everything right and everything works fine so far i’m just curious. What do I do to go back to my original setting that came with my phone? I have the HTC Hero for Sprints CDMA

  97. I have a Sprint HTC Hero.

    I followed the steps on this site to root my hero and that went fine.

    Then I tried to install a custom ROM. I downloaded MoDaCo v1.3 and followed the instructions here. I am able to get the zip on the SDCard and rename it, but when I shut the phone down and reboot by holding home and power, i get a white screen asking me if I want to clear user data instead of the recovery screen. Ideas?

  98. For starters, thanks for all your help, Unlockr, with all these guides and the replies in the forum. I’ve read the whole thing (parts of it comical) and checked the tech forum (which is pretty shy on info) to find the answer to my question. I got a partial answer, but not a full, so I’m asking…

    To catch you up with where I am, I have a Sprint Hero that I want to root but do NOT want to install a ROM if it is not necessary. I basically just want to nuke the preinstalled apps and move apps and cache to the SD card (for speed sake) and wifi tether. I started out trying the one-click method but a) was turned off by this Amon-Ra thing (which I think by now I’ve learned is NOT a ROM), and b) Flashrec doesn’t seem to work (1.1.3 will not install and 1.1.2 will not do a backup, which also scares me, not to mention it says no Sprint Hero Support on the website for 1.1.2)

    It says at the bottom of the 1-click method to try the old method if it doesn’t work, which involves installing the SDK and using command lines to get root. I got to the part where it says to try to download a Root App and see if it works. I got the Linda File Manager and it appears it is so. I guess I got happy and skipped the last step about flashing a recovery image (or I was still wary of the recovery image being a ROM at the time, and since I had root access, I didn’t need it).

    I then went on to try to figure out how to do what I wanted to do without using a ROM. I’m old enough to know how to use DOS and command line, so when I found a Wireless Tethering App that didn’t require a ROM, I just downloaded it and installed it with adb. Since everything I’ve read says you must have Root access to tether, and the tethering works, I must have root. Fine. On to manipulating apps.

    Everything I read seemed to say I need to partition my new 8gb Class 6 SDHC card, but I need to use a ROM to do so. Boo. So I found Apps2SD on your site, so I downloaded it and installed it to the Hero. Upon running it, it says that your SD card is not partitioned properly and we can take care of that. Yay! Select my size, hit apply, and it responds with “Done, Reboot”. Yet upon reboot there is still only one “drive” reported by both Linda and my PC, and the size is exactly the same.

    Also, and oddity, at several points I have tried doing a Home+Power recovery reboot. The FIRST time I gained root, I saw the screen with the little green androids. Every time after that, I get the triangle/phone screen. For a time, I was just taking out the battery and allowing it to boot back to normal, but tonight I realized that if I press the buttons again, I get to a black screen with blue writing instead (quick addendum, I JUST tried it again, and I got the skateboarding Androids and the CLEARSTORAGE option, which I am afraid to push yes on… again… Does this mean the SD card or the main memory of which I do not have a backup of??). You told someone in a previous post that if you get the triangle/phone screen you DON’T have Root access, but previous things I have been doing say I do… do I or don’t I?

    ALSO, in one of your most recent post (and this kinda the do-or-die sum up for me) you told Bluelineman that to do what he was doing, you MUST have a ROM which has Apps2SD built in… please say it ain’t so, George!

    I know that was a lot… so to sum it up…
    1) Do I or don’t I have Root access?
    2) MUST I have a ROM to maipulate Apps and the SD card?
    3) How do I backup if neither version of Flashrec will work? Or what am I doing wrong that keeps making it botch up? (“Download to PC. Copy to the SD card’s root directory. Install from Linda. Click Backup Recovery… FAIL.” is my process with 1.1.2)
    4) What is Amon-ra exactly?

    Thanks in advance for any help from Unlockr or anyone else who is still reading this forum!!


  99. and, oh…

    5) what is a Radio, and do I need a new one?? the skateboarding Android screen says I have The device settings say I have Firmware v1.5, which I’ve been assuming is Cupcake??

  100. I broke down and used Amon-ra. Saw that it has a “move apps to SD” option and tried it, and upon reboot found that half of the apps didn’t work anymore (like Sense, or Browser or Linda…). Thank goodness I made a Nandroid back-up and saved it to my PC AND know how to push files using ADB! Broke down and got MoDaCo, and following your instructions, installed it seamlessly. However you do need to update a little: there are several options after Wipe now; data/factory update is what is needed next. “apply update”, people need to select Flash zip from sdcard, then select I’ve been moving apps to SD (without Apps2SD, btw) and removing useless apps like a fiend now!

    Still wish I didn’t HAVE to use a ROM to do so…

  101. @Mike: MoDaCo is on v2.2 for the Sprint (CDMA) Hero and v3.1 for the GSM Hero. I’m hoping that when you typed v1.3 that was a typo for 3.1, but even if it wasn’t, if you have the Sprint Hero you got the wrong ROM. You can find it here: . Download and rename, and refer to my previous post if need be.

    I personally wish people would stop referring to the devices as the “HTC Hero” considering HTC made two versions of the same phone. Causes considerable confusions considering since some forums and post date back to the GSM Hero release, and things that work on the GSM don’t necessarily apply to the CDMA Hero.

  102. I followed the guide EXACTLY, but when i rebooted it comes up with HERO but goes no further – should i be worried or is their an easy solution.. cheers.

  103. I wish i could and i have read the issues. Its just i cant even get to any screen, just hero (whether I turn it on, power+home, power+voldown)

    So i cant reformat it :/

  104. I just tried all of this on my sprint phone and I got to the rom instal and i got what a couple other people got which was that it was aborted and now i’m stuck without any of my contacts anymore or information. How do i get it back!!???

  105. I’ve been running MoDaCo’s custom cupcake (3.1 build) ROM **thanks to the Unlockr** and would like to try an upgrade to a 2.1 rom. Any advice on a stable eclair rom for my unlocked hero?

    Does modaco have a 2.1 rom?

  106. Changes I found:

    1) Not power + home (Gave Clear data Screen)

    volume down + power

    then home (Recovery) when the skateboarding androids come up

    2) Not wipe (No option to flash)
    Flash from SDCARD

  107. Hi just rooted the hero and tryin to load modaco_1.3. I get to the recovery screen try to install but aborts and says cannot open bad. any thought? thanks

  108. There are some files for download: Core, Enhance, Wavesecure and etc. Which package I have to install? if I install Core package, after that how can I install Enhance and etc packages to add that to core?

    1. Farhadix,

      Read what each is and decide which one you prefer. Core is the basic ROM, Enhanced will have added things, and WaveSecure would include the WaveSecure program (a program to erase your phone if it is stolen I believe).

  109. REPOST:

    IÒ€ℒve been running MoDaCoÒ€ℒs custom cupcake (3.1 build) ROM **thanks to the Unlockr** and would like to try an upgrade to a 2.1 rom. Any advice on a stable eclair rom for my unlocked hero?

    Does modaco have a 2.1 rom?

  110. Hi Unlockr,
    First up, my props to you for your amazing work. I’m reading everything i can here twice so i make sure i do this correctly. However, I have a Sprint HTC Hero and when i enter recovery mode [home + pwr button] I do NOT see the screen with the various options as shown in the video. It is a screen with a white background, little green android guys across the bottom and a couple of options, one of which is something to the effect of erase user data. That spooked me a tad so i tried to turn it off and the power button would not allow it to do so. I ended up having to pull the battery. When i put it back in, it seem dead “dead”, no lights, nada. I pulled the battery and waited longer, stuck it back in and luckily it powered back up.
    Per your Oct 11, ’09 post:
    “TheUnlockr Says: October 11th, 2009 at 1:00 pm
    Hello Ghecko,
    NO. There is no rooting method for the Sprint Hero yet.
    If someone wants to let me borrow one we could work on itÒ€¦”

    By that post, I understand there is no root access for the Sprint Hero yet and that explains why Titanium backup is giving me the message it is. [Although that confuses me being as there is a link: “How To: Root Your Sprint Hero in One Click! | The Unlockr”. Maybe that URL is from a later date and there is now rooting for Sprint HTC Hero?
    That being said, and being a premium Modaco member, i don’t think i can load a modaco ROM [custom or otherwise] UNLESS i can have those options from recovery mode to apply, no? Sorry for being so verbose, but I guess my real question is why my recovery mode screen is not what I see in the video i.e. with the options in green text?

    Many thanks,

  111. I have finally successfully rooted and loaded a custom ROM. After only 2 phones( i screwed up the first one) and months of research, you have helped me with the process. Thank you. I loaded the fresh 1.1 and it is like a new phone. Now my wife wants hers done! Thank you!

  112. By the way, I have a Sprint Hero that now has fresh 1.1. I will probably be tryig other Roms now that I know what to do. Suggestions are welcome!

  113. Hi TheUnlockr!

    I know that lots of the guys asked about the Google Maps not being available in the Android Market, but it seem to me that I’ve hit the same wall. I’m using Modaco 3.1 Core downloaded from here As you can see here the core doesn’t contain the Google Maps application. I would need to download it from the Market. When I enter “Google Maps” in the searchbox I get the following screen:

    As you can see google maps doesn’t even appear in the market. I’ve browsed trough all the 253 apps which the search have given me but still nothing. I’m not sure how can I get this app. I would really appreciate it if somehow you could help me get it on the phone.

    Thanks and regards,

  114. I really need some help!
    i wipe out the cache and now my phone went back to NOTHING its like when you barely buy it I have nothing.
    Anybody can help me at least getting my contacts back?
    I am erally a newbie so if you can please explain yourself.
    im desperate

    1. Careo,

      Just go through the set up process. Google automatically backs up your contacts, so when you log in with your Google account they will all come back.

  115. Unlockr,

    thanks… for the help.
    Anyways I want to try to root my phone one more time. There is a part that I don’ get. When I download modaco 1.3 it says -no longer requires wipe to install/upgrade.
    After I put the file named update in my card and I restart my phone what should I do next? how do i install it? and how do i know if i rooted my phone?

  116. hi, many many thanks for your advice and guidance. it took many hours to downgrade and then root. couldn’t have done it without your help!. now on the latest behero 2.1 rom πŸ˜€

  117. Hi unlockr,
    I was just wondering how do I load a new Rom if I already have a custom Rom on my phone. Do I just put it in SD and go on to the green screen and press wipe then load the new rom or do i have to load a stock Rom first then go thru Ur video?

  118. mainly to Derek … do a lil bit of playing.. save everything to your computer, then first try to reboot
    BUT unlike it has been posted in almost all reply’s here, hold home button FIRST then hold power and see if that gets you to RA’s recovery screen (green and black)
    for some reason I had the same problem and holding home first got me there. if not then erase user data from the white screen and then try to reboot to recovery
    this should work one of the two ways… hope this helps

  119. BTW I rooted in the begining of Jan with sprint hero and put modaco’s 2.2 on it is fast friendly and with godsonz rosie’s clear buttons and fabolous and quite sexy dialer my hero is freakin awsome thanks to theunlockr, ratcom(xda devs) and godsonz

  120. I attempted to Root my Sprint Hero. I did everything from formatting the SD card, did the RA recovery, changed the ROM file to update. But, when I try to get into the recovery menu, I get a white screen that asks if I want to clear storage. I thought this was the wipe menu, but after I do the wipe, I get no option to apply Any suggestions? My phone has been reset to default.

  121. alex espinosa

    does this also work for the sprint htc hero ive been trying to do this but it doesnt work you people should make the same video but with the sprint hero not the gsm hero it would be much easier for those who have a sprint hero like me

  122. when it says to wipe i have 5 selections
    Wipe data/factory reset
    Wipe Dalvik-cache
    Wipe SD:ext partition
    Wipe Battery stats
    Wipe rotate Settings
    which one do i choose and will it erase all of my contacts and messages

    1. Matthew,

      Wipe data factory reset.
      Yes it will erase everything, just sync your contacts with your google account and they will come back the next time you sync.

  123. rooted phone fine and loaded ROM fine but after reboot it hangs on HTC screen. Is there a ROM that will for sure work on a sprint hero so i can test and make sure it can at least load a ROM? thanks alot

  124. Hi great guide but I think you really should add that a Nandroid backup is essential. I flashed my hero and it simply didnt work, if I hadnt backed up then I would no longer be able to use my phone.


  125. Hi unlockr some help would be great,
    I’ve rooted my Hero fine and now trying to load a custom rom. Downloaded villianROM5.2 and renamed to update. Turned on to recovery mode and have 3 options: reboot, apply, wipe. I wipe and that’s fine but when I try to apply it keeps coming up with an error and installation aborted! Have tried it a few time now, not sure what I’m doing wrong?

    Reading through the comments I’ve seen you mentioning reformatting the sd card? but have no clue how to do this and as i sadi there is only those 3 options in recovery mode! Hope I’m making sense?

  126. Dear unlocker

    For the last few days I have attempted to install the new sense rom 2.1 on my hero. It was my first attempt so needless to say I run into some problems and used your instructions. To cut a long story shortÒ€¦ going thought the various posts and your responses I am just incredibly impressed by your patients, maturity and time. So just to say thank you for your dedication, for providing this support and for being such a great teacher!

  127. okay, so i tried to downgrade my hero… got all the way to the actual installation, but it failed in the end πŸ™
    (i’m on 2.73 firmware… stupidly upgraded from 1.76 yesterday not knowing that i would plan to root it today)
    so i tried to root it anyways, and i used your method AND tech0stickglue’s method from youtube, and the procedures seemed to be fine, but for both of them, i ended up with a totally different boot screen with only 3 options: reboot, install, and wipe data.
    i followed all the instructions, but the just couldn’t be found by my phone.
    i used like 4 different ROMs to get it to work as well! but none of them were found.
    i’m guessing it’s cuz my phone wasn’t properly rooted, since i’m still on 2.73… but i don’t know what else to do to downgrade my phone.
    any ideas?

    p.s. your video explanations have been realllly good, like, so easy to follow!
    please get back to me soon

  128. Before i will download this.
    Can i fix it again?? I love my hero, and i don’t wanna destroy it. Please answer πŸ˜‰


  129. Thanks Guys!

    This worked. Got fed up waiting for carrier to get their act together and release 2.1. Now phone is rooted and booted and I can experience Éclair fully for myself πŸ™‚


  130. Hey there, I followed your root guide to the letter, that seemed to go fine. Then I downloaded Kagudroid rom and followed you rom install instructions. After finally clicking “reboot etc” the HERO logo appears but I don’t get the little green guy, then the kagudroid logo appears, it gets as far as loading the top bar (with the clock, battery, signal strength etc) and then I get “the application setup wizard ( has stopped unexpectedly. please try again” over and over and it won’t go any further.

    Please help because I think I have killed my phone. Also any guidance will have to be “in crayon” because I’m not really tech savvy without step by step instructions.

    Thanks guys

  131. I am also getting “The process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again”

    As fast as as I press force close, they keep popping up again

    Finally, Thanks guys


  132. Thanks, I have tried a different ROM, went for the Modaco (spellcheck) enhanced on here.

    Only now every time I try to go into my album (pictures etc) or my music player, I get has stopped unexpectedly please try again.

    Why does my phonehate me so much??! How do I fix this??

    Thank you

  133. Hi,
    I have rooted my Hero, but I cant seem to load a new ROM. I keep getting E: No signature (504 files)
    I cant also now access Android Market to get a file manager app. Any ideas?

    I also get E: Can’t open/cache/recovery/command before this, when I do a wipe.

    Has my rooting been unsuccessful?

  134. same thing as above. I have tried your version and fresh kitchen. I get blue lettering not green. going to try downgrading and try again. 2 hours and ready to say the hell with this. It isn’t this hard. what am I am doing wrong?

  135. If i have firmware version 1.5 and the MoDaCo Custom ROM(most recent build) and the phone is rooted, goldcard made, and RA recovery, will updating to the newest firmware affect any of these mods to the phone. or can i just upgrade and be fine? and if i update to eclair, can i put another rom on the phone so that i can continue to have wifi tether, and other goodies that i really enjoy. ???? What is the procedure to go about updating to the new firmware? and then installing eclair? And can you even install a new rom on eclair? i am trying to figure out if this question about updating firmware is relevent or not? Please let me know something…
    And thanks again, all the steps you have posted work flawlessly so far.

  136. OMFG! I can’t believe it worked! I’ve been waiting 6 months to root it and have my own custom ROM! Thanks Unlockr! πŸ˜€

  137. hey!
    thanks a lot…
    not my ‘old’ HERO on Orange UK runs a smoth Villain Room.. BETTER THEN 2.1!!!!

  138. Hi i was successful and rooted my hero gone to load 2.1 from htc website. renamed to update. did the wipe thing but it keeps saying install failed?

  139. Unlockr,
    Could you please reply to the post listed below from Derick. I want to root my phone but I think I may have the same issue as him. Before I do so I would like to make sure it can be done on my Sprint HTC Hero phone. Also my Hero doesn’t look like yours, is this an issue or just a different design?

    Derek says:
    February 24, 2010 at 12:48 pm

    Hi Unlockr,
    First up, my props to you for your amazing work. I’m reading everything i can here twice so i make sure i do this correctly. However, I have a Sprint HTC Hero and when i enter recovery mode [home + pwr button] I do NOT see the screen with the various options as shown in the video. It is a screen with a white background, little green android guys across the bottom and a couple of options, one of which is something to the effect of erase user data. That spooked me a tad so i tried to turn it off and the power button would not allow it to do so. I ended up having to pull the battery. When i put it back in, it seem dead β€œdead”, no lights, nada. I pulled the battery and waited longer, stuck it back in and luckily it powered back up.
    Per your Oct 11, ’09 post:
    β€œTheUnlockr Says: October 11th, 2009 at 1:00 pm
    Hello Ghecko,
    NO. There is no rooting method for the Sprint Hero yet.
    If someone wants to let me borrow one we could work on itÒ€¦”

    By that post, I understand there is no root access for the Sprint Hero yet and that explains why Titanium backup is giving me the message it is. [Although that confuses me being as there is a link: “How To: Root Your Sprint Hero in One Click! | The Unlockr”. Maybe that URL is from a later date and there is now rooting for Sprint HTC Hero?
    That being said, and being a premium Modaco member, i don’t think i can load a modaco ROM [custom or otherwise] UNLESS i can have those options from recovery mode to apply, no? Sorry for being so verbose, but I guess my real question is why my recovery mode screen is not what I see in the video i.e. with the options in green text?

    Many thanks,

  140. I am getting Error screen when i press home+power button on startup..
    I am running firmware 1.5
    Kindly help. Thanks

  141. hi, ive installed the froyd rom and everything seems fine except for my sync. i cannot sync with the pc programme. when plugging my usb into my hero the only option i get is for using it as a storage device via the usb. no sign of the sync option. any ideas what gone wrong?

  142. my phone wont go into the custom recovery when holding the power and home buttons, i have the hero for sprint does that make a differece?

  143. Hi,

    Whatever I do, I can’t boot to the the custom recovery screen. It just goes to a pic of the phone on it’s side under a large explanation mark. What am I doing wrong and how do I fix this?


  144. Hello Unlockr,

    I recently began the rooting process for my buddies Sprint HTC Hero. The phone was handed down to him, so neither he nor I know if the phone was rooted beforehand or not. Either way, when I got the phone, it was on firmware 1.5. I finished rooting the phone from the instructions on this site, and when I attempted to restart the phone by holding the home and power keys, I don’t go into Amon Ra’s recovery image, but another screen. This screen simply asks me if I wish to clear data or not. Nothing about flashing or wiping that Im used to. Im pretty sure that I properly flashed the recovery image in the Flashrec program. Any ideas as to what I am loading up when I restart my phone, or how to get to the Amon RA recovery image?

    Thanks for any help

      1. I reflashed Amon Ras recovery image, and it still isnt booting. When I restart by holding the Home and Power button, another image is opening instead of Aman Ra’s.
        Here is what I see on this image.

        HERO XC
        HBOOT-1.41.0000 (HERO20000)
        TOUCH PANEL-SYN0104
        Sep 1 2009, 19:18:45

        And then it justs asks me if I wish to clear all user data.

        How do I delete this image? Or is there another way to access Aman Ra’s image instead of this one?

        Like I said before, this is not my phone, I am rooting for a friend who was handed down this phone as well so he doesn’t know what the previous owner did with it

  145. I get this,

    E:Can’t open /cache/recovery/command

    –Install from sdcard…
    Finding update package…
    Opening update package…
    Verifying update package…
    E:signature verification failed
    Installation aborted.

    My cell is Rooted and on my sd card I have The Update zip file

    So why isn’t it working? PLZ someone help me.

    I have never been able to load a custom rom on my sprint htc hero πŸ™

  146. i have a sprint htc hero and i got all the way up to where i copy the files on my sd card and open threw file manager and installed the recovery flash but when i push Back up Recover button on recovery flash i get Backup FAILED: Could not run command thats as far as i can get. any help? πŸ™

  147. i have a sprint htc hero and i got all the way up to where i copy the files on my sd card and open threw file manager and installed the recovery flash but when i push Back up Recover button on recovery flash i get Backup FAILED: Could not run command thats as far as i can get. any help? πŸ™

  148. one problem save the custom rom and kernal to the root of the sd card don’t unzip the files go to install zip from from sd card then enjoy the custom. Rfom a

  149. Rooted and installed MoDaCo’s ROM .. But when i turn the phone on it passes the HERO screen then gets to an HTC screen and kinda freezes there then it automatically goes back to the HERO screen .. and same thing over and over… Can anyone please tell me whats the problem?

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